Sweden Ruined By Immigration, And Woke

Bet Mark Steyn has come to really hate being proved right all the time.

I may not know much, but I know Malmö – although eighteen years ago one of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s many in-house lefties, Jill Singer, accused me of exaggerating the city’s transformation. I offered to fly the late Ms Singer and an ABC crew to Sweden so that she could accompany me on what, by 2006, had already become my annual ritual in Malmö. The eminent presenter declined, being more concerned, fulminating-theocrat-wise, by George W Bush, on the grounds that “a faith-based US President …scares the bejesus out of me”. So, as in previous years, I walked my walk alone:

After that conference with Lars in Copenhagen a couple of years ago, I took the train over the water to Malmö in Sweden. Malmö was one of the first Christian cities in what was then Denmark. It’s now on course to become the first Muslim city in Sweden. I sat and had a coffee in a nice little place in a beautiful medieval square in the heart of town. Aside from a few modernist excrescences, it would not have looked so different in the early days of the Lutheran church. I got lucky, and fell into conversation with a couple of cute Swedish blondes. Fine-looking ladies. I shall miss Scandinavian blondes when they’re extinct. At dusk, and against their advice, I took a 20-minute walk to Rosengård. As you stroll the sidewalk, the gaps between blondes grow longer, and the gaps between young bearded Muslim men grow shorter. And then eventually you’re in the housing projects, and all the young boys kicking a soccer ball around are Muslim, and every single woman is covered – including many who came from “moderate” Muslim countries and did not adopt the headscarf or hijab until they emigrated to Sweden, where it’s compulsory, at least in Rosengård.

Do you remember the rationalization Israel used at the Oslo Accords? “Land for peace”? In Sweden, which is about as far as you can get from Gaza and the West Bank, they’re also trading land for peace, and as in Gaza unlikely to wind up with either. The Jews are already fleeing Malmö: Soon it will be like Tangiers or Baghdad or any other Arab town with a weed-strewn, decaying “old Jewish cemetery” and no one left to tend it. But it’s not just the Jewish graveyard that’s destined to be abandoned, but the Lutheran ones, too.

I would urge anyone to do that twilight walk from downtown Malmö to Rosengård, as the blondes thin and the bearded men multiply. That’s Europe’s future walking toward you.

For around a decade-and-a-half it was a more-or-less scientific experiment. Until the Covid clobbered my jetsetting, each year I would mark the precise point at which the last blonde was glimpsed and the beards took over – and each year that point advanced just a little more towards the centre of Malmö. By 2008 (which is a long time ago now: Greta Thunberg was in kindergarten) the “foreign-born” population of Rosengård was already 86 per cent. Sixty per cent had not completed elementary school.

How’s that working out? Sweden is not to everyone’s tastes, but it was, until recently, a peaceful and well-ordered society. Today, in a wholly transformed land where you can be shot dead in the crossfire at a pub and the courts say child gang-rape does not count as a serious crime, you might think that the ire of ethnic Swedes would be directed other than toward Jews. But in 2016 in Östersund I talked to a young lady whose daughter and her friends had been sexually assaulted in the municipal swimming baths by “migrants”. The staff who witnessed it sized up the cocksure young lads, swimming in the pool (in defiance of regulations) in their urine-stained and malodorous underwear, and declined to attempt their removal.

“There must have been other men there,” I said. “Didn’t they do anything?”

My friend laughed. “Swedish men are manginas,” she said – a portmanteau of “man” and “vagina” with which I was not hitherto familiar.

It is the logic of arithmetic: Follow the science, as Greta’s climate chums say. A keffiyeh is a little light accessorising; the full body bag will come later. So I’ll repeat my observation from almost two decades back: The Swedes are also trading land for peace, and will wind up with neither. A society that has nothing to die for has nothing to live for, and thus the last Europeans rush to embrace those who will supplant them.

This is what you get when you put in weak leaders.

I have friends in Malmö who tell me it is a war zone. They teach the kids to jump in the bushes to get away from sexual predators (Muslims) instead of stop, drop and roll.

When they went woke and let everyone in, it was beginning of the destruction of a very pretty country. It was nice to visit, now not so much.

Let that be a lesson to America about immigration, especially illegal. Those leeches are in Sweden for the free money the socialist system gives them. They return the favor by raping the women and blowing stuff up. Their murder rate is skyrocketing.

How The KGB’s Plan To Take Down America Has Come True At Columbia

In Love Letter To America, Yuri Bresmenov (a Soviet defector) described how the KGB planned to destroy America. A lot of it was subtle mind control and other was more blatant.

In the 10 points of how they would do it (click on the link above for the rest), relevant to this discussion are these:

2) These “active measures” were designed to corrupt a targeted free, self-governing country (and its elections) to the point where the people acted in the interests of the USSR, though not aware that they were doing so. Those affected people were referred to by the Soviet dictators as “useful idiots” and included prominent figures from Hollywood, authors and others. (e.g. University professors, liberals with weak minds, college students)

4) As these students progressed to universities, they were not only unaware of the lies they’d been told, they were primed and receptive to higher-level indoctrination of hatred for freedom, democracy, individual rights, limited constitutional government, free enterprise, etc. And once they graduated, they became the next generation of leaders, in all segments of society. This ongoing process destabilized our society, as these Communist values clashed with those who still believed in the constitution and its principles.

