Dick Humor At The Trump Trial

I’m sure both sides will claim victory

Screwed The Middle Class And Those Trying To Afford A Home

Home prices across the nation are back up near a record high. That makes this a particularly bad time for the Biden administration to have rolled out its new “green” energy mandates, which will add $31,000 to the cost of a new home.

The mandates are being pushed through the Department of Housing and Urban Development and while they technically won’t apply to all homes, all homebuilders will effectively be forced to comply with them.

The Biden administration doesn’t deny this higher upfront cost. It simply claims it’ll pay for itself via lower energy bills. Unfortunately, the break-even point is 90 years. 

So if a young couple buys one of these new green energy homes and has a child one year later, the regulatory costs still won’t have paid for themselves in that child’s lifetime, let alone the life of the couple who bought the home.

HUD argues that homebuilders will be able to get tax credits via the Inflation Reduction Act to offset some of these costs, with those savings hopefully passed along to homebuyers. However, this is not a real reduction in costs; it’s merely passing the buck to taxpayers. Instead of a homebuyer’s bearing the full freight of these green energy mandates, some of the cost will be passed on to taxpayers, including renters.

This is just the latest example of how failed public policies are creating a two-tiered society in America, where an entire generation of Americans will likely never be able to afford their own homes.


How much longer are we going to put up with this Green nonsense?

What is your career plan? Retire early, like always.

What is your career plan?

I knew this was the answer 25 years before it happened. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy the work that I did, but it was only a couple of stairs in Life and there were more stairs before and after.

At the end work was getting in the way of my life. I had so much going on at the time and still have so much to do.

Justice Is Served – Business Owners Refuse to Hire Columbia Grads After Pro-Palestinian Protest

Some business owners are expressing opposition to hiring alumni from Columbia University amid ongoing pro-Palestinian protests at the Ivy League school in New York City.

In a post to X, formerly Twitter, Tom McClellan, the editor of The McClellan Market Report said that he will no longer be hiring “any recent graduate of Columbia, because that school is so tainted.

“And I furthermore will not hire any older graduates either, because it has become evident that the academic rot is so deeply ingrained as to taint others who have come through that institution in the past several years,” McClellan wrote.

Columbia University
A woman walks past Israeli and U.S. flags alongside portraits of Israelis taken hostage by the Palestinian militant group Hamas, in front of the pro-Palestinian encampment at the Columbia University on April 28 in…

CHARLY TRIBALLEAU/AFP via Getty Images/Getty Images

“I cannot have faith that any former Columbia student could have achieved sufficient academic success, especially in light of the overwhelming recent evidence that the academic requirements there are so lax such that students have time to go set up protests on the quad instead of studying.”

Similarly, consultant Warren Kinsella said: “At the firm I founded 18 years ago, and in the war rooms I’ve run for the past 31 years, I’ve employed hundreds of young people. I’ll never again hire one from @Columbia.”


This feels like when someone speeds past you and the cop just ahead pulls them over

FAFO – 13 Federal Judges Say They Will No Longer Hire Law Clerks From Columbia University, Citing ‘Virulent Spread of Antisemitism’ and ‘Explosion of Student Disruptions’

Not only that, they are using AI to identify the losers who were protesting.

Thirteen federal judges said Monday that they would no longer hire law clerks from Columbia College or Columbia Law School after the university allowed an encampment on its lawn to spiral into a destructive occupation of a campus building. The judges cited the “explosion of student disruptions” and the “virulent spread of antisemitism” at Columbia, which has now canceled its main graduation ceremony because of the unrest.

Led by appellate judges James Ho and Elizabeth Branch, who spearheaded a clerkship boycott of Yale Law School in 2022 and Stanford Law School in 2023, as well as by Matthew Solomson on the U.S Court of Federal Claims, the judges wrote in a letter to Columbia president Minouche Shafik that they would no longer hire “anyone who joins the Columbia University community—whether as undergraduates or as law students—beginning with the entering class of 2024.”

“Freedom of speech protects protest, not trespass, and certainly not acts or threats of violence or terrorism,” the judges wrote. “It has become clear that Columbia applies double standards when it comes to free speech and student misconduct.”


It was almost a lock to get hired with a degree from Columbia. They are either that stupid, or have bought the hate indoctrination lock, stock and barrel.

Social Media And Mental Health For Females

Most of the time when we talk about social media being bad for us we mean for our mental health. These platforms make us anxious, depressed, and insecure, and for many reasons: the constant social comparison; the superficiality and inauthenticity of it all; being ranked and rated by strangers. All this seems to make us miserable.

But I don’t just think it makes us miserable. I’ve written before about how it makes us bitchy. And self-absorbed. And over time I’m becoming convinced that our most pressing concern isn’t that social media makes us feel worse about ourselves. It’s that social media makes us worse people.

Social comparison, for example. This is one of the main problems people mention when talking about the harms of social media. Constantly comparing our beauty, our success, our lifestyle, our popularity, to infinite streams of other people makes us feel anxious and inadequate, yes. But I also think it makes us resentful. Bitter. Competitive. Quietly wishing for others to fail. We talk constantly about what like, follow and comment metrics do to our self-esteem—but don’t they also make us so shallow? We hate when people judge us by numbers on a screen, but aren’t we doing it all the time, to everyone else, even subconsciously? We talk endlessly about how editing apps and filters give girls and young women anxiety and body dysmorphia, which is important, but never about how they make us competitive, envious, vain. Sometimes it’s not my self-esteem I’m worried about. It’s who I become when I obsess over my profile and image and what everyone else is doing. Sometimes I lock my screen and don’t like who is looking back at me in its black reflection.


Any time I Can Be Alone Is My Favorite Day

What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?

I’ve always had a problem with attention on me or the hustle and bustle of holidays.

It’s counterintuitive to me that people act one way because someone said a day is different and then revert back when it was over.

I learned that it’s because of my introverted nature that causes me to process things differently than others.

It’s why days alone to recharge are better for me. They are my vacation and holidays.

I never got birthdays either. It’s just another day for me. I prefer not being the center of attention.

I’m glad others get excited about it but it’s not for me.

Feminism has left middle-aged women like me single, childless and depressed

Feminism made the error of telling us to behave and think like men

Historically, of course, the feminist argument had valid points. In the old days, when members of my sex were bound first to their fathers and then to their husbands, they undoubtedly led disagreeable lives. If a woman had a good education, however, she could make a comfortable living and remain independent of male approval. When the desire for marriage and children overwhelmed her, she would almost certainly lose her job, and in consequence become tied to her house, compelled to perform a thousand trivial and demeaning tasks unworthy of her ability. 

