King Chuck, Nice Portrait Of You Burning In Hell

‘Satanic, Evil’: King Charles Unveils Hellish Self-Portrait

King Charles III personally unveiled a peculiar self-portrait Tuesday that depicts him in a fiery setting, in what many are calling a demonic rendition.

Footage showed the British monarch briefly spooked by the bizarre painting as he pulled the drawstring to reveal his first portrait since his coronation.

Social media recoils at ‘satanic’ depiction of 75-year-old British monarch.

Social media users commented the painting was eerie and ghastly, with some calling it an intentional callback to his Transylvanian bloodline.


Good job their chuckles, kind of pulled back the curtains a little too far?

The Most Dangerous People in America: College Professors

American college campuses are permeated with corrupted professors who themselves corrupt students. Without a doubt, college professors are the most dangerous people in America.

They’re not dangerous because they challenge the status quo or encourage their students to think critically. On the contrary, they are dangerous because they encourage impressionable young college students to adhere to the doctrines of the professors they choose without giving them the chance to meaningfully challenge those doctrines.

During the recent pro-Palestinian and pro-Hamas protests on elite college campuses, thousands of students put up tents on private property, commandeered university-owned buildings, defaced private property, and chanted disturbing, antisemitic rhetoric. But while we constantly talk about the actions of the students, we fail to recognize that these students aren’t alone but instead are educated and cheered on by their college professors.

At Columbia University, many of the university’s professors joined the protests, donning orange reflective vests and standing alongside students in protest of Israel and—apparently—in support of the students’ right to free speech. Of course, these professors, like their students, are not constitutional scholars, yet they teach their students that what they’re doing is protected.

The First Amendment does not protect the right to vandalize or trespass on private property, which is what these students were doing, or even make terroristic threats or aid a terrorist organization, which arguably many of these students did. The very idea that there were professors aiding the students in their illegal takeover of the university should sound alarm bells.


They are poisoning the mush heads they are teaching and getting them to believe in and act on wrong assumptions and positions.

27 Ways To Tell If You Are A Toxic Person

I’m was related to one. She fit a lot of these but is fortunately now gone. I lived though a lot of this and it’s not pretty.

“Am I toxic?”

Toxic is a word that’s thrown about a lot these days.

But how do you know if you are a toxic person?

What are some things that you might do that cause you to be a toxic influence in the lives of others?

That’s what we’re going to explore.

Speak to an accredited and experienced therapist to help with any negative personality traits you might have. You may want to try speaking to one via for quality care at its most convenient.

What Does It Mean To Be Toxic?

In the general sense of the word, something that is toxic is harmful to a person upon exposure.

A toxic person is one who causes harm to others through their words and actions.

There are varying levels of toxicity.

Some may just be bad behaviors, others can stem from personality disorders, and some may be rooted in a mental health disorder that can be physically damaging as well.

Toxic people leave others worse off than before they met or interacted with them.

Sometimes this harm is felt instantly. Other times, it builds slowly with time and repeated exposure.

With this in mind, how can you tell if you are the toxic person in your life?

Here are some of the signs you can look out for.

27 Signs You Are A Toxic Person

1. You are emotionally manipulative and controlling.

You seek to make others your pawns and have them do as you wish.

You boss people around, micromanage situations, and use various forms of emotional blackmail to ensure you get your own way.

Subtlety is not your forte. You can be very blunt and rude to the point where it shocks other people.

Alternatively, you may feign upset and use tears as a way to guilt people into doing what you want.

When other people realize this about you, they may experience anxiety whenever you are around for fear of being targeted.

If this is something you do to one individual a lot, it can even result in depression and the destruction of their self-confidence.

Click here for rest of the list. It is a bit too long for me to put it all here but I bet everyone that reads it has someone that fits this.

Asshole Students At Duke Walk Out On Jerry Seinfeld Commencement, Organizing Suspect Revealed

One of the most decent guys in the world got the Anti-Jewish Hate treatment from some snotty elitist little commies.

Jerry Seinfeld is by no means the most political or controversial actor/comedian out there, but when he took the stage at Duke University’s commencement ceremony, it ultimately caused a chorus of “boos” and pro-Palestinian chants, as well as a walkout by students.

Seinfeld, who is Jewish, is the parent of two Duke students and an active supporter of the university. He has been vocal in his support for Israel following the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel on October 7. His wife also funded a pro-Israel protest at UCLA last week. When Seinfeld was announced as this year’s commencement speaker, some students expressed opposition to his appearance over his support of Israel, and warned that there would be a display of opposition at the commencement ceremony.


Here’s the suspect (from the Bee, so tongue in cheek here):

Companies should identify these kids and not hire them. Parents should be ashamed for their students conduct and for sending them to Duke and for being on the side of wrong and hate.

Ozempic Butt, That’s A Good One

What They Were Doing To Us This Time Last Election – GFY

The Karen Party has no place for men

Men are abandoning the Democratic Party, and people are beginning to notice.

This weekend, President Donald Trump’s super PAC Make America Great Again released an ad targeting black men in rural Georgia. It features a white, professionally dressed woman working a phone bank for President Joe Biden who talks to a male voice whose owner we never see. Here is the script:

WHITE WOMAN: Hello, I’m with the Biden campaign.
MALE VOICE: Yeah, yeah, I voted for Biden last time.
WHITE WOMAN: That’s fantastic.
MALE VOICE: Is it? Everything costs more: food, gas, rent.
WHITE WOMAN: OK, but Biden’s helping pay rent for “newcomers” to America from around the world.
MALE VOICE: You mean illegal immigrants? I’m struggling to pay my bills, but Biden’s paying rent for illegals? They get handouts and I’m paying for it.
WHITE WOMAN: But Biden can still count on your vote, right?
MALE VOICE: Things were better before Biden. I’m voting for Trump.

“Some among the social services intelligentsia contend that a low-income, single-woman household can raise a cohesive family if given enough government help and cash,” King writes. “After all, goes the argument, Black women have strength beyond bloodlines, including supportive community connections.”

And it is not just black women. The foundational creed of the modern Democratic Party is that fathers are not necessary. All mothers need to raise children, according to the Democratic Party, are checks from the federal government. Marriage is just one choice among many for Democrats. If the mother doesn’t want the father around, that’s great. More power to her.

King disagrees. He quotes his colleague William Raspberry: “Are Black fathers necessary? You know, I’m old and I’m tired, and there are just some things that I just don’t want to debate anymore. One of them is whether African American children need fathers. Another is whether marriage matters. Does marriage matter? You bet it does. Are Black fathers necessary? Damn straight we are.”

Raspberry and King are right. Marriage does matter. Black children, particularly sons, need married fathers in the home. 

The white lady at the Biden call center doesn’t get this. She can’t. Her top priorities are abortion and female participation in the workforce. She couldn’t care less about the plight of men. Just look at the “Who We Serve” page of the Democratic Party’s website. As Survey Center on American Life founder Daniel Cox notes, out of 16 groups mentioned, including “Democrats Abroad,” “LGBTQ+ Community,” and of course, “Women,” the word “Men” appears nowhere. 

Men will only stand for so much shit. The real men will always fight, it’s just at what point do you stop bending and break.

So for the Karen’s, go vote for Biden. You’ll pay for that decision. It’s hard to believe they can’t think this through and see how that story ends. There is a lot of history out there and it’s never a happy ending when you go down that street.


Justice Is Served – Business Owners Refuse to Hire Columbia Grads After Pro-Palestinian Protest

Some business owners are expressing opposition to hiring alumni from Columbia University amid ongoing pro-Palestinian protests at the Ivy League school in New York City.

In a post to X, formerly Twitter, Tom McClellan, the editor of The McClellan Market Report said that he will no longer be hiring “any recent graduate of Columbia, because that school is so tainted.

“And I furthermore will not hire any older graduates either, because it has become evident that the academic rot is so deeply ingrained as to taint others who have come through that institution in the past several years,” McClellan wrote.

Columbia University
A woman walks past Israeli and U.S. flags alongside portraits of Israelis taken hostage by the Palestinian militant group Hamas, in front of the pro-Palestinian encampment at the Columbia University on April 28 in…

CHARLY TRIBALLEAU/AFP via Getty Images/Getty Images

“I cannot have faith that any former Columbia student could have achieved sufficient academic success, especially in light of the overwhelming recent evidence that the academic requirements there are so lax such that students have time to go set up protests on the quad instead of studying.”

Similarly, consultant Warren Kinsella said: “At the firm I founded 18 years ago, and in the war rooms I’ve run for the past 31 years, I’ve employed hundreds of young people. I’ll never again hire one from @Columbia.”


This feels like when someone speeds past you and the cop just ahead pulls them over

FAFO – 13 Federal Judges Say They Will No Longer Hire Law Clerks From Columbia University, Citing ‘Virulent Spread of Antisemitism’ and ‘Explosion of Student Disruptions’

Not only that, they are using AI to identify the losers who were protesting.

Thirteen federal judges said Monday that they would no longer hire law clerks from Columbia College or Columbia Law School after the university allowed an encampment on its lawn to spiral into a destructive occupation of a campus building. The judges cited the “explosion of student disruptions” and the “virulent spread of antisemitism” at Columbia, which has now canceled its main graduation ceremony because of the unrest.