Now to the point, Useful Idiots:

Columbia has a student population in the lucky sperm club that hates white, strait male republicans. It’s been that way since Obama.

They hated our country…hated the idea of American exceptionalism…hated capitalism…hated white people (even though they were almost all white)…hated Israel (even though many of them were Jewish)…hated God and religion (they were almost all atheists), and they wanted to destroy America and bring the system crashing down to create “equality.”

Current campus disturbances outwardly resemble past protests. It would be as if they all shared a common script—righteous indignation, yelling and screaming slogans, lists of non-negotiable demands, going limp when police try to remove them, piles of trash, and all the rest.  Don’t be fooled.  Today’s protestors are profoundly different despite the superficial resemblances, and these differences make them particularly dangerous.

Current disturbances lack this rational: self-interested elements and many participants are clueless when asked to explain their action.  In a nutshell, while anti-war protestors wanted to end the draft and avoid Vietnam, and blacks demanded more educational resources, today’s protestors want to eradicate a country of nine million people possessing the most powerful, nuclear-equipped army in the Middle East. Moreover, this mission is to be accomplished by shouting “Death to America” and disrupting classes.  Brilliant, and one can only ask, “Are these the smartest of the smart?”  Ironically, perhaps the only rational participants in these disturbances are the non-student professional agitators bedecked in their balaclavas whose mission is just to create violent chaos.  They at least have a chance of succeeding.

Stupidity abounds.  Why, for example, are so many of these pro-Hamas, anti-Israel demonstrators women who drape themselves in Muslim style headscarves, embracing a religion so antithetical to feminism? They surely know how women are treated in Muslim-dominated nations.  Are these female demonstrators demanding an intifada so they can now obey their husbands unconditionally?

Protestors live in an upside-down world where the “good guys” are the “bad guys” and one’s friends are “really” the enemy.  How is it possible for 100 professors at Columbia University to call the October 7th slaughter of civilians, beheaded babies, raped women, and kidnapped hostages a “military operation”?  One leftist magazine spoke of Hamas’s historic anti-colonial struggle.

Why?  These protestors are afflicted with a condition what might be called Post-Modern Brain Disorder (PMBD).  Here the stricken live in a universe where words lose their meaning and are thus unable to separate good from evil.

more, unfortunately much, much more, read at your own risk

It just goes to show you how stupid people are as Bresmenov laid this out in 1984. The fell for exactly what the KGB predicted and put into place.

In other words, the actions of the anti-Semites are Communist, like the universities are teaching.

2005 study proved Chloroquine / Hydroxychloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV infection and spread – How The WHO Got Away With Murder

Supreme Court documents suggests the UN had motive for the targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman.. The official / legal name for the UN is the United Nations Organization. The official name for the WHO is the World Health Organization. What motive did the UN Organization have to target and kill Barry and Honey Sherman? Apotex’s cheap and effective anti-SARS-CoV drug Hydroxychloroquine. The Apotex drug threatened to prematurely end Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 biological warfare attack and defund the bankrupt / insolvent UN Organization and its lucrative multi $billion global vaccine agenda.

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

We report, however, that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage. In addition to the well-known functions of chloroquine such as elevations of endosomal pH, the drug appears to interfere with terminal glycosylation of the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. This may negatively influence the virus-receptor binding and abrogate the infection, with further ramifications by the elevation of vesicular pH, resulting in the inhibition of infection and spread of SARS CoV at clinically admissible concentrations.

In order to investigate if chloroquine might prevent SARS-CoV infection, permissive Vero E6 cells were pretreated with various concentrations of chloroquine (0.1–10 μM) for 20–24 h prior to virus infection. Cells were then infected with SARS-CoV, and virus antigens were visualized by indirect immunofluorescence as described in Materials and Methods. Microscopic examination (Fig. 1A) of the control cells (untreated, infected) revealed extensive SARS-CoV-specific immunostaining of the monolayer. A dose-dependant decrease in virus antigen-positive cells was observed starting at 0.1 μM chloroquine, and concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection. For quantitative purposes, we counted the number of cells stained positive from three random locations on a slide. The average number of positively stained control cells was scored as 100% and was compared with the number of positive cells observed under various chloroquine concentrations (Fig. 1B). Pretreatment with 0.1, 1, and 10 μM chloroquine reduced infectivity by 28%, 53%, and 100%, respectively. Reproducible results were obtained from three independent experiments. These data demonstrated that pretreatment of Vero E6 cells with chloroquine rendered these cells refractory to SARS-CoV infection.