But the world has changed in a way the early feminist would find incomprehensible and grotesque – indeed, she would view today’s flag bearers as hollow and preposterous nothings. I sometimes think the West has outgrown the feminist philosophy entirely and should cast it off. 

Where, for instance, does it leave women like me, when we have reached the age of 54, as I have, and find ourselves both single and childless? Hugging the collected works of Proust, or engaging in furtive sojourns to the pub that bring remembrances of things pissed? One in 10 British women in their 50s have never married and live alone, which is neither pleasant nor healthy. 


I saw it my whole life. They loved to be like men (while hating them in words), but always had regret when the biological clock ticked midnight. Then I heard the regret.

Anything deep, I’m an introvert and avoid small talk.

What topics do you like to discuss?

I’m not afraid to discuss anything that’s interesting. I can cover a large range of topics and do when prompted.

What is difficult for me is small talk. The banality of it is a painful exercise that I have to go through.

So my talking skills are good with deep conversations and any distraction to end small talk and my having to suffer through it.

The Two Types Of People In An Introvert World

Most people are temporary because it takes a long time to get to know someone and it’s hard to find the traits that are important. Loyalty is usually the final demarcation line for me. If they cross it and are disloyal, it’s over for me.

Take my college girlfriend who turned out to be a traveling slut (stewardess). Even though I didn’t find out until afterwards that she was sharing herself with others, that eliminated her from the permanent people pool. I didn’t have to feel the hurt and pain during the relationship, but the dishonesty got me out the door early.

I had acquaintances all throughout my life, but it’s hard to call them friends. The extroverts in my life meet and talk to someone for more than 5 minutes and it’s their new friend. Those are just temporary people for me. It takes a long time and a lot of things in common before they make permanent status. Very few make it.

You have to build a relationship and that is hard enough for me (and I’m guessing other introverts). We’d have to share something in common long enough to see if there is anything there. It still takes a long time for the walls to come down. Then there is the trust tests. I don’t dream them up, but they present themselves in life. I’m usually forced into a situation, but you can tell if a person is going to stick with you or stick it to you.

Even my siblings were temporary. They are around, but don’t count for me as permanent people for the loyalty reason. One can only take so much screwing over growing up and then the walls come up.

There’s your thought for the day.

A much deeper dive can be found here. It is by Introvert Dear who I’ve linked to on the home page describing why introverts don’t consider everyone their friend. It is a special to us and this article tells you why a lot better than I do.

Describe A Risk You Took That You Don’t Regret – Moving to a new state site, unseen

Describe a risk you took that you do not regret.

When I was living in South Florida, I had started a family. There parts of Florida that are better than others. I was in a place that wasn’t family friendly.

I wanted to move back to the south having grown up there (south Florida is the north), So I got a job and moved to the Carolina’s.

New job, new state, new life, all in a couple of weeks, just like that.

It turned out to be one of the best moves for my family and me economically.

Now, parts of the Carolina’s have become the north. It’s like déjà vu, all over again.

I had to move again to get back to the south.

When does ‘old age’ really begin? Seniors think 75 is the new 65

Are we getting older later in life? People dread the idea of aging, however, a new study from an international team of researchers reveals the definition of “old age” is changing. Compared to previous generations, people now put off considering themselves “old” until later in life.

The study, conducted by a team of researchers from Germany and the United States and published in the journal Psychology and Aging, analyzed data from over 14,000 people born between 1911 and 1974 who participated in the ongoing German Ageing Survey. Participants were asked a simple question: “At what age would you describe someone as old?”

According to the team’s findings, people in their mid-60s believe “old age” begins around 75. This perception, though, varied significantly across different generations or “birth cohorts.” People born later, especially those born after 1935, tended to push back the age at which they considered someone old. In other words, the threshold for being considered “old” has shifted upwards over time.


Sometimes I feel younger than my age and sometimes I wonder how long I have

The times I didn’t say no

Write about a time when you didn’t take action but wish you had. What would you do differently?

It’s more than one time, but it’s the same thing. I got asked to do something, go somewhere or be with some people that I shouldn’t have.

It was about setting boundaries. I remember the feeling or not wanting to be there, we’re doing whatever we were doing, saying the things I said or being with the people I was with.

If I had learned to say no, instead of going with the crowd, a lot of things would’ve turned out differently. I would have gotten in a lot less trouble, not done as many stupid things and would have not been in situations I didn’t want to be in.

I learned the hard way to protect myself from these instances and people, and as a result of gotten in to a lot less trouble.

Admitting Failure

What makes you nervous?

I reached a point in life where I have learned enough that I shouldn’t make bad mistakes or faux pas, yet I do.

It’s difficult enough to express your real feelings, compounded by knowing you’ve let somebody else down is soul crushing sometimes.

I can make it worse by rehashing it in my mind over and over until the point I have to admit it or ask forgiveness.

How do you use social media?

How do you use social media?

Very restrictively. For informational purposes only, and for here, it helps me discover patterns the ongoing 4D chess of the world.

I cut out most of the childish nonsense. People posting meals, and especially the past that I already said goodbye to once.

My best move was eliminating Facebook.

Stop Blaming Men For The Marriage Crisis

In fact, stop blaming men in general for your problems.

Charlie Kirk upset a lot of women last week. In a discussion on unmarried women preferring Democrats, he said that ladies in their 30s are past their prime and struggle to find a husband. 

This is obviously true, but impolite to say. Kirk’s statement naturally inspired outrage among liberals, as well as among conservatives. That shouldn’t surprise anyone. Kirk’s opinion runs counter to the prevailing conservative narrative about the decline of marriage. Conservatives say it’s all men’s fault and we need to do more to shame males into stepping up. 

But this male-focused answer isn’t correct. It’s true that men are falling behind in society and leaving college-educated women with fewer options. But that’s not because men are refusing to put down the video games and go to trade school. Rather, it’s because of social transformations that deprioritize men and traditional masculinity. Our economy is now centered around the service and information sectors, both of which are female dominated. More women go to college and graduate school than men. Male wages are in decline and more men than women report zero dating prospects. Women, in contrast, are the big winners of our new society. Many of them now think they have infinite choice when it comes to their life and relationships. This better explains the marriage crisis than men’s love of video games.


They ruin education and colleges and want to blame someone else. When the Sh*t gets too thick, men will bail. There isn’t anything women have that will make us put up with them when they get too intolerable.

Describe some thing you learned in high school

Describe something you learned in high school.

The leaving it would be my favorite thing. I instinctively knew that my best days were ahead and that those who were stellar in high school had reached their peak. They were the Al Bundy’s who would re-live high school the rest of their lives.