Led by appellate judges James Ho and Elizabeth Branch, who spearheaded a clerkship boycott of Yale Law School in 2022 and Stanford Law School in 2023, as well as by Matthew Solomson on the U.S Court of Federal Claims, the judges wrote in a letter to Columbia president Minouche Shafik that they would no longer hire “anyone who joins the Columbia University community—whether as undergraduates or as law students—beginning with the entering class of 2024.”

“Freedom of speech protects protest, not trespass, and certainly not acts or threats of violence or terrorism,” the judges wrote. “It has become clear that Columbia applies double standards when it comes to free speech and student misconduct.”


It was almost a lock to get hired with a degree from Columbia. They are either that stupid, or have bought the hate indoctrination lock, stock and barrel.

Job For Just One Day? Be A Super Hero

What’s a job you would like to do for just one day?

It would be cool to be Captain America or Superman for a day.

Having to wake up and save the world all the time would be too much responsibility, but it would be cool to be a bad ass and protect others.

Either that or be Captain Kirk.

Airline Baggage Handling Hall Of Shame

Bag and tag? Meet name and shame. Here’s a list of airlines ranked by bags mishandled per 100, or BMPH. FYI: All five airlines lose at least one bag per every 200 bags handled.

  1. JetBlue (0.52 BMPH) — It’s been on my no-fly list since it moved my flight to an earlier time without warning.
  2. Spirit Airlines (0.53 BMPH) — Anyone else think they’d be higher up on this list?
  3. Alaska (0.57 BMPH) — No excuse for a smaller airline, IMO.
  4. United Airlines (0.73 BMPH) — Who remembers the viral “United Breaks Guitars” video? So good.

And at No. 1: American Airlines (0.76 BMPH) — American sits at the top … of a massive pile of lost luggage. It misplaced 800,198 bags in 2023, or nearly one in every 100 bags it handled. Talk about emotional baggage.

One bright spot:

Without a single lost bag at Japan’s Kansai International Airport (KIX). Yup, officials there say they haven’t lost a customer’s bag since 1994. The workers confirm it but say it’s NBD; they’re just doing their jobs! I wish U.S. baggage handlers had the same idea — then, we wouldn’t need an AirTag in every bag!

h/t Kim Komando

I’ve all but given up on traveling. Whatever there is to see is not worth the hassle that comes along with it. For me, that goes beyond the airlines, it’s an introvert thing anymore, me wanting to be alone in my home.

Having to live the first part of your trip without luggage, the hassle of dealing with the airlines to find it and the delays on the other side of the trip is a big downer. I’ve done it.

I’ve been to Japan. It’s a 17 hour flight time trip, 24 including the airport waits. It was nice, but not worth it just to find a place that won’t lose my luggage.

How The Anti-Israel Protest Was Planned And Paid For

In 2023. What other crap are we going to have to put up with?

Not on this list or is their incognito is Soros

Social Media And Mental Health For Females

Most of the time when we talk about social media being bad for us we mean for our mental health. These platforms make us anxious, depressed, and insecure, and for many reasons: the constant social comparison; the superficiality and inauthenticity of it all; being ranked and rated by strangers. All this seems to make us miserable.

But I don’t just think it makes us miserable. I’ve written before about how it makes us bitchy. And self-absorbed. And over time I’m becoming convinced that our most pressing concern isn’t that social media makes us feel worse about ourselves. It’s that social media makes us worse people.

Social comparison, for example. This is one of the main problems people mention when talking about the harms of social media. Constantly comparing our beauty, our success, our lifestyle, our popularity, to infinite streams of other people makes us feel anxious and inadequate, yes. But I also think it makes us resentful. Bitter. Competitive. Quietly wishing for others to fail. We talk constantly about what like, follow and comment metrics do to our self-esteem—but don’t they also make us so shallow? We hate when people judge us by numbers on a screen, but aren’t we doing it all the time, to everyone else, even subconsciously? We talk endlessly about how editing apps and filters give girls and young women anxiety and body dysmorphia, which is important, but never about how they make us competitive, envious, vain. Sometimes it’s not my self-esteem I’m worried about. It’s who I become when I obsess over my profile and image and what everyone else is doing. Sometimes I lock my screen and don’t like who is looking back at me in its black reflection.


Did They Find Jimmy Hoffa Buried There Also?

A 9/11 victim’s DNA helped police identify remains — found more than 20 years ago under a famed New York City address — as those of a teen last seen in 1969, authorities said.

Construction workers made the gruesome discovery on Feb. 10, 2003, at 301 W. 46th St. in Manhattan’s Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood, where the famed rock night club Steve Paul’s The Scene once played host to some of music’s biggest acts.

“They were knocking through the concrete floor [and] a skull rolled out,” New York Police Detective Ryan Glas told NBC New York.

Publicly accessible DNA records, including those of a victim of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, linked the 2003 remains to Patricia Kathleen McGlone, a Brooklyn girl who would have been about 16 in 1969.


Any time I Can Be Alone Is My Favorite Day

What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?

I’ve always had a problem with attention on me or the hustle and bustle of holidays.

It’s counterintuitive to me that people act one way because someone said a day is different and then revert back when it was over.

I learned that it’s because of my introverted nature that causes me to process things differently than others.

It’s why days alone to recharge are better for me. They are my vacation and holidays.

I never got birthdays either. It’s just another day for me. I prefer not being the center of attention.

I’m glad others get excited about it but it’s not for me.

I refuse to use Emoji’s

What are your favorite emojis?

Everybody has their own preferences. I find them annoying and superfluous. It just seems like clutter instead of saying something directly.

Here’s how I really feel

My experience has been that females are more likely to use them. It also seems like they are for a younger generation than mine, so I don’t use them.

They also can be misinterpreted to mean the wrong thing, something I avoid at all costs.

They add color to the text, but not always meaning. My world is black-and-white.

George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests – Prick

George Soros and his hard-left acolytes are paying agitators who are fueling the explosion of radical anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country.

The protests, which began when students took over Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus lawn last week, have mushroomed nationwide.

Copycat tent cities have been set up at colleges including Harvard, Yale, Berkeley in California, the Ohio State University and Emory in Georgia — all of them organized by branches of the Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) — and at some, students have clashed with police.


No wonder they are so willing to hate Jews on campus. The chief anti-Semite is behind it. He’s going to have a lot to answer for when he dies

Where Was This Teacher When I Was Growing Up?

Michelle Solis, 46, pled no contest after being accused of raping a 14-year-old student on the child’s eighth grade graduation day in 2021.

A press release from District Attorney Mike Ramsey indicated that Solis, who was a 20-year veteran educator, raped the 14-year-old inside a locked classroom on graduation day, Daily Mail reported. Solis also allegedly sent explicit photos to the boy which “made their way back to local parents,” facilitating the investigation by police.

Solis, who was the boy’s teacher at the middle school, “friended” him on Instagram a few weeks prior to his graduation. Records indicate that was the start of her inappropriate relationship in which she allegedly sent him four inappropriate images. Then, on the day of his graduation from Sycamore Junior High School in northern California, she raped him.”


Not once did a teacher ever try this in any school that I knew of. Hell, I had a crush on my German teacher. Why didn’t she try it? She was about 25 at the time. I wouldn’t have fought back

Anything deep, I’m an introvert and avoid small talk.

What topics do you like to discuss?

I’m not afraid to discuss anything that’s interesting. I can cover a large range of topics and do when prompted.

What is difficult for me is small talk. The banality of it is a painful exercise that I have to go through.

So my talking skills are good with deep conversations and any distraction to end small talk and my having to suffer through it.

When does ‘old age’ really begin? Seniors think 75 is the new 65

Are we getting older later in life? People dread the idea of aging, however, a new study from an international team of researchers reveals the definition of “old age” is changing. Compared to previous generations, people now put off considering themselves “old” until later in life.

The study, conducted by a team of researchers from Germany and the United States and published in the journal Psychology and Aging, analyzed data from over 14,000 people born between 1911 and 1974 who participated in the ongoing German Ageing Survey. Participants were asked a simple question: “At what age would you describe someone as old?”

According to the team’s findings, people in their mid-60s believe “old age” begins around 75. This perception, though, varied significantly across different generations or “birth cohorts.” People born later, especially those born after 1935, tended to push back the age at which they considered someone old. In other words, the threshold for being considered “old” has shifted upwards over time.


Sometimes I feel younger than my age and sometimes I wonder how long I have

The times I didn’t say no

Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?

It’s more than one time, but it’s the same thing. I got asked to do something, go somewhere or be with some people that I shouldn’t have.

It was about setting boundaries. I remember the feeling or not wanting to be there, we’re doing whatever we were doing, saying the things I said or being with the people I was with.

If I had learned to say no, instead of going with the crowd, a lot of things would’ve turned out differently. I would have gotten in a lot less trouble, not done as many stupid things and would have not been in situations I didn’t want to be in.

I learned the hard way to protect myself from these instances and people, and as a result of gotten in to a lot less trouble.