The infectivity of coronaviruses other than SARS-CoV are also affected by chloroquine, as exemplified by the human CoV-229E. The inhibitory effects observed on SARS-CoV infectivity and cell spread occurred in the presence of 1–10 μM chloroquine, which are plasma concentrations achievable during the prophylaxis and treatment of malaria (varying from 1.6–12.5 μM) [26] and hence are well tolerated by patients.

Chloroquine, a relatively safe, effective and cheap drug used for treating many human diseases including malaria, amoebiosis and human immunodeficiency virus is effective in inhibiting the infection and spread of SARS CoV in cell culture. The fact that the drug has significant inhibitory antiviral effect when the susceptible cells were treated either prior to or after infection suggests a possible prophylactic and therapeutic use.

Study published 22 August 2005 in Virology Journal


So they murdered people for money. It sounds more like the Mafia, or something the Clinton’s would do

Iran, The Enemy Within

Details of the recent limited Israeli retaliatory strike against Iranian anti-aircraft missile batteries at Isfahan are still sketchy. But nonetheless, we can draw some conclusions.

Israel’s small volley of missiles hit their intended targets, to the point of zeroing in on the very launchers designed to stop such incoming ordnance.

The target was near the Natanz enrichment facility. That proximity was by design. Israel showed Iran it could take out the very anti-missile battery designed to thwart an attack on its nearby nuclear facility.

The larger message sent to the world was that Israel could send a retaliatory barrage at Iranian nuclear sites with reasonable assurances that the incoming attacks could not be stopped. By comparison, Iran’s earlier attack on Israel was much greater and more indiscriminate. It was also a huge flop, with an estimated 99 percent of the more than 320 drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles failing to hit their planned targets.

Moreover, it was reported that more than 50 percent of Iran’s roughly 115-120 ballistic missiles failed at launch or malfunctioned in flight.

Collate these facts, and it presents a disturbing corrective to Iran’s non-stop boasts of soon possessing a nuclear arsenal that will obliterate the Jewish state.

Consider further the following nightmarish scenarios: Were Iranian nuclear-tipped missiles ever launched at Israel, they could pass over, in addition to Syria and Iraq, either Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the West Bank, Gaza, or all four. In the cases of Jordan and Saudi Arabia, such trajectories would constitute an act of war, especially considering that some of Iran’s recent aerial barrages were intercepted and destroyed over Arab territory well before they reached Israel.


The gang that couldn’t shoot straight. Victor Davis Hanson is a very knowledgeable person. I’ve taken some of his classes and he’s very well researched.

Adults are aging faster, facing higher risk of cancer – But No, It Couldn’t Be The Covid Jab

Actions have consequences. For the sheep who fell for it and got jabbed, the bill is coming due. You won’t read a thing about the Covid Jab in the article below, but it’s as obvious as your face in the mirror. They blame it on everything but the reason.

ounger generations are aging more rapidly, and this could be leading to an increased risk of cancer, a new study says.

People born in or after 1965 are 17% more likely to be experiencing accelerated aging compared to seniors born between 1950 and 1954, researchers found.

That faster aging is associated with a higher risk of certain cancers among adults younger than 55, also known as early-onset cancers, results show.

“Multiple cancer types are becoming increasingly common among younger adults in the United States and globally,” researcher Ruiyi Tian, a doctoral student at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, said in a news release. “Understanding the factors driving this increase will be key to improve the prevention or early detection of cancers in younger and future generations.”

For this study, researchers analyzed blood data for nearly 149,000 people participating in the U.K. Biobank project.

The team used a set of nine biomarkers found in blood to calculate each person’s biological age, or what age a person appears to be based on the condition of their body.

They then contrasted that to the person’s actual age based on their birth date, as well as any cancers that had occurred among them.

  • 42% for early-onset lung cancer.
  • 22% for early-onset gastrointestinal (GI) cancer.
  • 36% for early-onset uterine cancer.


WCW Exposes Animal Lab Accidents at Home of New NIH-Funded EcoHealth Bat Lab …Just In Time For Election Year

  • WCW has uncovered an alarming pattern of recent animal lab accidents at Colorado State University, which is working with the notorious EcoHealth Alliance and the NIH to build a new bat lab and breeding colony.
  • Never-before-seen records obtained by WCW show that from 2020 to 2023, dozens of animal lab accidents with bats, cats, hamsters, and mice exposed CSU staff to coronaviruses, Zika, rabies, Tuberculosis, and other dangerous pathogens that can cause deadly outbreaks.
  • Last year, WCW exposed how $12 million of taxpayers’ money is being wasted by CSU and EcoHealth to build a new lab and import hundreds of bats from Asia to establish a new breeding colony and infect them with deadly viruses, including Ebola and Nipah
  • The new bat lab at CSU is now scheduled to be completed in December 2024

Last year, White Coat Waste Project (WCW) exposed how $12 million of taxpayers’ money is being wasted by Colorado State University (CSU) and Wuhan lab partner EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) to build a new lab at CSU and import hundreds of bats from Asia to establish a new breeding colony and infect them with deadly viruses, including COVID, Ebola and Nipah.