I’d been stuck with these losers since kindergarten and getting away from them and the town was my introvert dream.

One of my favorite things in life is closing a chapter and never going back. It started with high school.

Adults are aging faster, facing higher risk of cancer – But No, It Couldn’t Be The Covid Jab

Actions have consequences. For the sheep who fell for it and got jabbed, the bill is coming due. You won’t read a thing about the Covid Jab in the article below, but it’s as obvious as your face in the mirror. They blame it on everything but the reason.

ounger generations are aging more rapidly, and this could be leading to an increased risk of cancer, a new study says.

People born in or after 1965 are 17% more likely to be experiencing accelerated aging compared to seniors born between 1950 and 1954, researchers found.

That faster aging is associated with a higher risk of certain cancers among adults younger than 55, also known as early-onset cancers, results show.

“Multiple cancer types are becoming increasingly common among younger adults in the United States and globally,” researcher Ruiyi Tian, a doctoral student at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, said in a news release. “Understanding the factors driving this increase will be key to improve the prevention or early detection of cancers in younger and future generations.”

For this study, researchers analyzed blood data for nearly 149,000 people participating in the U.K. Biobank project.

The team used a set of nine biomarkers found in blood to calculate each person’s biological age, or what age a person appears to be based on the condition of their body.

They then contrasted that to the person’s actual age based on their birth date, as well as any cancers that had occurred among them.

  • 42% for early-onset lung cancer.
  • 22% for early-onset gastrointestinal (GI) cancer.
  • 36% for early-onset uterine cancer.


The Truth On Ivermectin, It Worked, They Lied And It Can Cure Cancer

Joe Rogan SNAPS on FDA’s Orwellian Lie About Ivermectin

Published2 hours ago

onApril 8, 2024

ByVigilant Fox

“It’s for humans too, you f*cking idiot.”

This is in response to the FDA’s infamous tweet: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Serious y’all. Stop It.”

Other facts the FDA ignored:

  • Ivermectin has one of the best safety profiles in all of medicine.
  • Its discovery won the Nobel Prize.
  • Doctors are allowed to use medications off-label, especially when they are shown to be effective.
  • 102 studies from 1,139 scientists show ivermectin’s effectiveness in treating COVID-19.
  • Ivermectin is often recognized—as second only to penicillin—for having one of the greatest impacts on human health, particularly for its role in bringing river blindness to the brink of extinction.
  • Ivermectin, frequently hailed as a “wonder drug,” is now emerging as a potentially “powerful drug” for fighting cancer.


Describe one positive change you have made in your life

Describe one positive change you have made in your life.

When starting out in the business world I learned to see opportunities and I decided to walk through the right door.

I also ended a bad relationship from college freeing me up to get ahead. After finding out that she was cheating afterwards it confirmed that I was making the right decisions

Attachment Anxiety – A New Psychosis For Shit Happened To You In Life That You Want To Blame On Others

This is a common reflex in modern life—convincing ourselves that we are sick instead of reacting to something. It’s not your diet or lack of exercise; it’s depression. It’s not trauma from sexual assault; it’s BPD. It’s not the insane intensity of modern life; it’s ADHD. Honestly it’s bizarre how many of these are you anxiously attached?

I’ll post an excerpt from the rest of the story, but this is the same stuff the rest of us went through in life and we learned to deal with it. Stop blaming others and realize that not everything works out. You should feel lucky that it doesn’t. Thank God I’m not stuck with the list of people that turned out to be losers in my past. I’m grateful I don’t have to put up with their crap.

Grow up and learn to live your life instead of the last 5 seconds.

They need to stop giving these girls another thing to obsess over and let them live normal lives. Here’s my advice, stay off of social media and watch how fast you get better.

Here’s the rest, if you dare/care.

This is the relevant quote: That attachment theory can sometimes mask real problems and, like much else in modern life, encourage women to go inwards too much and obsessively self-scrutinise.

Lately it feels as if everything depends on me figuring out my attachment style. If I want professional success I need to recognise my childhood patterns and reparent myself. If I want to maintain friendships I first have to heal my inner child. And for any chance of a successful relationship I need to prioritise processing my trauma and assessing our attachment styles.

Attachment theory is very popular among Gen Z. The theory dates back to the 1950s, based on research by psychologists John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth. Ainsworth identified three main attachment styles: secure, anxious and avoidant, after assessing children’s responses to separation and reunion with their caregivers. Generally, those with anxious attachment tend to be needy and seek reassurance, avoidants are more distant and independent, while secures are confident and comfortable.

Since then it’s become popular to apply attachment theory to adult relationships—especially online. There’s the #attachmenttheory TikToks with over 300 million views. There’s every kind of attachment quiz you could conceive of (“Your Attachment Style Is Based On Harry Potter Characters”!) As well as attachment therapists, attachment podcasts, dating apps based on attachment styles, even Little Miss Anxious Attachment T-shirts. But most concerning to me are the online forums. Forums filling up with what seems like mostly young women ruminating about their relationships and analysing how anxious they are.

The more popular this gets, the more I’m starting to see problems with it. My main worry is that we might be deceiving ourselves.

Happy National Sibling Day

I know mine made my life a lot harder than it needed to be growing up. When we could have bonded, I got someone who was actively against me doing well, instead of being supportive. It must have been insecurity, but trying to bring someone down to build yourself up is no way to live.

My other sibling has been gone for 12 years. We didn’t grow up together and there was no bonding because she was pathological. It’s a good thing I found out how to be alone in life and not worry about others.

See Eating Alone as an Introvert a couple of posts down and you’ll know why.

Things About People I Observe At The Gym

Being an introvert, I tend to notice a lot of details about people. I’m at the gym a few times a week and thanks to my health plan, I belong to multiple gyms. These observations are the same though.


No matter what the media tries to tell us about gender identity, males are distinctly different than females (no shit Sherlock). It’s a fashion show for the girls. They dress up in multiple layers, wear makeup and are far more concerned about their looks than the guys.

Sure, I occasionally catch a meathead trying to see how big his biceps are in the mirror, but they check out their form. Girls are looking at their hair, asses, outfits and other girls who might be the competition for best dressed, prettiest or some other bauble more desirable than what they are wearing.

Speaking of clothes, I can tell just how far a girl is into her workout by the state of her clothes. They mostly start with some form of sweats covering up everything. It is still somewhat suggestive as a shoulder is showing or the top is cut to the midriff, but mostly it is discreet to start.