Diversity – Shows Up In Meme’s

If they say diversity is our strength, they’re lying. Unity is our strength. Diversity does what it says, it divides us into groups to split our strength, loyalty, creativeness and the essence of what has taken us to the pinnacle of civilization.

Don’t believe the woke. They destroy everything they touch, on purpose. Obama started it when he said he would fundamentally change the country. He was talking about Diversity, DEI, CRT, disunity, hate, envy, covet and all the things that can bring down a nation from within.

How Boeing Went Bad As A Company

Boeing is the flagship of U.S. airpower and aerospace. But in recent years, its planes have fallen out of the sky. Why?

Boeing is decaying due to succession failure in engineering and on the factory floor.

Read the new @bismarckanlys Brief here:


The Decay of Boeing The aircraft manufacturer is the flagship company of U.S. airpower and aerospace. Succession failure in engineering and on the factory floor now threatens its functionality.

There are only two companies in the world capable of building and exporting the largest type of civilian aircraft, the “jumbo jet”: Boeing and Europe’s Airbus.

Since 1992, Boeing has gone from enjoying 70% market share to falling behind Airbus in orders and manufacturing.


Manufacturing aircraft is very expensive and technically challenging.

Only about a thousand large civilian aircraft are sold every year, so margins are small despite government subsidies, unlike say cars or microchips.

Any advantage or efficiency is crucial.


It was thus disastrous when, in 2018-19, two new Boeing airplanes crashed, killing 345 people in total.

And, since January 2024, Boeing planes have seen a series of incidents, some nearly catastrophic, including a mid-air nosedive that injured over fifty people.


These two series of incidents are unrelated.

But both stem from succession failure: when the power and skills to succeed in a position within an organization are not passed down from one person to their successor, especially including tacit and informal knowledge.


Succession failure in the engineering offices caused the two fatal crashes, as Boeing ended up designing and then delivering planes that, essentially, were programmed to crash themselves during a particular set of circumstances.

Which they then did, twice.


To date, nobody has been held responsible for the series of fatal errors.

But that is because no error on its own was fatal, just the combination of them, which no engineer at Boeing recognized in time or had the authority to act on, if they did recognize it.


Boeing is not the same company it once was.

Its non-technical managers and executives favored new factories in South Carolina rather than its core Seattle factories, where experienced workers were unionized and more expensive.

Go here to find out about them trusting the MBA mentality instead of the people who knew how to build planes, solve problems and run a company.

They got infected by DEI also and woke ruins everything it touches

More DEI In Air Traffic Control, Another Near Miss Because Of The Incompetent – Screams From The Tower

These days, the US aviation industry is like watching a disaster movie, but this is no film—it’s real life, and it’s unfolding right above us.
The latest “movie disaster” unfolded on the runway in the DC Swamp. Two planes, one from Jet Blue and the other from Southwest, nearly collided. You could hear the panic crackling through the air traffic control tower as they scrambled to handle yet another near-miss moment.

Sadly, the situation in the control tower reflects this diversity emphasis, but not in the way we’d hope. The chaos up there sounds like it comes from a diverse group, alright—at least their panic is inclusive. The real trouble seems to circle right back to the left’s DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) agenda, which prioritizes charity over excellence. This shift in focus is hitting us where it hurts, turning our air traffic control towers into scenes from the movie “Airplane!” And that’s no joke for anyone who’s up in the air. This should scare the heck out of every single American traveler.


As Always, get woke, go broke only broke in this case could be death

She’s A Slut, No Wonder He Dumped Her

A model who is carving a name out for herself by bonking students around the world says there is a Mr Right out there for her but he’d need to accept her job.

Bonnie Blue says that any suitor would have to support what she does for a living, and maybe even accept being funded by her racy exploits.

She’d need her fella’s backing when she chooses to take part in the sexy stunts she’s become famous for, like her recent Spring Break trip, where the 24-year-old jetted off to Cancun to bed 100 US students over a three-week period.


It reminds me of my college girlfriend who went on to be a traveling whore (stewardess)

This Guy Is A Serious Loser

And so is Nike.

A lot has happened since Dylan Mulvaney pranced around his yard in a Nike sports bra last April.

Days after his face appeared on Bud Light cans—the controversy that launched a thousand boycotts—the sight of him doing jumping jacks in women’s workout gear was almost worst. And a stock chart that looks like a downhill ski slope proves it. Months after the country protested with a bonfire of bra burning, the only swoosh Nike hears now is the sound of profits gushing. 

While Bud Light hogged most of the spotlight with its historic collapse, the devastation of Nike’s trans advocacy is real. By August of last year, the brand of Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods was experiencing what experts called “its biggest losing streak since 1980.” With catastrophic losses—upward of $13 billion in market value—consumer outrage was packing a serious punch.


As always, get woke go broke

It Looks Like Someone Can Finally Define What A Woman Is

JK Rowling Goes Where Ketanji Brown Jackson Would Not: Defines “Woman”

It was a moment that defined the now-Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson nomination hearing, an iconic cultural moment.

Do you remember where you were when KBJ was asked: “Can you provide a definition for the word ‘woman’?”

KBJ refused to answer, saying “I’m not a biologist.” But that wasn’t the problem, and she knew it. KJB didn’t want to answer because acknowledging that there are fundamental and unchangeable biological differences between men and women would be to take on the trans ideology that “transwomen are women, period.”

We covered it here, Ketanji Brown Jackson Can’t Define What A Woman Is: “I’m Not A Biologist”

ere was her answer:

You’ve asked me several questions on this thread and accused me of avoiding answering, so here goes.

I believe a woman is a human being who belongs to the sex class that produces large gametes. It’s irrelevant whether or not her gametes have ever been fertilised, whether or not she’s carried a baby to term, irrelevant if she was born with a rare difference of sexual development that makes neither of the above possible, or if she’s aged beyond being able to produce viable eggs. She is a woman and just as much a woman as the others.

I don’t believe a woman is more or less of a woman for having sex with men, women, both or not wanting sex at all. I don’t think a woman is more or less of a woman for having a buzz cut and liking suits and ties, or wearing stilettos and mini dresses, for being black, white or brown, for being six feet tall or a little person, for being kind or cruel, angry or sad, loud or retiring. She isn’t more of a woman for featuring in Playboy or being a surrendered wife, nor less of a woman for designing space rockets or taking up boxing. What makes her a woman is the fact of being born in a body that, assuming nothing has gone wrong in her physical development (which, as stated above, still doesn’t stop her being a woman), is geared towards producing eggs as opposed to sperm, towards bearing as opposed to begetting children, and irrespective of whether she’s done either of those things, or ever wants to.

Womanhood isn’t a mystical state of being, nor is it measured by how well one apes sex stereotypes. We are not the creatures either porn or the Bible tell you we are. Femaleness is not, as trans woman Andrea Chu Long wrote, ‘an open mouth, an expectant asshole, blank, blank eyes,’ nor are we God’s afterthought, sprung from Adam’s rib.


Stop Blaming Men For The Marriage Crisis

In fact, stop blaming men in general for your problems.

Charlie Kirk upset a lot of women last week. In a discussion on unmarried women preferring Democrats, he said that ladies in their 30s are past their prime and struggle to find a husband. 

This is obviously true, but impolite to say. Kirk’s statement naturally inspired outrage among liberals, as well as among conservatives. That shouldn’t surprise anyone. Kirk’s opinion runs counter to the prevailing conservative narrative about the decline of marriage. Conservatives say it’s all men’s fault and we need to do more to shame males into stepping up. 

But this male-focused answer isn’t correct. It’s true that men are falling behind in society and leaving college-educated women with fewer options. But that’s not because men are refusing to put down the video games and go to trade school. Rather, it’s because of social transformations that deprioritize men and traditional masculinity. Our economy is now centered around the service and information sectors, both of which are female dominated. More women go to college and graduate school than men. Male wages are in decline and more men than women report zero dating prospects. Women, in contrast, are the big winners of our new society. Many of them now think they have infinite choice when it comes to their life and relationships. This better explains the marriage crisis than men’s love of video games.


They ruin education and colleges and want to blame someone else. When the Sh*t gets too thick, men will bail. There isn’t anything women have that will make us put up with them when they get too intolerable.

John Wayne Bobbitt, First His D*ck, Now His Toes

John Wayne Bobbitt has had his toes amputated over 30 years since he made headlines when then-wife Lorena Bobbitt sliced off penis.

The former Marine, 57, has been diagnosed with toxic peripheral polyneuropathy, he revealed in a new interview with The Sun, due to his time at infamous military base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina in the ’80s, when the base’s water was severely contaminated.

The condition involves damage to the peripheral nervous system, which sends signals between the central nervous system and other body parts, per the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

According to John, who now lives in Florida, it has caused him both nerve damage and osteomyelitis, a bone infection that leads to ulcers and requires skin grafts.


Question For The Day – Describe a Decision You Made In The Past That Helped You Learn Or Grow

Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow.

When I stopped caring what people thought of me. It was incredibly freeing when you don’t have to worry about your image in other people’s minds.

I heard of saying that went like this, “you’ll stop caring what other people think about you when you realize how little they do “.