Was The Bridge Collapse An Attack? Speculation

Well, it was near DC, it was a strategic route, it caused disruption, and this…just sayin’

Second busiest strategic roadway in the nation for hazardous material now down for 4-5 years – which is how long they say it will take to recover. Bridge was built specifically to move hazardous material – fuel, diesel, propane gas, nitrogen, highly flammable materials, chemicals and oversized cargo that cannot fit in the tunnels – that supply chain now crippled. Make no mistake: this was an extraordinary attack in terms of planning, timing & execution.

The two critical components on that bridge are the two load-bearing pylons on each end, closest to the shore. They are bigger, thicker and deeper than anything else. These are the anchor points and they knew that hitting either one one of them would be a fatal wound to the integrity of the bridge. Half a mile of bridge went in the river – likely you will have to build a new one. Also caused so much damage to the structural integrity of the bottom concrete part that you cannot see & won’t know until they take the wreckage apart. Structural destruction likely absolute. Attack perfectly targeted. “They have figured out how to bring us down.

As long as you stay away from the teeth of the US military, you can pick the US apart. We are arrogant and ignorant – lethal combination. Obama said they would fundamentally change America and they did. We are in a free-fall ride on a roller coaster right now – no brakes – just picking up speed.” The footage shows the cargo ship never got in the approach lane in the channel. You have to be in the channel before you get into that turn. Location was precise/deliberate: chose a bend in the river where you have to slow down and commit yourself – once you are committed in that area there is not enough room to maneuver. Should have had a harbor pilot to pilot the boat.

You are not supposed to traverse any obstacles without the harbor pilot. They chose a full moon so they would have maximum tidal shift – rise and fall. Brisk flow in that river on a normal day & have had a lot of rain recently so water was already moving along at a good pace. Hit it with enough kinetic energy to knock the load-bearing pylon out from under the highway – which fatally weakens the span and then 50 percent of the bridge fell into the water.

All these factors when you look at it – this is how you teach people how to do this type of attack and there are so few people left in the system who know this. We have a Junior varsity team on the field. Tremendous navigational obstruction. Huge logistical nightmare to clean this up. Number of dead is tragic but not the whole measure of the attack. That kind-of bridge constantly under repair – always at night because there is so much traffic and they cannot obstruct that during the day. So concern is for repair guys who were on foot (out of their vehicles) working who may now be in the water – 48 degrees at most at this time of year. When you choke off Baltimore you have cut the main north-south hazardous corridor (I95) in half.

Now has to go around the city – or go somewhere else. To move some of that cargo through the tunnel you may be able to get a permit but those are slow to get and require an escort system that is expensive and has to be done at night. For every $100 dollars that goes into the city, $12 comes from shipping. Believe this will cripple the city of Baltimore at a time when they do not have the resources to recover.

General Mills Poisoning Kids

A new report is raising concerns over General Mills’ new cereal line after testing revealed that Trix LOADED cereal is literally loaded with high levels of heavy metals and agrochemicals.

General Mills, Inc. on Feb. 1 launched “LOADED,” a new cereal line with “puffed-up larger-than-life squares” of General Mills’ Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Trix, and Cocoa Puffs cereals filled with artificially flavored vanilla creme. Trix LOADED boasts 17 grams of whole grain per serving and 12 vitamins and minerals. Yet testing by Moms Across America (MAA), an organization dedicated to educating and empowering others to create healthy communities, found the artificially flavored creme-filled breakfast food also contains measurable levels of aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, lead, mercury, glyphosate, and pesticides shown to be harmful to humans.

In a statement to The Epoch Times, MAA director Zen Honeycutt said her organization tested two samples of General Mills’ Trix LOADED cereal because they were alarmed that the company, which had previously seemed very committed to supporting regenerative organic agriculture, launched a cereal “loaded with creme, food dyes, and highly-processed foods.”

Pesticides Found in General Mills’ Trix LOADED Cereal

In test results obtained by MAA, scientists found residues from eight different pesticides in both samples of Trix LOADED cereal.

The following six pesticide residues were found in trace amounts:

  • Imazalil-1
  • Metconazole-1
  • Pyraclostrobin-1
  • Pyrimethanil-1
  • Pyriproxyfen-1
  • Tebuconazole-1

Two pesticides, piperonyl butoxide-1 (PBO) and fluopyram-1, were detected in higher amounts. Fluopyram-1 is a broad-spectrum fungicide that can cause liver problems, endocrine disruption, and thyroid cancer.


Why I Don’t Want mRNA Vaccinated Blood From The Bloodbank

I’ve already posted about my fears that this might happen at this link.

Now, it’s not just jabbed blood, it’s also HIV infected blood

Now, it’s coming true and it looks like I’m not the only one.