As the workout progresses, various layers of clothes come off. I get that you work up a sweat, but the truth is that most of them are looking at their phone or talking more than working out (except on the cardio machines). Not a one of them has a bead of sweat on them and the a/c is close to meat locker in there. It is part of the show. So full sweats, just starting. Just the sweat top, mid workout. If they are down to their matching top and bottom, accessorized with matching socks, shoes, phone, scrunchie, earphones and other, it’s near the end or over 30 minutes into their routine.

Let me say that there is no way they don’t know they are putting on a show. They look at themselves far too much for it not to be. Frequently, the outfits are so small and revealing that constant adjustment must be made to not let something slip out. Their clothes aren’t hiding anything anymore anyway.

The guys are likely to come in wearing anything. It’s in levels of fashion spanning decades of styles with matching unkempt hair. They do rival the girls for most tattoo’s though. Looking their best is not at the top of the list of most of the guys I notice.

I’m in a college town and these girls are in the prime of their lives. Their bodies are in shape just for waking up. Time will take it’s toll on them like it does with everyone, but this is the best they are going to be.


It’s a shame that life is the way it is. You haven’t explored your abilities or learned enough about what you can do to make the most of yourself. Take sex for example. Just because you have one set of equipment or the other doesn’t mean you know how to use it yet. It takes practice and discovery to really be good at it. Very few who look their best are good in the sack. Conversely, when you figure most things out about you and how to take care of the other person, you’ve used up the years where you were in your prime without knowing it. I digress.

I listen to some of the conversations (because I can’t drown it out with my noise cancelling earbuds) and the discussion is benign and childish. It’s the same thing with your sex equipment. Just because you look great and have what guys want certainly doesn’t make you smart or interesting. I wonder to myself if I was stuck with one of these girls, what the hell would I even be able to talk about. I can’t listen to their droning on about their inexperienced and uneducated lives. The depth of their knowledge wouldn’t cover your feet in the pool of life. It hasn’t happened enough to them in life to really know about much yet. Once they learn, the prime of their physical life is over.

I’m not giving a lot of the guys a pass either, but they don’t talk much so it’s mostly about what set they are on and what body part they are working on. It gives no indication of their education or ability to be interesting conversationally.

The other thing I like to notice is who people remind me of. Nearly every time I’m there, I see someone who reminds me of a person I’ve met in life. I give them names in my head of that person. It also makes me think of how they will look when life takes it’s toll on their bodies and looks. Who is going to get an expanding back porch. Who is getting a gut. Who’s hair is falling out and what other ailment is going to happen when they get older.

I think about other things that bother the heck out of me a lot more than what others look like, when I have to use the public toilet for example. That happened to me at the gym recently.

People are interesting. I’d rather look at them than talk to them it seems. The gym is certainly the place for people watching. If I was busy talking, I’d never stop to notice or think about these things, but that is the introvert life.

Getting Your Ass Kicked For Eating During Ramadan

I’m Traveling To Hell This Week

When I say hell, of course I mean Portland. It’s a shithole now. Oregon is beautiful, but for some reason all the shit not in California or Washington is in Portland. It’s the required trip to the family.

All I hear or read is about problems with Boeing jets, DEI in Air Traffic Control and parts falling off of jets because maintenance workers require diversity. I don’t want to get on a plane, but there is no way out. I figured the statistics are with me and if some shit does go down, my rare flights should exempt me.

When I get there, I’ll get to deal with a city rampaged by Antifa, BLM and many other miscreants. Other than SF, it is the homeless capital of the world, not to mention walking on the streets to the freak show and shit on the sidewalks.

I’ve scheduled some posts and meme’s to enjoy, including stories and observations of mine. It’s a look into my head when I put these out. I’ll cover introverts, the gym fashion show, sibling hell, lots of meme dumps and other stuff.

I may get a post in about my adventures while there, but no promises. Maybe I’ll keep some readers, like Ellie K, a new subscriber. With all the shit I post, I’m surprised she’s still there, but there you go.

Reading People, You Can Judge A Book By It’s Cover

Saying “physiognomy is real” is a top-notch dig because it insults both body & mind. Much of the time, it holds true. Turns out, you CAN judge a book by its cover.

Click to see the rest of them in replies, quite revealing and I bet you guess every one of them

Ranking The World’s Most Popular Beers, By Generation

What are the most popular beers by US generation? Visual Capitalist‘s Marcus Lu has delved into the data based on a consumer survey conducted by YouGov which looks at what Millennials, GenX, and Baby Boomers like to consume the most.

The “popularity” metric represents the % of people who had a positive opinion of that beer. Note that YouGov surveys are conducted with a representative sample of 1,500 respondents.

Overview: Millennials

U.S. millennials appear to favor foreign beers, with the top five spots taken by Dutch (Heineken) or Mexican beers (Modelo, Corona).

While not exactly a beer, White Claws (which have a similar alcohol content) claimed sixth place. Hard seltzers have become very popular in recent years due to their variety of flavors, attractive packaging, and relatively low amount of carbs and calories.

Overview: Gen X

Gen X also has a strong preference for foreign beers, particularly Guinness (fun fact: Over 31 million Americans claim to be of Irish descent).

Boomers are next if you go to read Here. Not a damn one of them drinks Bud Light though.

Calculator predicts when you’ll die – and it’s scarily accurate

Great, now I can panic the rest of my life because I know when it’s going to be over.

Scientists have invented an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that can predict when you will die with 78% accuracy.

The AI, called Life2vec, can also determine how much money you’ll have when death finally catches up with you.

The model was created by scientists in Denmark and the US, who fed data from Danish health and demographic records for six million people into the model. Like ChatGPT, it learned to predict what would come next based on the words before it.

But unlike ChatGPT, this AI uses information such as income, profession and medical records to determine how long you’ll live, rather than to compose poetry.

Previous research has already determined that certain life factors can lead to longer or shorter lives. For instance, being male, a smoker or a poor mental health diagnosis can all contribute to shorter lifespans. Higher incomes and having a leadership role can lead to a longer life.

Each of these factors has a code in the Danish data set, such as S52 for a broken forearm, or IND4726 for working in a tobacco shop, which the team converted into words.


How Often Do You Say “No” To Things That Would Interfere With Your Goals? Not Enough

How often do you say “no” to things that would interfere with your goals?

I’ve only learned later in life to prioritize myself for my mental sanity. A lot of my life growing up was not saying no enough it was a price I paid while growing up.

The goal I think of here is trying to set boundaries. If I’d have done it earlier in life, a lot of crap I deal with now wouldn’t be still bothering me.

What’s your secret skill?

What’s a secret skill or ability you have or wish you had?