Why I Have Trust Issues With Doctors – 57% of US docs received payments totaling over $12 billion from Big Pharma in less than a decade

A report has found that nearly six in 10 doctors in the United States received payments from Big Pharma firms between 2013 and 2022.

This is according to a study done by researchers at Pennsylvania State University, which found that around 57 percent of doctors collectively received approximately $12.1 billion from medical device manufacturers and pharmaceutical drug makers between 2013 and 2022.

“Despite evidence that financial conflicts of interest may influence physician prescribing and may damage patients’ trust in medical professionals, such payments remain pervasive,” the researchers wrote.

The researchers used data from the platform Open Payments – a publicly accessible national database where drug and medical device companies disclose payments and gifts made to physicians – for their study.

They found that from August 2013 to August 2022, American drug and device manufacturers made more than 85 million individual payments to 826,313 of the more than 1.4 million eligible doctors in the United States.

The payments that the researchers included in their study were both in cash and non-cash equivalents. Most went to consulting services and non-consulting fees, such as payments for serving as a speaker.


Describe a positive thing of family member is done for you

Describe a positive thing a family member has done for you.

This is counterintuitive, but a sibling leaving was the most positive thing for me. Growing up, I had a sister that fought with my parents and caused all kinds of consternation in the house.

Fortunately, she got married early and when she left the house got quieter and all of our lives got better.

Describe some thing you learned in high school

Describe something you learned in high school.

The leaving it would be my favorite thing. I instinctively knew that my best days were ahead and that those who were stellar in high school had reached their peak. They were the Al Bundy’s who would re-live high school the rest of their lives.

I’d been stuck with these losers since kindergarten and getting away from them and the town was my introvert dream.

One of my favorite things in life is closing a chapter and never going back. It started with high school.

Attachment Anxiety – A New Psychosis For Shit Happened To You In Life That You Want To Blame On Others

This is a common reflex in modern life—convincing ourselves that we are sick instead of reacting to something. It’s not your diet or lack of exercise; it’s depression. It’s not trauma from sexual assault; it’s BPD. It’s not the insane intensity of modern life; it’s ADHD. Honestly it’s bizarre how many of these are you anxiously attached?

I’ll post an excerpt from the rest of the story, but this is the same stuff the rest of us went through in life and we learned to deal with it. Stop blaming others and realize that not everything works out. You should feel lucky that it doesn’t. Thank God I’m not stuck with the list of people that turned out to be losers in my past. I’m grateful I don’t have to put up with their crap.

Grow up and learn to live your life instead of the last 5 seconds.

They need to stop giving these girls another thing to obsess over and let them live normal lives. Here’s my advice, stay off of social media and watch how fast you get better.

Here’s the rest, if you dare/care.

This is the relevant quote: That attachment theory can sometimes mask real problems and, like much else in modern life, encourage women to go inwards too much and obsessively self-scrutinise.

Lately it feels as if everything depends on me figuring out my attachment style. If I want professional success I need to recognise my childhood patterns and reparent myself. If I want to maintain friendships I first have to heal my inner child. And for any chance of a successful relationship I need to prioritise processing my trauma and assessing our attachment styles.

Attachment theory is very popular among Gen Z. The theory dates back to the 1950s, based on research by psychologists John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth. Ainsworth identified three main attachment styles: secure, anxious and avoidant, after assessing children’s responses to separation and reunion with their caregivers. Generally, those with anxious attachment tend to be needy and seek reassurance, avoidants are more distant and independent, while secures are confident and comfortable.

Since then it’s become popular to apply attachment theory to adult relationships—especially online. There’s the #attachmenttheory TikToks with over 300 million views. There’s every kind of attachment quiz you could conceive of (“Your Attachment Style Is Based On Harry Potter Characters”!) As well as attachment therapists, attachment podcasts, dating apps based on attachment styles, even Little Miss Anxious Attachment T-shirts. But most concerning to me are the online forums. Forums filling up with what seems like mostly young women ruminating about their relationships and analysing how anxious they are.

The more popular this gets, the more I’m starting to see problems with it. My main worry is that we might be deceiving ourselves.

Happy National Sibling Day

I know mine made my life a lot harder than it needed to be growing up. When we could have bonded, I got someone who was actively against me doing well, instead of being supportive. It must have been insecurity, but trying to bring someone down to build yourself up is no way to live.

My other sibling has been gone for 12 years. We didn’t grow up together and there was no bonding because she was pathological. It’s a good thing I found out how to be alone in life and not worry about others.

See Eating Alone as an Introvert a couple of posts down and you’ll know why.

Eating Alone As An Introvert

This will seem matter of fact for those who are introverts because it’s as normal as waking up. I thought that I’d write down the journey that I took to discover this pleasure.

Before I knew I was introverted (although I suspected it) I was traveling for business in the IT industry. My job rarely required a team so I found myself traveling alone a lot. While there was some sense of anticipation before the trip (that I’d learn to loathe), the return home was a recover trip from the people I had to deal with either in groups or one on one.

Inevitably, this would find me in an airport lounge/restaurant or a hotel before or after my business meeting with no one else in town. I’d already flown for hours while reading a book (before movies on flights and well before wifi), so dinner was just an extension of that.

I suppose I could have sought out others, but it was simpler and easier to eat and go back to preparing for my meeting or whatever the agenda was the next day. The people I was meeting usually lived in the city I was visiting so they had families. Once business was done, I had wrapped up any further association in my mind. If I had multiple meetings, I needed to plan for the next day so it was dinner alone usually.

I love to read and books have been my best friend before video games or electronic distractions on trips (and still are). I’d get lost on a spy novel and was identifying as the protagonist by mid flight on my way out of town. I was imagining myself as Edward X. Delaney, Jason Bourne or Mitch Rapp depending on the decade

To continue reading while eating seemed normal to me. I didn’t know it wasn’t, until people I worked with thought it was odd for me to order a table for one. Some of them refused to eat if they had to do it alone, but I wanted to eat and to not be bothered by conversation that was just banter. I could also be finished on my schedule rather than putting up with someone else’s agenda.

By now, I’d realized that if I ate alone, I didn’t have to mess with others during or afterwards. It started to become a pattern for me.

I also worked on the trade show tour, meaning you’d have to spend a week with people you never associated with back in your home city. It seemed obvious to me that I didn’t really want to eat with them, although protocol forced me to at times.

Since trade shows tended to be in towns with night life, like Las Vegas, at the end of the day the extroverts couldn’t wait to rev up to some drinking, gambling and other cavorting. I’ll get to that later.

As I transitioned to Analyst Relations, there were conferences that resembled the structure of a trade show. Work all day together and then be stuck in a city not home to anyone and most gravitated to socializing including eating together.


Alcohol is the grease in the gears of socializing. It turns introverts into extroverts if only even for a night. I did imbibe early in my career, but life decisions caused me to stop. It changed my socializing as dramatically as that decision.

I’d also gotten married by then and saw first hand the shenanigans that went on during travel. Almost 100% was fueled by drinking and nothing would have happened sober. So I looked at this as just another opportunity to be alone.


At the end of the day in trade shows, in fact before the end of the day the topic of conversation was what bar, party, other place (strip club for some) they would all go to. While still a reader and having my social battery worn down by the end of the day (and knowing I’d have to face these people the next day(s)), I had to think of an escape to be alone. It of course was to recharge and to get away from people if only for a short time.

My counter offer was who wants to work out. I’d wait until they were neck deep in wanting to order their first drink so I knew full well I’d be rebuffed. Never once did anyone take me up on it. By then, my goal was to eat alone, not to accidentally wind up that way.

Now, even though I’m retired, I actively try to eat alone on travel, but also at home. I enjoy the nightly meal with the family left in my house, but I’m still as happy to read while eating. It doesn’t seem strange to me, but my extrovert friends and family don’t and never will get it.

Things I’ve learned.

  1. It’s just fine to eat alone. Don’t be shamed into thinking there is anything wrong with it. Just like some people have to small talk or have company, others prefer the opposite.
  2. You are never alone if you have a book. Surfing the web is quick and random. A book draws you out and can take time to develop the characters and affect your emotions.
  3. If you learn to be ok by yourself, life will be a lot easier to manage.

Things About People I Observe At The Gym

Being an introvert, I tend to notice a lot of details about people. I’m at the gym a few times a week and thanks to my health plan, I belong to multiple gyms. These observations are the same though.


No matter what the media tries to tell us about gender identity, males are distinctly different than females (no shit Sherlock). It’s a fashion show for the girls. They dress up in multiple layers, wear makeup and are far more concerned about their looks than the guys.

Sure, I occasionally catch a meathead trying to see how big his biceps are in the mirror, but they check out their form. Girls are looking at their hair, asses, outfits and other girls who might be the competition for best dressed, prettiest or some other bauble more desirable than what they are wearing.

Speaking of clothes, I can tell just how far a girl is into her workout by the state of her clothes. They mostly start with some form of sweats covering up everything. It is still somewhat suggestive as a shoulder is showing or the top is cut to the midriff, but mostly it is discreet to start.