Japanese Preprint Calls for mRNA “Vaccines” to Be Suspended Over Blood Bank Contamination Concerns

(The Epoch Times)—Receiving blood transfusion from COVID-19-vaccinated individuals could pose a medical risk to unvaccinated recipients since numerous adverse events are being reported among vaccinated people worldwide, according to a recent study from Japan.

The preprint review, published on March 15, examined whether receiving blood from COVID-19-vaccinated individuals is safe or poses a health risk. Many nations have reported that mRNA vaccine usage has resulted in “post-vaccination thrombosis and subsequent cardiovascular damage, as well as a wide variety of diseases involving all organs and systems, including the nervous system,” it said.

Repeated vaccinations can make people more vulnerable to COVID-19, it said. If the blood contains spike proteins, it becomes necessary to remove these proteins prior to administration, and there is no such technology currently available, the authors wrote.

Contrary to earlier expectations, genes and proteins from genetic vaccines have been found to persist in the blood of vaccine recipients for “prolonged periods of time.”

In addition, “a variety of adverse events resulting from genetic vaccines are now being reported worldwide.” This includes a wide range of diseases related to blood and blood vessels.

Some studies have reported that the spike protein in the mRNA vaccines is neurotoxic and capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, the review stated. “Thus, there is no longer any doubt that the spike protein used as an antigen in genetic vaccines is itself toxic.”

Moreover, people who have taken multiple shots of mRNA vaccines can have several exposures to the same antigen within a small time frame, which may lead to them being “imprinted with a preferential immune response to that antigen.”

This has resulted in COVID-19 vaccine recipients becoming “more susceptible to contracting COVID-19.”

Given such concerns, medical professionals should be aware of the “various risks associated with blood transfusions using blood products derived from people who have suffered from long COVID and from genetic vaccine recipients, including those who have received mRNA vaccines.”

The impact of such genetic vaccines on blood products as well as the actual damage caused by them are currently unknown, the authors wrote.

“In order to avoid these risks and prevent further expansion of blood contamination and complication of the situation, we strongly request that the vaccination campaign using genetic vaccines be suspended and that a harm–benefit assessment be carried out as early as possible.”

Repeated vaccination of genetic vaccines can also end up causing “alterations in immune function” among recipients. This raises the risk of serious illnesses due to opportunistic infections or pathogenic viruses, which would not have been an issue if the immune system were normal, the review said.

Me, On Emoji’s

I don’t use them, on purpose. I think they are a childish. I write out stuff. I also don’t LOL, OMG or any other stuff in real life.

There are times that I think people don’t want to talk, so they put something out there that means I’ll let you go or best wishes (read I don’t want to have to say what I really mean, like I don’t want to talk).

Sure, I get them from everyone, but I think if you are over 50, or a guy, you shouldn’t be doing this. It seems like playing with dolls, but then that is just me.

This post and the link about saying Ha! on a text are about the same person. A girl over 60 who thought it was cute. Act like an adult, you are a physician for Pete’s sake.

Health – The Hidden War On Male Testosterone Levels

This brings me to the hidden war currently underway against male testosterone development as part of the Woke Mind Virus’ fight against ‘Toxic Masculinity.’

The Medical Health & Dietary “Experts” Have Been Lying To You For Decades About Why Male T Levels Have Dramatically Dropped – They Know EXACTLY What’s Causing It

For more than 40 years of my life, I recall seeing plenty of popular culture coverage in the news media and health/bodybuilding magazines discussing the curious downward trend of male testosterone levels.

The trend of dropping male testosterone levels first began to be noticed in the 1960s.


I have a relative I nicknamed flounder who admitted he’s so fat that he produces estrogen. That’s a hint and a half for your ass that you should hit the gym and put down the fork and wine glass and do something about it.

Food is turning men into pussies. The feminists hate “toxic masculinity”, but I’ve got news for you, the world needs it, deep down even the feminists love a real man, even if they can’t admit it. They are drawn to it no matter how much they hate it.

We’d better man up or life is going to suck for us if we have to defend ourselves or continue leading the world in anything.

Women In Power Abuse It

Upon taking office as mayor of Chicago after landslide victory in 2019, Lori Lightfoot said, “I know we’re just a little bit closer to that dream as I stand here today, inaugurated as Chicago’s first black woman and first openly gay mayor. I know we’re a little bit closer as we celebrate that, for the first time in the history of Chicago, women of color now hold all three of our citywide elected offices.

Four years later, when she couldn’t make it out of the Democrat primary, she blamed racism and sexism. Democrats nominated a black man.

The media promoted women candidates — especially the women of color — as being inherently superior to men. Let’s see how that worked out.

NBC reported on February 27, 2020, “Former Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh was sentenced Thursday to three years in prison for a children’s book scam that funneled money into her personal accounts and campaign coffers.

“Pugh, 69, will also have to serve three years of supervised release once she’s out of prison, according to the sentence handed down by U.S. District Judge Deborah K. Chasanow.

“The disgraced former mayor was also ordered to pay $411,948 in restitution and to forfeit $669,688, including property in Baltimore and $17,800 from her Committee to Re-elect Catherine Pugh.”