I have spatial awareness and can see how things fit together. Also, as an introvert, I can read people through their body language I’ve had these all my life, but became cutely aware of them as I grew older.

Dear progressives, this is why we hate you.

Most of the moaning and groaning sycophants in the MSM will tell you that conservatives hate people of color, LGBTQ people, and immigrants. That is, of course, patently untrue. We don’t like crime, big government, people who want to pervert children, and hypocrites. We are fine with people of color and legal immigrants, and an increasing number of conservatives don’t care about someone’s orientation. We can even look the other way if a man decides he is a woman and wants to hang around Home Depot in an evening gown and heels. Just don’t mess with children’s growing bodies and minds. Other than that, your life is your own to screw up if you so choose.

What irks us is that you are not content to live your lives as you see fit. You demand that we live our lives as you see fit. Do you want to know the nature of our beef? Do you want to know why so many people back Trump? That’s why. If you want to live in a dumpster fire, fine. Just don’t make us climb in with you.


What Activities Do You Lose Yourself In?

What activities do you lose yourself in?

Let’s see, over the years it’s been fishing, hunting, karate, racing, tennis, Biking, and then there was kids and Life, and other stuff, and the next thing I knew I’ve lived in seven decades. I mostly do introvert stuff now so I get lost in my mind a lot.

Devastating Study Blows Up the Entire Transgender Movement

The Study finds that the attempted-suicide rate among transgender women who received a vaginoplasty in California was twice as high during the period after the surgery compared with the period before the surgery. The investigators analyzed data on all 868 people who received a vaginoplasty and 357 people who received a phalloplasty in California from 2012-2018. There were an average of 2 years of data before and after surgery.

A total of 22% of the vaginoplasty group and 21% of the phalloplasty group had at least one ER or in-patient psych encounter during the study period, whether before or after surgery. If there was a psych encounter prior to surgery, 34% of the vaginoplasty group and 27% of the phalloplasty group had a psych encounter after surgery.

Among those receiving a vaginoplasty, the rate of suicide attempts was twice as high after the surgery, at 3.3%, compared with before, at 1.5%. The phalloplasty suicide-attempt rate was similar to the general population, while the vaginoplasty group’s rate was more than twice as high as the general population.


Why would you ever what to cut your own dick off anyway? No matter what you do, you are what you were born as. Girls have a ton of emotions not possible for guys, dick or no dick. You’ll never be one. Get a beer and a ball to throw, or go see some sports. Try testosterone, it’s good for guys.

FAFO Chronicles – 13-yr-old Palestinian youth killed after shooting fireworks towards police in volatile Shuafat refugee camp

Israel Border Police shot and killed a 13-year-old boy in the Shuafat refugee camp near Jerusalem on Tuesday night. 

The young teen, along with several other youths, had been shooting fireworks in the direction of the border fence, where soldiers were stationed due to an earlier disturbance in which several Molotov cocktails were thrown over the border fence and at Israel Border Police observation posts. 


Don’t be a dumbass and you won’t have the consequences. There is enough tension there already, don’t add to it by being stupid. Fireworks sound like a gun

What Is The List Of The Great Lies (Used To Be What Are The 3 Big Lies, Now There Are More)?

I was going to make this a sarcastic post so I wanted to remember them as I heard it decades ago. It turned out a lot differently than I thought when I asked the AI bots.

Here’s where I started:

  • Trust me
  • The check is in the mail
  • I love you

So after I did a search, I found these listed by others. If I missed any, leave it in the comments and I’ll include it and give you credit.

  • I’m from the government and I’m here to help you
  • I won’t cum in your mouth
  • I’ll respect you in the morning
  • Read my lips, no new taxes
  • I did not have sexual relations with that woman
  • If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor
  • If you like your plan, you can keep your plan
  • Black is beautiful
  • Climate change is true
  • The moon landing is fake
  • The Covid Vaccine works
  • The 2020 Election was not rigged or stolen – Mosckerr
  • This will only hurt a little while
  • This will hurt me more than it hurts you
  • It’s not you, it’s me (it’s you)
  • I can quit anytime I want to
  • You are the best I’ve ever had
  • I love the gift
  • That dress doesn’t make you look fat
  • I’ll return it/repay it right away
  • “Honey, that has never happened to me before.”
  • “I’m breaking up with you, but I still want us to be friends.”
  • “Men are simple creatures.”
  • “It’s only a cold sore.”
  • “I’m from the IRS and I’m here to help you.”
  • “I’ll only stick the head of it in.”
  • I would never lie to you.
  • Of course size doesn’t matter.
  • I’m just happy to be here and help out the team any way I can.
  • I love my job
  • I only had two drinks at the bar.
  • I had no idea that I was speeding.
  • No mom, we haven’t had sex. We’re waiting until we get married.
  • I’ve only had a couple before you
  • “It isn’t about the money, it’s the principle of the thing.”
  • “It was like that when I bought it.”
  • “That’s a great idea, boss.”
  • “I only use my internet connection at work for business purposes.”
  • “Don’t worry, my parents really like you.”
  • It doesn’t matter to me, you’re sexy no matter how much you weigh. Now go to sleep, I have to work tomorrow.
  • I have a headache
  • Of course I came
  • You make me cum every time
  • I’ll call you…definitely!
  • The cable man will be there between 9 to noon.
  • The taxi will be there in less than 30 minutes.
  • The bus comes every half hour.
  • “No dear, she’s not prettier than you…”
  • Of course I’m 21, I just left my ID in the car.
  • Of course I’ve done this before, I’ll be done in five minutes.
  • My phone must have died
  • It was in my spam folder
  • It’s great to see you
  • I can have only one more
  • “I don’t care about looks as much as personality.”
  • That was my last one
  • I’m fine
  • That looks great on you

Headline Of The Day – 30 desperate and horny female prison guards had sex with inmates and smuggled drugs into the facility…

It looks like there’s quite a lot of desperate, horny broads working as prison guards in Kentucky’s male prison system. A staggering 30 of them got caught up in inappropriate relationships with inmates within just 16 months. But it doesn’t stop there—these relationships led to some seriously questionable decisions, like smuggling drugs into the prison for their inmate “boyfriends.” It’s a complicated mix of desperation, weakness, and misguided loyalty at play here.

The New York Post:

They fall for it every time.

Me, On Emoji’s

I don’t use them, on purpose. I think they are a childish. I write out stuff. I also don’t LOL, OMG or any other stuff in real life.

There are times that I think people don’t want to talk, so they put something out there that means I’ll let you go or best wishes (read I don’t want to have to say what I really mean, like I don’t want to talk).