As the workout progresses, various layers of clothes come off. I get that you work up a sweat, but the truth is that most of them are looking at their phone or talking more than working out (except on the cardio machines). Not a one of them has a bead of sweat on them and the a/c is close to meat locker in there. It is part of the show. So full sweats, just starting. Just the sweat top, mid workout. If they are down to their matching top and bottom, accessorized with matching socks, shoes, phone, scrunchie, earphones and other, it’s near the end or over 30 minutes into their routine.

Let me say that there is no way they don’t know they are putting on a show. They look at themselves far too much for it not to be. Frequently, the outfits are so small and revealing that constant adjustment must be made to not let something slip out. Their clothes aren’t hiding anything anymore anyway.

The guys are likely to come in wearing anything. It’s in levels of fashion spanning decades of styles with matching unkempt hair. They do rival the girls for most tattoo’s though. Looking their best is not at the top of the list of most of the guys I notice.

I’m in a college town and these girls are in the prime of their lives. Their bodies are in shape just for waking up. Time will take it’s toll on them like it does with everyone, but this is the best they are going to be.


It’s a shame that life is the way it is. You haven’t explored your abilities or learned enough about what you can do to make the most of yourself. Take sex for example. Just because you have one set of equipment or the other doesn’t mean you know how to use it yet. It takes practice and discovery to really be good at it. Very few who look their best are good in the sack. Conversely, when you figure most things out about you and how to take care of the other person, you’ve used up the years where you were in your prime without knowing it. I digress.

I listen to some of the conversations (because I can’t drown it out with my noise cancelling earbuds) and the discussion is benign and childish. It’s the same thing with your sex equipment. Just because you look great and have what guys want certainly doesn’t make you smart or interesting. I wonder to myself if I was stuck with one of these girls, what the hell would I even be able to talk about. I can’t listen to their droning on about their inexperienced and uneducated lives. The depth of their knowledge wouldn’t cover your feet in the pool of life. It hasn’t happened enough to them in life to really know about much yet. Once they learn, the prime of their physical life is over.

I’m not giving a lot of the guys a pass either, but they don’t talk much so it’s mostly about what set they are on and what body part they are working on. It gives no indication of their education or ability to be interesting conversationally.

The other thing I like to notice is who people remind me of. Nearly every time I’m there, I see someone who reminds me of a person I’ve met in life. I give them names in my head of that person. It also makes me think of how they will look when life takes it’s toll on their bodies and looks. Who is going to get an expanding back porch. Who is getting a gut. Who’s hair is falling out and what other ailment is going to happen when they get older.

I think about other things that bother the heck out of me a lot more than what others look like, when I have to use the public toilet for example. That happened to me at the gym recently.

People are interesting. I’d rather look at them than talk to them it seems. The gym is certainly the place for people watching. If I was busy talking, I’d never stop to notice or think about these things, but that is the introvert life.

I Knew Guys In Girls Sports Was Just A Chance To Watch Girls In The Locker Room

I wondered how long it would take before a guy just decided that for a while, he’d call himself she, kick ass in a girls sports and then watch the girls undress. All the while he’d be protected for doing what a bunch of puberty driving hormonal guys have wanted to do since Porky’s.

What I want to know is where are the big mouthfeminists who hate men so much on this one? Oh, they can’t wait to fry someone like Trump, but a guy pulling a prank like this is protected under the tranny label is getting a free show. It shows how lame the feminists really are in their arguments.

Here goes.

  • We were told our daughters would be safe.
  • We were told “transwomen” wouldn’t be inappropriate in locker rooms, showers, and restrooms. We were told no one is taking advantage of female-only sports. We were told there’s no difference between “transwomen” and females.
  • We were told to shut up, know our place, and include biological males.
  • We were told to embrace misogyny and sexism.

A biological male known as Lazuli Clark, who plays on the female basketball, volleyball, and track & field teams at KIPP Academy in Massachusetts, was suspended from the female-only rowing team after a girl accused him of leering at her breasts in a locker room.

By the way, this is the same biological male who injured three females during a basketball game, causing the team to forfeit.

Clark is 6’0″ and has facial hair.

He also participates in tae kwon do and rowing, which are not at the school. In track & field, he competes in two events where that Y chromosome really helps, especially after puberty: hurdles and shot put.

Quillette received a copy of a complaint sent to the United States Rowing Association (USRowing) in October 2022. Over 15 parents signed the complaint:

Our daughters have stayed quiet because they are afraid. We tried to speak up for them, and we were shut down. We tried to speak to leadership at all levels. [But] name-calling and the threat of mental health is being used as emotional blackmail to keep us all quiet while women are harmed and devalued…Our daughters also faced a locker room situation where they were uncomfortable…They stopped changing in the locker room and began to hide away. These young girls should never have been put through being told they had to face a male body everyday as they undressed…It was a constant thought, a constant threat to submit and a constant awareness. Yet they dared not say anything (except privately to their parents). The rowing team also required the male athlete to room with them on trips. The girls spoke to us about quitting rowing because of the intimidation of being forced to be in a hotel room alone with a male.


As with everything, woke ruins everything it touches

Why Are They Trying To Destroy Us And America?

By Victor Davis Hanson on X.

If someone wished to destroy America, could he do anything more catastrophic than what we currently see and hear each day? What would an existential enemy do that we have not already done to ourselves?

Here are eleven now familiar steps to civilizational destruction:

1) Wipe out a 2,000 mile border. Allow 10-million foreign nationals to enter unlawfully. Have no audit of any; nullify all federal immigration laws. Let toxic drugs in that kill 100,000 Americans a year. Give free support for those millions who broke the law. Smear any objectors as racists and xenophobes.

2) Run up $35 trillion in national debt. Keep adding $1 trillion to it each 100 days. Defame anyone wishing to cut wild spending as cruel and inhumane.

AP Award-Winning Photograph of murdered rape victim being transported to Gaza for purposes of necrophilia.

3). Appease or subsidize enemies like Iran and China. Demonize allies like Israel. Allow terrorists to attack Americans without response. See Islam as either similar or superior to Christianity. Make amends to leftist governments for supposedly past toxic American international behavior. Follow the lead of international agencies like the UN, ICC, and WHO to atone forpast American neocolonial and imperialist behavior. Recede to second-tier international status, befitting American decline.

4) In a multiracial democracy, redefine identity only as one’s tribal affiliation. Ensure each identity group rivals the other for victimhood and the state spoils it confers. Redefine all political issues by race and sex oppressors and oppressed. Destroy all meritocratic standards of admission, retention, promotion, and commendation.

5) Redefine violent crime as understandable, cry-of-the-heart expressions of social justice. Ensure no bail and same-day release for arrested, repeat violent felons. Empathize with the violent killer and rapist; ignore their victims, especially if slain police-officers.

6). Emasculate the military by using non-meritocratic standards of race, gender, and sexual orientation to determine promotion and commendation. Deliberately smear as racists and insurrectionists the largest demographic in the military who in recent wars died at twice their numbers in the population—so that they leave or never join the military. Encourage retired high officers to slander their Commander-in-Chief. Cut the defense budget. Stop producing sufficient weapons, but leave billions of dollars’ worth of arms to terrorists.

7) Reinvent the justice system to indict, bankrupt, convict, jail and eliminate political opponents. Use ballot removal, impeachment, civil suits, and state and federal indictments rather than elections to defeat an opponent. Mob the homes of non-compliant Supreme Court Justices, attack them personally by name.

8) Encourage the fusion of the bureaucratic state with the electric media to form a powerful force for political audit, surveillance, censorship, and coercion. Marry the FBI to Silicon Valley and hire its contractors to warp the news and hound supposed enemies of the people.

9.) Make war on affordable gasoline and natural gas. Substitute inefficient, unreliable, and expensive wind and solar power, even as energy prices bankrupt the middle class.

10.) Marry late, but preferably not at all. Consider males toxic, especially boys. Have no children, or as few as possible. Otherwise, assure children they are entitled, and must be sheltered.  Raise them to have grievances against past generations and current norms.

11.) Turn world-class universities into indoctrination centers. Suspend the Bill of Rights on campuses. Train youth to graduate despising their own culture and civilization. Recruit foreign students from hostile nations to subsidize campus commissarbloat. Replace the curriculum with therapeutic propaganda. Ban the SAT/ACT and do not evaluate high school GPAs. Ensure merit does not select the student body. Charge tuition higher than the rate of inflation. Bill the government when students default on their loans.

So why are those controlling Biden using him to advance much of such a destructive agenda that would end America as we know it?

1) They are delusional and think their socialist and globalist agendas are working and will save us.

2) They are raging nihilists who do not like the U.S. and deliberately want it destroyed as a service to the world. A ruined U.S. is preferable to a strong America.

3) They are Jacobin revolutionaries who are intentionally erasing the old United States as a prerequisite for creating an entirely new America that will arise from the ashes with no trace or even memory of its past.

4) They have no agenda. They are aimless fools, and utter incompetents. These bunglers just wing it day-to-day, in response to what their radical media, academic, and political masters dictate is necessary for them to retain power. They have no idea of the damage they are doing.

5. A bit of 1-3, but probably not 4.

Follow Victor Davis Hanson on X. Editor’s note: Answer? It’s Obama and his DSA, Farrakhan, Jeremiah Wright, and Mullah acolytes. 