She took over as mayor from Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, whose biggest achievement (if you want to call it that) was to order police to stand down as rioters burned cars and looted stores, saying “we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.”

Much More Here

Nikki Haley cheated on her husband and no one says anything about it, yet a fake accusation by a woman who claimed everyone abused her has Trump charged with hurting her feelings.

Let’s not forget Elizabeth Theranos, who sits in jail for fraud to the tune of 11 billion.

Google will no longer back up the Internet: Cached webpages are dead

I for one am glad. I’m old enough that most of my fucking up in life was before the internet and only I really know the story of my misdeeds and untoward activity.

A lot of people say stupid shit online, or brag about stuff they shouldn’t to show off or get likes. Until now, the internet was forever. It may still be if you search hard enough, but Google is evil and presents the worst of behavior easily. Now, the idiots may be protected.


Google will no longer be keeping a backup of the entire Internet. Google Search’s “cached” links have long been an alternative way to load a website that was down or had changed, but now the company is killing them off. Google “Search Liaison” Danny Sullivan confirmed the feature removal in an X post, saying the feature “was meant for helping people access pages when way back, you often couldn’t depend on a page loading. These days, things have greatly improved. So, it was decided to retire it.”

The feature has been appearing and disappearing for some people since December, and currently, we don’t see any cache links in Google Search. For now, you can still build your own cache links even without the button, just by going to “https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:” plus a website URL, or by typing “cache:” plus a URL into Google Search. For now, the cached version of Ars Technica seems to still work. All of Google’s support pages about cached sites have been taken down.

Cached links used to live under the drop-down menu next to every search result on Google’s page. As the Google web crawler scoured the Internet for new and updated webpages, it would also save a copy of whatever it was seeing. That quickly led to Google having a backup of basically the entire Internet, using what was probably an uncountable number of petabytes of data. Google is in the era of cost savings now, so assuming Google can just start deleting cache data, it can probably free up a lot of resources.

Cached links were great if the website was down or quickly changed, but they also gave some insight over the years about how the “Google Bot” web crawler views the web. The pages aren’t necessarily rendered like how you would expect. In the past, pages were text-only, but slowly the Google Bot learned about media and other rich data like javascript (there are a ton of specialized Google Bots now). A lot of Google Bot details are shrouded in secrecy to hide from SEO spammers, but you could learn a lot by investigating what cached pages look like. In 2020, Google switched to mobile-by-default, so for instance, if you visit that cached Ars link from earlier, you get the mobile site. If you run a website and want to learn more about what a site looks like to a Google Bot, you can still do that, though only for your own site, from the Search Console.

click above for more, but I think you get the drift

These Are The Girls You Should Avoid

If they act like this and are this selfish, you need to run. Run quickly and far away and never look back. If they are going to act this crazy, your life is not worth being ruined. I’ve been around long enough to know the red flags. These types of girls are waving an armful of them.

People are going to war in the comments of this video explaining why girls dump their boyfriends

There is more, so much more at the link above. Life is too short for this kind of shit in a relationship. I promise there are a lot of girls out there not this crazy.

The Great EV Con

Led by an elderly man experiencing cognitive decline, the Biden administration has launched a strident effort to promote electric vehicle (E.V.) sales.  This push is part of a globalist climate change agenda that ignores the unreliability of renewable energy during winter storms and heat waves.  The unreliability of green energy sources was illustrated by the 2021 winter storm in Texas, which paralyzed the state’s wind energy system — the second largest energy source — leaving some Texans unable to flush their toilets or power their electric vehicles.  Now E.V. sales, for a variety of reasons, are deservedly losing momentum among  U.S. buyers.  

The decline in sales persists despite three critical factors favoring non–fossil fuel energy generation: (1) the world’s rising investment of billions of dollars in E.V. technology; (2) rising tailpipe emissions regulations; (3) apocalyptic claims tied to climate change that are part of the Western world’s war on fossil fuels, gas stoves, and homes heated by natural gas.  While American electric vehicle sales rose rapidly during the first eleven months of 2023, they plateaued in November.  

In other words, even though E.V. sales initially cannibalized the market for gas and diesel vehicles during 2022 and 2023 as financial analysts promoted exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in E.V.s as part of an investment scheme to transform both the economy and energy production, these speculative chickens have now come home to roost.

Two statistics highlight this outcome.  First, the empirical evidence shows that luxury E.V.s depreciate faster than vehicles powered by internal combustion engines.  Second, Ford Motor Company recently revealed that it incurred a loss of $4.7 billion on its electric vehicles.

story continues about dealers pulling back

CIA, Brennan, Obama, Hillary Colluded With Russia To Create The Very Scandal They Blamed On Trump

These people are conniving and evil. They made up the whole thing that they committed and lied about Trump. I don’t even wonder about justice because there are two sets of rules, one for politicians and one for the rest of the country.

Also, where was the media on this? In collusion or under instructions from the CIA.