Sure, I get them from everyone, but I think if you are over 50, or a guy, you shouldn’t be doing this. It seems like playing with dolls, but then that is just me.

This post and the link about saying Ha! on a text are about the same person. A girl over 60 who thought it was cute. Act like an adult, you are a physician for Pete’s sake.

We Went Fishing And Alcohol Was Involved

Medics were shocked to find that a fisherman had been struck with a harpoon — and not by accident.

Sujit Klingtalay was out with friends fishing and drinking beers in the Nakhon Ratchasima province of Thailand when the recent incident occurred. 

The 45-year-old told Viral Press that he and another friend got into an argument about which man had caught a bigger fish.

“I was fishing with my friend, and we joked about the fish we had caught. I said [that] I had caught bigger fish than him, but he was offended,” he said.

Out of anger, Klingtalay’s friend decided to aim a fishing harpoon at the back of Klingtalay’s head — which lodged inside in the skin. 


It’s always about whose is bigger with men.

Vacation: We Are Doing Something, We’re Getting Fucked Up On The Beach

I listened to a comic talking about his wife. It started like the title. We were on the beach getting fucked up and his wife said they needed to do something. His response was we are doing something, we’re getting fucked up on the beach. Nothing is something if you want to relax, only not for extroverts.

I have a family that can’t sit still. Going on vacation is a relay race of the next thing to do which for an introvert, results in me burning my candle to a nub and running out of social battery. Just the planning alone, which consists of a ton of stuff that will never happen just to go through every option. It is mentally exhausting. I’m toast before it even starts. When none of the plans might get done, I’m already burnt and nothing has even started. It gets these extroverts wound up with excitement and inevitably leads to disappointment as it rarely meets expectations. Then there is the discussion afterwards as to why it wasn’t as great as the plans. It was the build up of unrealistic expectations.

I want to get away and not have to do something, all the damn time. When it is over the way they do it, I need a vacation from taking a vacation.

If I can relax, I always meet my expectations and am almost always recharged, what a vacation should be. It meets my expectations when I do it their way also, I’m burnt out before it begins.

Now, this:

The pendulum is swinging away from jam-packed trips and Instagram-worthy adventures and toward vacations with little to write home about beyond a pretty sunset and a cold drink.

More vacationers say they want a true break to rest and recharge during their time off. Their do-nothing vacations have no schedule. These aren’t beach trips that involve surfing or kayaking, or foodie tours requiring hours of research—and decision fatigue.

“Rest and relaxation” jumped ahead of having “a fun time” and spending “time with immediate family” as the main motivator for leisure travel, according to a nationally representative February survey of 1,000 U.S. travelers from Longwoods International, a market-research firm. Rest and relaxation rose to 21% from 17% between the September and February surveys.

All-inclusive resorts are helping travelers meet this need. Bookings for Apple Leisure Group all-inclusive properties in the Americas, which include Secrets resorts and spas, are up 11% thus far in the first quarter of 2024 compared with the same period last year, a Hyatt spokesman said. Hyatt is the parent company of Apple Leisure Group.


In the why didn’t I think of this, I did. It’s how I want to relax, by not having to do everything, or anything really.

I’m trying to get them to go without me as much as possible

Testosterone: Its’ Effects Matter Earlier Than You Think

The full story is that testosterone isn’t just for puberty. Testosterone differences between people with XX and XY chromosomes start in the womb and continue during the first half-year of life. These differences are associated with cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and body composition dissimilarities that may affect how each plays sport in later life.

Perhaps a more complete understanding of testosterone’s influence from the womb will help resolve some points of contention in the Trans conversation.

Testosterone levels can be affected by social, economic, and biological factors in an individual’s life. To eliminate such variables, Patel studied twins in utero. In particular, he compared opposite-sex and same-sex twins

Based on Patel’s research of twins, males who had higher levels of testosterone available to them in the womb are more likely to go on to be self-employed.

They are also more likely to play full contact sports like rugby or football and to work in financial services careers. In general, more testosterone is associated with lower levels of risk aversion, so people with more testosterone may take more risks. (Emphasis added.)


No wonder guys kick so much ass when they play girls sports

Google will no longer back up the Internet: Cached webpages are dead

I for one am glad. I’m old enough that most of my fucking up in life was before the internet and only I really know the story of my misdeeds and untoward activity.

A lot of people say stupid shit online, or brag about stuff they shouldn’t to show off or get likes. Until now, the internet was forever. It may still be if you search hard enough, but Google is evil and presents the worst of behavior easily. Now, the idiots may be protected.


Google will no longer be keeping a backup of the entire Internet. Google Search’s “cached” links have long been an alternative way to load a website that was down or had changed, but now the company is killing them off. Google “Search Liaison” Danny Sullivan confirmed the feature removal in an X post, saying the feature “was meant for helping people access pages when way back, you often couldn’t depend on a page loading. These days, things have greatly improved. So, it was decided to retire it.”

The feature has been appearing and disappearing for some people since December, and currently, we don’t see any cache links in Google Search. For now, you can still build your own cache links even without the button, just by going to “https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:” plus a website URL, or by typing “cache:” plus a URL into Google Search. For now, the cached version of Ars Technica seems to still work. All of Google’s support pages about cached sites have been taken down.

Cached links used to live under the drop-down menu next to every search result on Google’s page. As the Google web crawler scoured the Internet for new and updated webpages, it would also save a copy of whatever it was seeing. That quickly led to Google having a backup of basically the entire Internet, using what was probably an uncountable number of petabytes of data. Google is in the era of cost savings now, so assuming Google can just start deleting cache data, it can probably free up a lot of resources.

Cached links were great if the website was down or quickly changed, but they also gave some insight over the years about how the “Google Bot” web crawler views the web. The pages aren’t necessarily rendered like how you would expect. In the past, pages were text-only, but slowly the Google Bot learned about media and other rich data like javascript (there are a ton of specialized Google Bots now). A lot of Google Bot details are shrouded in secrecy to hide from SEO spammers, but you could learn a lot by investigating what cached pages look like. In 2020, Google switched to mobile-by-default, so for instance, if you visit that cached Ars link from earlier, you get the mobile site. If you run a website and want to learn more about what a site looks like to a Google Bot, you can still do that, though only for your own site, from the Search Console.

click above for more, but I think you get the drift

Economists are sounding alarm on ‘YOLO’ credit bubble

Note that term is a Millennial/Gen X/Gen Y loser term. Life has a way of circling back on your choices and decisions. You may think you are only living once, but you are only living for the moment.

Actions have consequences and so do bad credit decisions….read on.