Getting Your Ass Kicked For Eating During Ramadan

I’m Traveling To Hell This Week

When I say hell, of course I mean Portland. It’s a shithole now. Oregon is beautiful, but for some reason all the shit not in California or Washington is in Portland. It’s the required trip to the family.

All I hear or read is about problems with Boeing jets, DEI in Air Traffic Control and parts falling off of jets because maintenance workers require diversity. I don’t want to get on a plane, but there is no way out. I figured the statistics are with me and if some shit does go down, my rare flights should exempt me.

When I get there, I’ll get to deal with a city rampaged by Antifa, BLM and many other miscreants. Other than SF, it is the homeless capital of the world, not to mention walking on the streets to the freak show and shit on the sidewalks.

I’ve scheduled some posts and meme’s to enjoy, including stories and observations of mine. It’s a look into my head when I put these out. I’ll cover introverts, the gym fashion show, sibling hell, lots of meme dumps and other stuff.

I may get a post in about my adventures while there, but no promises. Maybe I’ll keep some readers, like Ellie K, a new subscriber. With all the shit I post, I’m surprised she’s still there, but there you go.

Heart Failure Went up 973% In Navy Pilots. Gee, I Wonder Why

A United States Navy medic who blew the whistle on an explosive report showing a massive increase in heart issues among military pilots has been blocked by the Department of Defense (DOD) from accessing his work computer. Navy Medical Service Corps Lt. Ted Macie shared shocking information about the surge in heart failure among military personnel. Macie claimed that members of the U.S. military have experienced massive increases in heart-related issues, presenting Defense Department data showing the following.

  • 937% increase in heart failure

·        152% increase in cardiomyopathy

·        69% increase in ischemic heart disease

·        36% increase in hypertensive disease

·        63% increase in other forms of heart disease

According to information published by the U.S. Army, 97% of active-duty U.S. troops are fully vaccinated90% of Army National Guard members are fully vaccinated, and 91% of U.S. Army Reserve members are fully vaccinated.


HAWKINS: The 10 Most Destructive Americans of My 8 Decades

America has undergone enormous change during the nearly eight decades of my life. Today, America is a bitterly divided, poorly educated and morally fragile society with so-called mainstream politicians pushing cynical identity politics, socialism and open borders. The president of the United States is threatened with impeachment because the other side doesn’t like him. The once reasonably unbiased American media has evolved into a hysterical left wing mob. How could the stable and reasonably cohesive America of the 1950s have reached this point in just one lifetime? Who are the main culprits? Here’s my list of the 10 most destructive Americans of the last 80 years.

10) Mark Felt – Deputy director of the FBI, aka “Deep Throat” during the Watergate scandal. This was the first public instance of a senior FBI officially directly interfering in America’s political affairs. Forerunner of James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe.

9) Bill Ayers– Represents the deep and ongoing leftist ideological damage to our education system. An unrepentant American terrorist who evaded punishment, he devoted his career to radicalizing American education and pushing leftist causes. Ghost wrote Obama’s book, “Dreams of My Father.”

8) Teddy Kennedy – Most folks remember Teddy as the guy who left Mary Joe Kopechne to die in his car at Chappaquiddick. The real damage came after he avoided punishment for her death and became a major Democrat force in the US Senate, pushing through transformative liberal policies in health care and education. The real damage was the 1965 Hart-Cellar immigration bill he pushed hard for that changed the quota system to increase the flow of third world people without skills into the US and essentially ended large-scale immigration from Europe.

7) Walter Cronkite – Cronkite was a much beloved network anchor who began the politicalization of America’s news media with his infamous broadcast from Vietnam that described the Tet Offensive as a major victory for the Communists and significantly turned the gullible American public against the Vietnam War. In fact, the Tet offensive was a military disaster for the NVA and Viet Cong, later admitted by North Vietnamese military leaders. Decades later Cronkite admitted he got the story wrong. But it was too late. The damage was done.

6) Bill and Hillary Clinton—It’s difficult to separate Team Clinton. Bill’s presidency was largely benign as he was a relative fiscal conservative who rode the remaining benefits of the Reagan era. But his sexual exploits badly stained the Oval Office and negatively affected America’s perception of the presidency. In exchange for financial support, he facilitated the transfer of sensitive military technology to the Chinese. Hillary, a Saul Alinsky acolyte, is one of the most vicious politicians of my lifetime, covering up Bill’s sexual assaults by harassing and insulting the exploited women and peddling influence around the globe in exchange for funds for the corrupt Clinton Foundation. She signed off on the sale of 20% of the US uranium reserve to the Russians after Bill received a $500,000 speaking fee in Moscow and the foundation (which supported the Clinton’s regal lifestyle) received hundreds of millions of dollars from those who benefited from the deal. Between them, they killed any honor that might have existed in the dark halls of DC.


Numbers 3, 2, and 1 are a tie for me. I’ve always known what a traitorous prick Cronkite was.

Jeffrey Epstein’s Island Visitors Exposed by Data Broker

I bet there is a special heat setting for his ass in Hell for what he did, but all of the people that went there are on a hot seat here. They are either being protected or blackmailed by the DOJ and various agencies.

Nearly 200 mobile devices of people who visited Jeffrey Epstein’s notorious “pedophile island” in the years prior to his death left an invisible trail of data pointing back to their own homes and offices. Maps of these visitations generated by a troubled international data broker with defense industry ties, discovered last week by WIRED, document the numerous trips of wealthy and influential individuals seemingly undeterred by Epstein’s status as a convicted sex offender.

The data amassed by Near Intelligence, a location data broker roiled by allegations of mismanagement and fraud, reveals with high precision the residences of many guests of Little Saint James, a United States Virgin Islands property where Epstein is accused of having groomed, assaulted, and trafficked countless women and girls.

Some girls, prosecutors say, were as young as 14. The former attorney general of the US Virgin Islands alleged that girls as young as 12 were trafficked to Epstein by those within his elite social circle.


some people are a special level of sick

To Serve And Protect

An ex-NYPD cop arrested in October for hawking heroin and fentanyl while on duty has been indicted.

Grace Rosa Baez, who was arrested along with Cesar Martinez, of Yonkers, were charged with conspiracy to distribute narcotics and distribution of narcotics, U.S. Attorney of the Southern District of New York Damian Williams said.

Baez, 37, and Martinez, 42, allegedly tried to sell the narcotics to a federal informant between Oct. 9 and Oct. 19, according to the indictment, which was filed March 20 in Manhattan federal court.

Baez was indicted on charges of narcotics conspiracy and distribution of narcotics, according to court papers. Instagram @graciela_rose

Baez was indicted on charges of narcotics conspiracy and distribution of narcotics, according to court papers. Instagram @graciela_rose© Provided by New York Post


Good Luck Backstabber – Prince Harry and Meghan Want to Return as Working Royals on ‘Their Own Terms’; They’re About to Be Disappointed

After he and his racist wive trashed the royals, they now want to get their privileges back. They trashed the family, the U.K. and most people’s intelligence.

He had the world by the balls. Millions, servants, planes/trains/boats and the perfect life just for existing and being born right. He could do most anything for play as he was never going to be the king. Instead, he let his uppity wife take his balls away and now he has to work for a living.

In other words, one of the biggest dumbass move of the century. He should have never listened to her….hell, he shouldn’t have married her. She is poison.

Here you go….

England’s Prince Harry and former C-list actress Meghan Markle — otherwise known as the carpetbagging Duchess of Sussex — are reportedly hoping to become temporary working royals again, but this pipedream is unlikely to happen, according a royal expert.

“Both Meghan and Harry still hope that at some point they might be asked back to become working royals on their own terms — it’s a rapidly shrinking possibility,” author Tom Quinn told the U.K. Mirror.

“But the couple have talked about this at length, and the fact that senior Royal numbers are seriously down at the moment has rekindled their hopes.”

According to Quinn, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were hoping to fill in temporarily as Catherine, the Princess of Wales, and King Charles III are sidelined with their respective cancer battles.

However, Quinn said there’s little goodwill between the royal family and Prince Harry after he and his wife quit their royal duties in 2020 and moved to California.

During the past four years, Meghan tried to monetize her husband’s royal ties and repeatedly trashed the royal family as racists.

“As I understand it from Palace contacts, they are kidding themselves if they think they will be invited back in any way,” Quinn told the Mirror. ‌”Harry knows he will never be allowed to be a permanent part-time working royal staying six months in the States and then six months in the U.K.

“The family no longer trust him and, besides, Meghan is absolutely against it. There is far too much bad blood now for it to be even a remote possibility,” he added.

Meghan has been widely criticized as a social-climbing opportunist who’s trying to destroy the royal family. Regardless of your opinion about the British monarchy, there’s no denying its place in world history.


Don Surber On The Ivermectin Lie

Because he is a better writer than I am…..

On October 5, 2015, Nature reported, “Three scientists who developed therapies against parasitic infections have won this year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

“The winners are: William C. Campbell, a microbiologist at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey; Satoshi Ōmura, a microbiologist at Kitasato University in Japan; and Youyou Tu, a pharmacologist at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences in Beijing.