“Former CIA Director John Brennan identified and presented the targets to the US’s intelligence-sharing partners in the so-called Five Eyes agencies — the intelligence-gathering organizations in the U.S., United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand — according to a report published Monday on Michael Shellenberger’s Public Substack.”

Here goes…..

The U.S. government said in January 2017 that Russia favored Trump as president. But now, sources reveal for the first time that the CIA “cooked the intelligence” to hide that Vladamir Putin wanted Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump, as president.

CIA “Cooked The Intelligence” To Hide That Russia Favored Clinton, Not Trump In 2016, Sources Say

The Russians didn’t fear a Hillary Clinton presidency. “It was a relationship they were comfortable with,” CIA analysts believed

It was all a lie.

The Trump-Russia scandal made its formal launch on January 6th, 2017, when the office of the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper published what’s called an “Intelligence Community Assessment,” or “ICA,” as it’s universally known in Washington.

Release of the ICA dominated headlines, fixed Donald Trump in the minds of millions of Americans as a Manchurian candidate controlled by Vladamir Putin, and upended his in-coming administration.

The report declared that Russia and Putin interfered in the 2016 presidential election to “denigrate” Hillary Clinton and “harm her electability,” thanks to their “clear preference for President-elect [Donald] Trump.”

It was powerful stuff. And it was dead wrong.

“They cooked the intelligence,” says a source close to a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia scandal, whose full findings are being blocked from release. “They made it look like Putin supported Trump,” the source added. “The evidence points the other way.”

The rest of the story

So, not only did Obama use the FBI spy on Donald Trump, but Obama through his henchman Brennan, leaned on foreign governments across the world to dig up dirt on The Donald. This makes Watergate — a failed attempt to have amateurs spy on the head of the DNC — look like the molehill it was.

The use of the intelligence agencies of the Anglosphere to try to tilt the election — and to cover up the FBI’s spying on Trump and 26 associates — is the scandal of the century as it obliterates the whole Russian Hoax and gives reason to believe that if they got away with using the FBI as Obama’s NKVD, then they had no reason to believe they could not get away with fixing the 2020 election.

Who Remembers These?

In grade school, we made bags for all the kids to put in a Valentines card for everybody in class. It was before we were old enough to have gf/bf and before the woke ruined everything it touched because some kid didn’t get one.

We’d get a pack of 30 of these at the five and dime and then sign your name on them and put one in the bags.

As I look back on this, I have no idea if I got one from every kid or not. I never checked. I bet every girl made sure they got one though. The girls understood social stuff way before the guys did.

I recall it being a tedious task because just like now, I didn’t really care that much about others socially. I knew they weren’t really all my friends, and this would prove to be true in life as I went to school with these kids as much as 21 year for some (kindergarten through college). 

Puberty hadn’t set in and we (they) hadn’t started imposing the caste system of have’s and have not’s on kids based on looks, sports ability or general group hate. Kids are mean.

Fortunately, I kept to myself and stayed on the sidelines on this, but I knew then what I know now. That is the life of an introvert. As soon as the bags were opened and you looked at the cards, no one cared anymore. I saw this in advance. It’s why I had no clue whether to see if I got one from everyone, or even to check.

It’s why now if I give a gift, I meant it. Conversely, if you didn’t get one, I meant that also. I could never really deny my feelings to fit in. I just didn’t want to and knew it wasn’t worth it.

As soon as we didn’t make the bags, I didn’t give the card.

As I grew older though, my girlfriends all got good gifts from me while they were around. On the other hand, I don’t recall ever getting a good VD gift. Not even VD on VD.

images from Mike Miles

And I Thought Trannies Were Strange About Sex Partners

Meanwhile in crazy animal news…

A female stingray (named Charlotte) is pregnant at an aquarium in North Carolina, but there’s a twist: There’s no males. And now the aquarium is determined to figure out … well … what the hell is going on.

Located 103 miles west of Charlotte, Hendersonville’s The Aquarium and Shark Lab by Team Ecco say that the stingray is expecting to give birth to pups, but they have no earthly idea how, which has them thinking: Could this be a result of a male shark? Wait, a shark?

Yeah, a shark. A white-spot bamboo shark to be exact.

With this rare pregnancy, there are two explanations to what’s going on, with one of them being the shark.

Animals, with stingrays being one of the top ones, are able to reproduce asexually when that species is lacking reproduction, according to research, per the USA Today.

Originally, the stingray’s swelling alerted the Hendersonville aquarium into believing she might have had cancer, they told FOX Carolina. To further investigate, they took her in for an ultrasound, eventually being revealed that her swelling were actually eggs — Charlotte is pregnant!

But how?

Besides the asexual reproduction explanation, the aquarium believes that a shark might have gotten the stingray pregnant because of bite marks that were found on Charlotte — bite marks are a common sign of mating sharks. Two young white-spot bamboo sharks were placed into the stingray’s tank back in July 2023.