A growing percentage of Americans are becoming reckless with their spending, fueling what one economist calls a “super duper” credit bubble.

In a note to clients, economist David Rosenberg of Rosenberg Research warned that Americans are taking on too much debt to buy things they really don’t need. He calls these people “YOLO spenders,” which refers to the catchphrase, “You only live once.”

“There is no acknowledgment today that, yet again, we have a super-duper credit bubble on our hands,” Rosenberg wrote. “It isn’t just about fiscal recklessness at the government level; the dilemma is that the consumer commands a dominant 70% share of the economy.”

That credit bubble has created the illusion of a strong economy, but it’s really a ticking time bomb that’s about to go off.

For starters, more Americans are falling behind on their credit card payments. According to Rosenberg, one in every 12 credit card holders is in this predicament.

The last time delinquency was this high was in 2011, when unemployment was 9%. The national unemployment rate currently stands at 3.7%, among the lowest in history.

“As far as consumer credit is concerned, the default cycle isn’t merely looming. It’s arrived,” he warned.

Read more, and weep

The payday is due

YOLO’ing has costs, especially for those who haven’t benefited from the post-Covid asset inflation.

These Are The Girls You Should Avoid

If they act like this and are this selfish, you need to run. Run quickly and far away and never look back. If they are going to act this crazy, your life is not worth being ruined. I’ve been around long enough to know the red flags. These types of girls are waving an armful of them.

People are going to war in the comments of this video explaining why girls dump their boyfriends

There is more, so much more at the link above. Life is too short for this kind of shit in a relationship. I promise there are a lot of girls out there not this crazy.

The Signs Of Crazy Are All Here; Morning Drinking, Therapist, Reckless Spending, Crazy Women Being Too Public Online

It’s as bad as it sounds. It’s how women ruin marriages. 70% of divorces are initiated by the wife and here we have one that has to tell the world how crazy she is. I pity the husband. But seriously, do you have to tell the world because you are the irresponsible one who set out to ruin things?

In the summer of 2022,I lost my mind. At first, it seemed I was simply overwhelmed because life had become very difficult, and I needed to — had every right to — blow off some steam. Our family was losing its apartment and had to find another one, fast, in a rental market gone so wild that people were offering over the asking price on rent. My husband, Keith, was preparing to publish a book, Raising Raffi, about our son, a book he’d written with my support and permission but that, as publication loomed, I began to have mixed feelings about. To cope with the stress, I asked my psychiatrist to increase the dosage of the antidepressant I’d been on for years. Sometime around then, I started talking too fast and drinking a lot.

I felt invincibly alive, powerful, and self-assured, troubled only by impatience with how slowly everyone around me was moving and thinking. Drinking felt necessary because it slightly calmed my racing brain. Some days, I’d have drinks with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, which I ate at restaurants so the drink order didn’t seem too unusual. Who doesn’t have an Aperol spritz on the way home from the gym in the morning?

More, way too much more.

Pop Tarts Inventor Died

William “Bill” Post — the man who created the beloved toaster treat Pop-Tarts — died on Saturday, his family announced. He was 96.

Post, a Michigan native and son of immigrants who worked his way up from a truck washer to a senior vice president, brightened millions of Americans’ mornings with the sweet pastry that hit the shelves in 1964.

The great-grandfather is often credited with inventing the breakfast treat, though he would always say it was a team effort, according to his obituary.

Post was raised in Grand Rapids as one of seven children of Dutch immigrants. He married his high school sweetheart, Florence Schut, and served in the Army Air Corps in occupied Japan.


I ate them, but it wasn’t the staple it was for my kids. Knowing what I know now about diets, I’d have never given them to the kids, but when you are working on a couple of hours of sleep and you’ll do anything to get food in your kids before school…..pop tarts.

Who Remembers These?

In grade school, we made bags for all the kids to put in a Valentines card for everybody in class. It was before we were old enough to have gf/bf and before the woke ruined everything it touched because some kid didn’t get one.

We’d get a pack of 30 of these at the five and dime and then sign your name on them and put one in the bags.

As I look back on this, I have no idea if I got one from every kid or not. I never checked. I bet every girl made sure they got one though. The girls understood social stuff way before the guys did.

I recall it being a tedious task because just like now, I didn’t really care that much about others socially. I knew they weren’t really all my friends, and this would prove to be true in life as I went to school with these kids as much as 21 year for some (kindergarten through college). 

Puberty hadn’t set in and we (they) hadn’t started imposing the caste system of have’s and have not’s on kids based on looks, sports ability or general group hate. Kids are mean.

Fortunately, I kept to myself and stayed on the sidelines on this, but I knew then what I know now. That is the life of an introvert. As soon as the bags were opened and you looked at the cards, no one cared anymore. I saw this in advance. It’s why I had no clue whether to see if I got one from everyone, or even to check.

It’s why now if I give a gift, I meant it. Conversely, if you didn’t get one, I meant that also. I could never really deny my feelings to fit in. I just didn’t want to and knew it wasn’t worth it.

As soon as we didn’t make the bags, I didn’t give the card.

As I grew older though, my girlfriends all got good gifts from me while they were around. On the other hand, I don’t recall ever getting a good VD gift. Not even VD on VD.

images from Mike Miles

The Peel Me An Orange And Ketchup Challenge, It’s Just Another Shit Test By Girls To Ruin Relationships – Oh, Happy Valentines Day Also

Since the beginning of time, girls invent childish shit tests to see what they can make you do to prove your love. Once you are not willing to do stupid stuff and are confident in yourself, you can have an actually good relationship. It happens when you kick these types of girls to the curb immediately. It will save you a lot of time, trouble and social media BS. Once you realize that they can’t hold their nookie over your head, you can then be adults about it as girls have no other leverage. As I told one ex when kicking her out, there is no golden pussy.

These are invented by assholes on Tik Tok to poison girls into thinking this is love. It is much deeper than this type of relationship control, but nevertheless…….

Here goes:

Would You Dump Someone If They Didn’t Peel An Orange

Like one of those secretly mordant fairy tales about mermaids sacrificing their fins or maidens poisoned and sleeping forever, there is apparently a new test to tell if love is true: fetch and denude me an orange.

The gist: If your partner strips the rind off the citrus and serves it to you with kindness, then their love is for real. If your partner refuses, then this love is hollow and false, and you must now make a deal with a sea witch or reenter the dating pool. This deeply unscientific experiment, known colloquially as the orange peel theory/test/trend, is usually administered by heterosexual women on their male partners. And because of its simplicity and clarity, and social media’s penchant for anything that creates a reaction, the test has gone viral on TikTok.