“In the 1970s, Campbell and Ōmura discovered a class of compounds, called avermectins, that kill parasitic roundworms that cause infections such as river blindness and lymphatic filariasis. The most potent of these was released onto the market in 1981 as the drug ivermectin.”

Six years later, our Banana Republic government, led by Biden the Bribed, mocked ivermectin — dismissing it as horse paste. The reason, an off-the-shelf remedy for covid would have demoted Operation Warp Speed to Operation Follow the Law and FDA Rules.

Ivermectin worked, so the FDA tweeted, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”


To the elitists in DC (none of whom are actually elite at anything worthwhile) the people they are supposed to serve are rubes. The tweet promoted an unsigned FDA press release, “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19.”

The piece said, “There seems to be a growing interest in a drug called ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 in humans. Certain animal formulations of ivermectin such as pour-on, injectable, paste, and ‘drench,’ are approved in the U.S. to treat or prevent parasites in animals. For humans, ivermectin tablets are approved at very specific doses to treat some parasitic worms, and there are topical (on the skin) formulations for head lice and skin conditions like rosacea.”

Horse paste.

The FDA promoted on late-night TV its disinformation campaign against using a Nobel-winning wonder drug against covid.

The Week reported, “Late night hosts are baffled anyone chooses horse de-wormer over COVID-19 vaccines.”

I am not baffled as to why all the late-night hosts simultaneously decided to mock ivermectin because if I learned anything from the Twitter files it is that the government bureaucracy will use your money to pay off corporate media to carry its message and to censor you.

Well, I am no doctor but I am pretty sure taking a medication intended for animals is a bad thing, but the trouble is the FDA leaned on doctors not to treat covid with prescriptions of the ivermectin made for humans.

The propaganda piece said, “The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19 in people or animals. Ivermectin has not been shown to be safe or effective for these indications.”

The same could be said for what the FDA passed along as vaccines. The FDA may have approved them on an emergency basis, but they had not been shown to be safe or effective for” covid. Since then, we know there is no covid vaccine. There was a covid shot, of course, which mitigated the damage from the virus but it was not a vaccine in that it neither protected the patient from the virus nor did it stop the spread of covid.

The covid shot was like a flu shot. I don’t get them, but my wife did when she was still mobile. To each his (or her) own. I got the covid shot in deference to her because I would never hear the end of it if I killed her. We will spend eternity together, so I am cleaning up my act.

The FDA is, too.

Emily Miller reported on Friday, “The Food and Drug Administration settled the lawsuit brought by three doctors who use ivermectin off-label to treat COVID-19. The FDA agreed to delete social media posts opposing the medication by saying it is for horses.

“Dr. Mary Talley Bowden of Day 8, the plaintiff in the case, told me: ‘The damage the FDA inflicted will linger, but future patients are now protected from one meaningful government intrusion into their medical care.’”

The Washington Examiner reported, “The FDA agreed to remove a similar post from April 26, 2022, posted on Twitter.”

This is locking the medicine cabinet door long after the horse paste hoax had escaped. We do not know how many lives could have been saved if the FDA did not throw shade on ivermectin.

Then again, we don’t know how many people died from covid. Oh, we know how many people died WITH covid. If you had covid and died in a car accident, you counted as a person who died WITH covid. Lucky you.

But how many people covid actually killed will never be known and for good reason. The government did not want you to know. The government thrives in an emergency. Ginning up the numbers kept that emergency going.

I am not an anti-vaxxer. I am very pro-vaccine. Vaccines are a miracle that have eradicated smallpox, which killed one-third of the people who contracted it. The polio vaccine meant kids could be free to go swimming again.

Sure I had measles, chicken pox, German measles and mumps as a kid. I survived. But I gladly would like back the 8 weeks that I spent recovering from the 4. The MMR shot is a miracle. Childhood diseases have a low mortality rate (the odds of dying from measles is at about 1 in 1,000) but why have them at all? Inoculate! There is no link between autism and MMR. The Lancet medical journal lied.

What makes such a lie dangerous is now no one believes what the Lancet published before. That is an awful loss of scientific papers. Surely, not every paper it published was a lie but now none can be trusted.

The FDA has joined the Lancet when it comes to credibility, and that puts everyone in harm’s way because we no longer have someone to turn to for making sure our foods and drugs are safe. The damage done by covid is more than just a wrecked economy that DC is trying to save by foolishly borrowing another trillion dollars every 100 days.

For you see, the boy who cried wolf eventually did indeed face a wolf and no one came to his rescue.

And someday, the federal bureaucracy that cried horse paste will someday face real danger and no one will believe it.

That 2015 article in Nature said, “This year’s prize highlights the global acceptance of the importance of parasitic infections, and neglected tropical diseases in general, says Stephen Ward at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK. He notes that artemisinin has ‘saved possibly millions of lives’ — although resistance to the drug is on the rise in parts of southeast Asia — and that ivermectin has protected millions from disease.”

Thanks to our government, it saved only dozens of people from covid in the USA.


Former QB Vince Young KO’d In Bar Fight

Let them fight, someone is getting their ass kicked anyway. 100% chance this doesn’t happen without alcohol.

Massive German document release sheds still more light on the entire Covid farce, as if any more light were needed

Last week, the Robert Koch Institut (the German CDC) released over 2,500 pages documenting the meetings of the “Covid Crisis Team” between January 2020 and April 2021. They did so in response to long-running litigation by journalists at Multipolar.

This is a major revelation – a rough German equivalent of the Fauci email releases from 2021 – which takes us directly into the internal discussions of the pandemic managers throughout the 2020 lockdowns and the early stages of the vaccination campaign. You can download the minutes and agendas yourself here. They’re heavily redacted, but they provide a dismal view of the whole pandemic circus and its idiotic, hapless coordinators. It will take me weeks to finish studying them, but German Twitter has done the Lord’s work unearthing many of the more important revelations, as does this surprisingly critical ZDF article. Here I want to highlight just three points.


Covid risk: At multiple points, the RKI acknowledges that Covid was far less dangerous than they publicly allowed.

How Often Do You Say “No” To Things That Would Interfere With Your Goals? Not Enough

How often do you say “no” to things that would interfere with your goals?

I’ve only learned later in life to prioritize myself for my mental sanity. A lot of my life growing up was not saying no enough it was a price I paid while growing up.

The goal I think of here is trying to set boundaries. If I’d have done it earlier in life, a lot of crap I deal with now wouldn’t be still bothering me.

What’s your secret skill?

What’s a secret skill or ability you have or wish you had?

I have spatial awareness and can see how things fit together. Also, as an introvert, I can read people through their body language I’ve had these all my life, but became cutely aware of them as I grew older.

How To Spot an AWFL DEI Karen – The Biggest Threat To Western Civilization

Comrades: AWFL DEI (Affluent White Female Liberal Dry Egg Incel) Karens are the biggest threat to Western Civilization.

~30% of American women aged 25-44 have no children. That percentage continues to reach new record highs as TFR craters to record lows. No societies have ever grappled with mass spinsterhood and childlessness until our current Longhouse. The growing AWFL DEI Karen demographic votes 70% Democrat. They are the most fervent worshippers of destructive luxury beliefs like COVID lockdown/mask/jab mandates, climate hysteria, trans grooming, bail reform, and open borders – all comorbidities of their Cluster B trigger Trump Derangement Syndrome.



Try Taking A Shower, Men Smell Like Men….What A Bunch Of P*ss**es

It stinks to smell, especially for young men, it seems. A new survey is shedding light on the self-consciousness American millennial men experience when it comes to body odor. The poll of 2,000 millennials, reveals that an overwhelming 72 percent of men feel anxious about how their body smells on a daily basis.

The survey, commissioned by Old Spice Total Body Deodorant and conducted by OnePoll, breaks down just how much men fear their body odor is stinking up the office. Overall, 52 percent worry that they smell bad without being aware of it, and 51 percent express uncertainty about how to address their body odor.

Despite these concerns, 59 percent of respondents stated that they would appreciate someone informing them if they were giving off an unpleasant odor.

When it comes to specific body parts, men are most concerned about the odor emanating from their armpits (71%), neck (40%), head and hair (39%), arms (30%), and hands (25%). Interestingly, the body parts that men considered “important” to keep smelling good included their hands (25%), chest (21%), and groin (15%), with a notable 71 percent emphasizing the importance of maintaining a pleasant armpit odor.


figures it would be millennials. Females are attracted to the Pheromones, but these pussies are washing it off.

Dear progressives, this is why we hate you.

Most of the moaning and groaning sycophants in the MSM will tell you that conservatives hate people of color, LGBTQ people, and immigrants. That is, of course, patently untrue. We don’t like crime, big government, people who want to pervert children, and hypocrites. We are fine with people of color and legal immigrants, and an increasing number of conservatives don’t care about someone’s orientation. We can even look the other way if a man decides he is a woman and wants to hang around Home Depot in an evening gown and heels. Just don’t mess with children’s growing bodies and minds. Other than that, your life is your own to screw up if you so choose.

