A Truth About People At Christmas

This much attention is overwhelming for an introvert. i can’t wait for it to be over. I can’t hear another Christmas song on the speaker anywhere.

What I hate the most is how people change and act different when I know damn well what asswipes they are the rest of the year. I hate their fake attitude because it’s the Christmas spirit, or whatever lie they are telling.

I like the meaning of Christmas, but the crap that people do around it, compounded by the commercialization since September and I want to pull my hair out.

This is true every year. I can’t wait for it to be over so we can go back to being who we really are.

Oh FFS, The Climatards New Target Is Christmas Gifts

It will be difficult for these logic defying people to get any worse, but let’s look at it.

It begins……

People need to realize the Left is using the alleged “existential” threat of global warming to wage war against liberty, against the Western world’s (not China’s) economy, and against joy.

The automobile, that magnificent enhancement to human freedom and joy, is a target of the Left.

The idea that individuals should be able to go where they want when they want in their own car is anathema to the Left. It provides way too much individual liberty.

And this…….

Even the family, one of life’s greatest sources of joy and meaning, is a target of the climate change activists.

They believe that there are way too many people in the world. Kids are carbon-emitting machines. So, an increasing number of women, including married women, are choosing not to have children.

And now the coup de gras….

Now, we have another joy of life that progressives are targeting in the name of combating global warming: Christmas gifts.

Many progressives have long opposed giving Christmas gifts in the name of combating “consumerism.” (To be fair, some religious conservatives share that ascetic view.) But climate change will soon constitute the greater moral reason.

To read more about these morally defective thinkers, here is the full story about how they want to deprive the world of any joy (and logic).

My New Years Resolutions

I usually have the same ones, I don’t make them. If I’m going to do something, I’m already doing it and will continue.

I work out all the time and see the new people at the gym trying to get into shape or lose weight every year this time. They are usually gone by February. A certain day in the year can’t replace internal fortitude. You have passion about something and do it or it won’t continue. You lose interest or gain interest in something else. (That is the same reason I hate my birthday, it’s not going to make you any happier. I refuse to make some day more special because others say so, the same with exercising beginning on NYD)

I got lucky on Covid. I never took the clot shot for the Wuhan virus. I know the next crisis is leaving the station to be here in time for the 2024 election cycle. Don’t buy it. I hope to discern it quickly and not fall for that either. I’ll be watching though.

The one thing I will do even more diligently is protect myself from the WEF, the US government, Big Pharma and Washington. They have shown no interest in anyone other than themselves. They got away with one scaring everyone with Covid, but I hope to stay even more awake to this as well as wake up the sheep that have been in line. They either got lucky with the timing or that was a trial run. Only time will tell.

They did more to stop Hydroxycholoroquine and Ivermectin than they did Fentanyl. They opened the borders that let more of this death drug in.

I’ve been getting a lot of hits from China recently. If it is the government, history is not on your side. Stop the shit and enjoy your economic freedom before you cut your own throats. I don’t expect that to happen. I look for worse things.

If the readers are Chinese citizens, find a way to stop the CCP from ruining your country. That is your resolution. I’ll keep posting the truth

Personally, I talked about exercise above, but looking at everything skeptically and trying to protect myself and inform others will also continue.

My wish for others besides being saved is to wake up and stop believing what you are told. We formed a country by not putting up with this crap from people who think they are the ruling elite. We killed them to stop the shit that the current government is jamming down our throats. I can’t believe that people would be the sheep that they have been since 2020.

I’ll be more introverted, it happens in life. I’ve got other issues to work on, but I’ll still look for an escape before I go somewhere and size up the people in the room as to who is a threat.

I’ll fight woke also. That is as racist and discriminatory as anything. It’s get-evenism (I made that up). It’s a bullshit scheme to steal free money. I started the year by dropping Hulu because of Disney.

One Of The Things I Hate About Christmas

There is a long list of commercialized things overdone about it, but here is another.

I’m down to gift bags now as I can’t be bothered.

As an Introvert, there is too much going on for too long. By the time Christmas finally comes, my social battery is negative. I hate all the attention about something people don’t care about the rest of the year, including the people they buy presents for.

I see it is corrupting why we really celebrate Christmas, but it’s been ruined for me for life.

It’s already started, too early again. The stores were full of Christmas before Halloween.

On top of being an introvert nightmare for too much attention for the wrong reasons and this makes it a tough season for me.

I see these unhappy people for 11 months and then they pretend that everything is great. I know who they are the rest of the year and don’t believe their lies.

Going Out Or Staying In – The Introvert Dilemma

I was reading a few years back and saw this gem. It was around Christmas time of year and I was fatiguing from the festivities.

For me, that is one of the worst times of the year. The fake happy from people who’s true nature I know is difficult to take. I see it anywhere I go

As I thought about it, I realized that it is so true. It’s really why I don’t go to many social events, especially Christmas parties.

I got tired of pretending to be social and/or having a good time, all they while wishing I could leave. Hell, I usually plan leaving before I go.

Most socials are like fakebook posts. Tell as much as you can about yourself to get likes.

Conversation should be about asking others about them and what is important that they would like to talk about. What I watch is people waiting for a response so that they can talk again. I don’t even try and a lot of time. I’ll just see how long people will talk about themselves and see if I can not say anything. They rarely notice. I won’t offer any information unless I think someone truly cares, but that’s only if I had to go and I’ve already got my exit plan in place.

Merry Christmas – A Smattering Of Holiday Meme’s To Laugh At, Dripping With Sarcasm

Of course, the greatest Christmas movie, Diehard
My dog likes to pee on trees

With credits to Woosterman, 90 Miles, Knuckledraggin’ and others. Enjoy and have a Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays.

Things To Do This Thanksgiving, Introvert Advice

While I’m being sarcastic, if your family and friends bug you and you want some quiet holidays, this will help your Christmas be less stressful. Nothing gets to me as an Introvert like holidays and fake feelings, fake fun and people. Anytime I can tone it down, I will. It’s much easier to take that way. Why do people have to act different just because they are told to?

Pick either side, you don’t even have to believe in it. Pick Biden or Trump and say how bad or good they are. Don’t worry, you will piss someone off either way. Use woke subjects like BLM or LGBT2+WXYZ or whatever it is now and take sides (see what I did there? Some woke person just got mad).

I hate the false build up that comes with the holidays. They’ve expanded it to before Thanksgiving now. I went shopping today and the Christmas stuff is already out. SMH.