Some videos of men peeling or not peeling oranges for their partners have millions of views. Millions!

Does separating citrus from its skin really indicate true love? What happened to building the Taj Mahal or, you know, buying some diamonds? Should women carry a mandarin around at all times just to be sure?

“An entire intimate relationship can’t be boiled down to what a partner does or doesn’t do with an orange,” says Alexandra Solomon, a psychologist and author who teaches at Northwestern University and specializes in relationships. As Solomon explains, one does not need to throw a romantic partner away like an orange rind because they did not peel a fruit in a pleasant way.


What TikTok’s ‘Ketchup Challenge’ Actually Says About Your Relationship

At first glance, the viral social media trend known as the “ketchup challenge” may sound like TikTok’s latest household hack, involving cleaning with the common condiment. And while cleaning is (kind of) part of it, the actual aim appears to be secretly testing a romantic partner.

Similar to the “orange peel theory,” the ketchup challenge is being used as a relationship test of sorts, in which one person (usually a woman) intentionally squirts some ketchup on the kitchen counter or a table, then asks their partner (usually a man) to clean it up. Naturally, the whole thing is captured on video and posted to TikTok or Instagram, where commenters are able to weigh in on the man’s ability—or lack thereof—to effectively clean a simple mess, rather than smearing it around, making it worse.

Clearly, this is about much more than ketchup, but out of all the relationship “challenges” floating around online, what about this one has struck a nerve? Two clinical psychologists specializing in relationships explain.


Oh, and by the way, Happy Valentines Day tomorrow. Don’t fall for these and if you get this from your girl, you’re better off dumping her rather than suffering a minute longer with a child who resorts to this low level of immaturity. She reads too much social media online, another red flag for you

It’s just another indication that social media ruins a lot of what it touches and the most vulnerable fall for it first.

And I Have To Go To This Shithole Soon

Portland, here is what happened when they de-funded the police. They turned make Portland weird into make Portland a crime zone.

I have a relative there and have to go in a few weeks. I can’t say how little I’m excited to go travel.

Hopefully, I’m not on a Boeing plane that is missing bolts or stuck next to traveler who starts a fight. Both seem to be a trend lately.

When I get there, the homeless and the crazies have destroyed the city, so I can’t say I’m looking forward to that either.

Like all trips, the best part is leaving and coming home.

As for being an introvert, as soon as I committed to going, my irritation level shot up. My social battery is not able to recharge because it can’t knowing I have to face this. A countdown to leaving (to come home) automatically begins in my head, I can’t stop it from happening.

It will be over in a bit, but for now I’m suffering until it is over and I’m back home.

Darwin Award Winner: Man dies after cooking and eating highly poisonous Pufferfish

A Brazilian man who feasted on one of the most poisonous fishes in the world has died after spending five weeks in hospital fighting for his life, according to reports.

Magno Sergio Gomes, 46, and his friend ate a toxic pufferfish — known to be 1,200 times more poisonous than cyanide — over Christmas after receiving the fish as a present, according to Newsflash via the New York Post. 

However, less than an hour later, both Gomes and his friend fell seriously ill, his heartbroken sister Myrian Lopes told Newsflash, adding that her brother had never cleaned a pufferfish before.

“Magno started to feel numb in his mouth, then he went with his wife to the hospital, driving his car,” Lopes said, according to Newsflash.

“When he got there, his mouth was even more numb, and he felt sick. Soon after, he had a cardiac arrest that lasted eight minutes.”

Lopes said that Gomes was intubated and put on life support but never recovered. He died Saturday. 


Why do you have to tempt fate? It’s not even that great, even if the Japanese think it’s a delicacy. 

Name A Cockroach Or Rat For Your Ex To Be Eaten By Zoo Animal For Valentines Day

There is a sweet amount of satisfaction in doing this. You buy a cockroach or rat, it gets named for your ex and is feed to an animal at the zoo. You get confirmation and everyone is happy. Also, fuck your ex.

For the second year in a row, the wild and crazy staff at the San Antonio Zoo offers the brokenhearted a novel way to oh-so-satisfyingly get back at their exes on Valentine’s Day. Yes, their incredibly popular Cry Me a Cockroach Fundraiser is back!

For a small non-refundable donation of $5.00, $10.00, or $25.00, the zoo staff will “symbolically name a [cock]roach, rat, or veggie after your ex or not-so-special someone.” The San Antonio Zoo staff will then happily feed your selection of a bug, a rodent, or a vegetable to a deserving and hungry zoo animal.

Don’t worry, animal lovers and PETA, no additional rats are killed specifically for the brokenhearted’s vengeful pleasure. All the rats used in the fundraiser are pre-frozen, just like the usual rodents that are fed to the animals as part of their regular daily scheduled feedings. “They are delivered frozen from a mouse farm and stored at [the] Nutrition Center until thawed for feedings,” the zoo’s website states. 

Additionally, participants of Cry Me a Cockroach receive “a digital Valentine’s Day Card” showing their support for the fundraiser, including the cockroach, rat, or veggie dedication to your ex. And just for, um, fun, this card could be sent to your ex or posted to your personal social media to let the world know you’ve been, um, thinking of your ex. Sharing is caring, amirite?


I played this game with the El Paso Zoo a couple of years ago. I named one for my college gf who turned into a traveling whore when she was a stewardess. The other was just deserving of one. She cheated on her husband although not with me. I had nothing to do with it other than watching her (from the sidelines) ruin someone else’s (and her own) life.

The people at the zoo were amazed at how much vitriol people had for the ones that did them wrong.

Rudyard Kipling On Being A Man

“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, or, being lied about, refuse to deal in lies;

Or, being hated, don’t give way to hating. . .

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue . . . then you’ll be a man, my son.”

This Is Life As An Introvert

Small talk is one of the more tiring things for introverts,. I avoid that situation at every chance. I love a deep conversation, but once someone starts in on how their day went in minute detail, I can’t help but turn into my own world and wish the conversation to be over as quickly as possible.

The other is ice breakers. Tell us something about yourself. Um, I don’t like to talk about myself, how’s that?

I’d hold it before I’d go just to not talk to not be here. This is at a Dr.’s office though. I see the door where you pass the piss sample in the cup

If I say call me, it’s because I’m betting you won’t. I’m tossing over the fence for you to make the move. I wouldn’t call either way. A cryptic text at best that doesn’t leave much of a window to respond.

Patriotic Hockey Team Shows Why No One Likes Girls Soccer

These kids belt out the national anthem and are proud of the country, unlike the girls soccer team that lost while trashing and hating the country, men and strait people. Take that Rapinoe, you horrible person.