What irks us is that you are not content to live your lives as you see fit. You demand that we live our lives as you see fit. Do you want to know the nature of our beef? Do you want to know why so many people back Trump? That’s why. If you want to live in a dumpster fire, fine. Just don’t make us climb in with you.


Star Wars Fans, Captain Needa Died For Real, Not From A Force Choke

Michael Culver, an esteemed British actor, passed away on Feb. 27 at the age of 85, The Hollywood Reporter (THR) reported.

Alliance Agents, who represented him for the last ten years, confirmed his passing. The agency did not share details about his death, according to THR. Culver was known for many roles, but his most famous was as Captain Needa in “Star Wars: Episode V — The Empire Strikes Back.” He played the captain who disappoints Darth Vader and faces consequences, famously ending with “Apology accepted, Captain Needa.”


Uzbekistan Is The Most Miserable Country, Next Is Great Britain

The fourth annual Mental State of the World Report was published by Sapiens Labs in March and it turns out we’re all super freaking miserable.

The report surveys only 500,000 people across just 71 countries, but makes a sweeping generalization on how we’re all doing every year. It turns out that in 2023, we were all still suffering the miseries of the COVID-19 pandemic. We just can’t seem to get over it, so the report authors claim. The issue is particularly bad for young people globally, but nowhere near as terrible as people in Uzbekistan claim to feel.

That’s right, the most miserable country in the world is Uzbekistan, which scored the lowest overall average ranking on the report’s Mental Health Quotient (MHQ) scale methodology. Coming in just above Uzbekistan was Great Britain, which has always been a pretty miserable place.


Once A Dumbass, Always A Dumbass

The dirty little secret about the wealth distribution of the leftist ruling class is that they only redistribute the wealth—to themselves.

Have you ever considered why leftist ruling-class leaders are extraordinarily rich while they also preach wealth redistribution? And why is it that leftists never bring this up?

Look at the evidence down through history and around the world, and you will see the same pattern repeated with every leftist regime. Let’s begin with the now-defunct USSR, which was supposed to be a utopic  “worker’s paradise”; what manifested were crammed apartment blocks and queues for bread and toilet paper, while the “select few” of the nomenklatura lived in luxury. It’s been reported that Mikhail Gorbachev, the last USSR leader, had a net worth of $5 million.

Then there is the leftist leader about whom the national socialist media can’t stop talking, whose final objective of a “Classless German Society” was undermined when it was revealed he “Loved Money and Died Rich”. And speaking of dictators adored by leftists, let’s not forget the far-left’s idol Fidel Castro, who made the usual promises and had a net worth of $900 million. Then there’s the leftist regime of North Korea; while the common people starved, Kim Jong-il lived it up and was amassed $4 billion. His son Kim Jong Un took over as supreme leader in 2011 and was reported to be worth $5 billion a few years ago, with one report having $1 trillion in assets these days.


Remember When Boeing Said It Promoted Diversity?

An American Airlines flight had to make an emergency landing in
California on Wednesday evening after the pilot reported a potential
mechanical issue with the Boeing 777 aircraft, the airline said.

Flight345, which had taken off from Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, landed at Los
Angeles International Airport at around 8:45 p.m. without any incident,
according to American Airlines. The plane was able to taxi to the gate
under its own power, and passengers disembarked as usual.

There have been at least six reported incidents involving Boeing planes in the past week. It was reported that a blown tire might have caused the emergency landing, but American Airlines did not confirm this.


Just like the air traffic controllers, they want people to die instead of hiring competent employees

Devastating Study Blows Up the Entire Transgender Movement

The Study finds that the attempted-suicide rate among transgender women who received a vaginoplasty in California was twice as high during the period after the surgery compared with the period before the surgery. The investigators analyzed data on all 868 people who received a vaginoplasty and 357 people who received a phalloplasty in California from 2012-2018. There were an average of 2 years of data before and after surgery.

A total of 22% of the vaginoplasty group and 21% of the phalloplasty group had at least one ER or in-patient psych encounter during the study period, whether before or after surgery. If there was a psych encounter prior to surgery, 34% of the vaginoplasty group and 27% of the phalloplasty group had a psych encounter after surgery.

Among those receiving a vaginoplasty, the rate of suicide attempts was twice as high after the surgery, at 3.3%, compared with before, at 1.5%. The phalloplasty suicide-attempt rate was similar to the general population, while the vaginoplasty group’s rate was more than twice as high as the general population.


Why would you ever what to cut your own dick off anyway? No matter what you do, you are what you were born as. Girls have a ton of emotions not possible for guys, dick or no dick. You’ll never be one. Get a beer and a ball to throw, or go see some sports. Try testosterone, it’s good for guys.

FAFO Chronicles – 13-yr-old Palestinian youth killed after shooting fireworks towards police in volatile Shuafat refugee camp

Israel Border Police shot and killed a 13-year-old boy in the Shuafat refugee camp near Jerusalem on Tuesday night. 

The young teen, along with several other youths, had been shooting fireworks in the direction of the border fence, where soldiers were stationed due to an earlier disturbance in which several Molotov cocktails were thrown over the border fence and at Israel Border Police observation posts. 


Don’t be a dumbass and you won’t have the consequences. There is enough tension there already, don’t add to it by being stupid. Fireworks sound like a gun

The Primaries Have Been Decided, We’ll Get To See Voter Enthusiasm Before The November Election

Both Trump and Biden clenched the primary’s last night. Those who haven’t voted know their votes don’t matter. We will get to see who turns out to vote now despite that.

I’m not usually one for predictions, but I’m betting the Trump enthusiasm stays and Biden drops off. You can see the difference in the rallies. Trump has them lined up down the street and Biden only fills a few rows in the room. It’s kind of an indication that the election results were bogus in 2020. That’s water over the dam now.

So I’ll be watching to try and see what the patterns are in the voters base on their willingness to vote knowing they can’t affect the primary outcome. Here’s the remaining election’s.

Tue, Mar 12Northern Marianas Democratic convention6Closed
Tue, Mar 12Washington primary9243Closed
Fri, Mar 15Northern Marianas Republican caucus9Closed
Sat, Mar 16Guam Republican convention9Closed
Tue, Mar 19Arizona primary7243Closed
Tue, Mar 19Florida primary224125Closed
Tue, Mar 19Illinois primary14764Open
Tue, Mar 19Kansas primary3339Closed
Tue, Mar 19Ohio primary12779Mixed
Sat, Mar 23Louisiana primary4847Closed
Sat, Mar 23Missouri Democratic primary64Open
April 2024
Tue, Apr 2Connecticut primary6028Closed
Tue, Apr 2Delaware primary1916Closed
Tue, Apr 2New York primary26891Closed
Tue, Apr 2Rhode Island primary2619Mixed
Tue, Apr 2Wisconsin primary8241Open
Sat, Apr 6Alaska Democratic primary15Closed
Sat, Apr 6Hawaii Democratic primary24Closed
Sat, Apr 6North Dakota Democratic primary14Open
Sat, Apr 13Wyoming Democratic caucus13Closed
Sun, Apr 21Puerto Rico Republican primary23Open
Sun, Apr 21Wyoming Republican convention29Closed
Tue, Apr 23Pennsylvania primary15916Closed
Sun, Apr 28Puerto Rico Democratic primary51Open
May 2024
Wed, May 1New Mexico Republican convention22Closed
Sat, May 4Missouri Republican convention54Closed
Tue, May 7Indiana primary7958Open
Tue, May 14Nebraska primary2936Mixed
Tue, May 14Maryland primary9537Closed
Tue, May 14West Virginia primary2032Mixed
Sat, May 18Idaho Democratic caucus23Closed
Sat, May 18Montana Republican convention31Closed
Tue, May 21Kentucky primary5346Closed
Tue, May 21Oregon Democratic primary66Closed
Sat, May 25Oregon Republican convention31Closed
June 2024
Tue, Jun 4Montana primary2031***Open
Tue, Jun 4New Jersey primary12612Mixed
Tue, Jun 4New Mexico primary3422***Closed
Tue, Jun 4South Dakota primary1629***Closed
Tue, Jun 4D.C. Democratic primary20Closed
Sat, Jun 8Guam Democratic caucuses6Closed
Sat, Jun 8V.I. Democratic party-run primary7Closed
To Be Determined – Date Not Set
TBDSouth Dakota Republican caucus29Closed

Oh, Nothing Could Go Wrong With This – Bill Gates’ ‘Net Zero’ Plan Pumps Compressed CO2 Underground with Energy of 35 Nuclear Bombs

A new Bill Gates-funded scheme has emerged that seeks to pump compressed carbon dioxide (CO2) underground with ferocious force in order to meet “Net Zero” targets.

In the UK, the government’s Climate Change Committee (CCC) has approved the plan to “decarbonize” the country’s energy.

The CCC’s plan for “Net Zero” is to shift transport and heating from using fossil fuels to using electricity.

After this shift is complete, the government will then “decarbonize” the electricity grid.

To decarbonize the grid, it is assumed that electricity will be generated using nuclear and renewables.

During periods when nuclear, wind, and solar cannot meet demand, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) will be deployed to remove COemissions as the electricity must be generated using gas.

CCS is being championed by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.


Will this asshole just leave us alone and go away