“We have definitive video of the most current ultrasound showing two if not three pups,” the aquarium told FOX Carolina. “DNA will need to be done after the pups’ birth — unless we have visual cues about a mixed breed.”

Know Your Enemy – Alex Soros

He took over the family business from his dad, Satan George Soros. He’s been to the White House 61 times that have been documented, so any policies against America and patriots have fingers pointing to him.

If it wasn’t enough for him to have the same America hating thoughts as his father, he now wants to kill Trump. Notice that there is 47 dollars in this Tweet.

Here is more of his spew, but at least he’s telling us what he wants to do to those of us who won’t be a part of the Borg America hating liberals.

What bothers me is that this is eerily similar to ’68 where they murdered Bobby Kennedy and MLK (the CIA/FBI). Since it looks like Trump is on a roll, the same people that Arkincided 56 of Hillary’s enemies are adept at taking out their opponents. 

I’d beef up security if I were Trump. Biden has already refused Secret Service protection for RLK Jr who is running against him. 

This Is Life As An Introvert

Small talk is one of the more tiring things for introverts,. I avoid that situation at every chance. I love a deep conversation, but once someone starts in on how their day went in minute detail, I can’t help but turn into my own world and wish the conversation to be over as quickly as possible.

The other is ice breakers. Tell us something about yourself. Um, I don’t like to talk about myself, how’s that?

I’d hold it before I’d go just to not talk to not be here. This is at a Dr.’s office though. I see the door where you pass the piss sample in the cup

If I say call me, it’s because I’m betting you won’t. I’m tossing over the fence for you to make the move. I wouldn’t call either way. A cryptic text at best that doesn’t leave much of a window to respond.

Fascinating Charts Show the Rise of Uniform Leftism Across America’s White Collar Professions

Sure, I expected teachers, professors and psychiatrists to be libtarded, but Accountants, Physicians and Engineers also?

How did they get to be that under educated? When did they start behaving like sheep? The propaganda was good enough for them to believe and not notice what was happening to them.

The charts show the woke progression over the years. It’s disappointing for our future.

Biden was able to peel off just enough working-class voters to help make up a large enough Democrat coalition to pull off a win. In 2020, Biden “managed to raise the Democratic share of the white working-class men’s vote—the heart of the Trump coalition—to 31%, versus Clinton’s weak 23% showing. By contrast, Biden could do no better than Clinton’s showing among women overall, and he actually lost ground among white working-class women,” according to a post-election analysis by Brookings. Not very impressive.

When one steps back to look at the big picture, it’s not at all surprising that the common-sense class leans right. This is because its traditional social rival class, the white-collar elites, has been wholly captured by far-left fundamentalism. The degree to which the transformation has occurred is shocking.

Medical researcher Kevin Bass’s apology for the health community’s COVID-19 totalitarianism caused quite a stir when Newsweek published it a year ago, and he has only become more red-pilled since then. Over the weekend, he created and posted on X a series of animated graphs that show how the political leanings of America’s professionals have tilted hard left in recent times.

“I generated these figures using Adam Bonica’s DIME dataset at Stanford [1],” Bass says of his method. “They were generated by plotting the donor scores of physicians who had made political contributions during the respective years. Such measures have been shown to strongly correlate with the ideology of donors [2] and thus serve as a proxy for the profession’s ideological leaning, especially in recent years, where more than 10% of physicians have made such political contributions.”

Bass’s animated graphs are eye-opening indeed. 

A medical scientist, he naturally looked at the major white-collar health professions, and what he found explains a lot. (COVID fascism and transgender mania come to mind.)

Story and full charts of every profession by year here

‘Tip of the Iceberg’: At Least 309 Infections and 16 Escaped Pathogens Linked to Lab Accidents

You begin to wonder whether the government is really out to get us or is just dumb as shit. The conspiracist in me remembers Covid and the 2020 elections. Lock everyone down while committing crimes, the old magicians watch my hand and not the door behind me trick.

Well, they’ve got a new list of stuff to scare the under educated with. The reason I question it is that the hotbed is the United States when in fact a lot of the shady practices are known to be in China.

Between 2000 and 2021 at least 16 pathogens reportedly escaped from research laboratories, according to a new study published in The Lancet Microbe — but the study authors said their findings may “only represent the tip of the iceberg” in terms of numbers due to a lack of standard reporting requirements.

A team of researchers surveyed peer-reviewed articles and online reports in English, Chinese and German, looking for all indications that a pathogen accidentally “escaped” from a lab or that an infection was determined to be “laboratory-acquired” during the study period.

In addition to the 16 episodes of pathogenic “escape,” the researchers found 309 instances of lab-acquired infections caused by 51 different pathogens.

Seventy-seven percent of those infections were caused by bacterial pathogens, 13.9% were caused by viruses, 7.1% by parasites, 1.6% by fungi and less than 1% by a prion agent.

Eight of the cases were fatal, and six of those deaths were caused by bacteria, such as Yersinia pestis, which causes plague, or Neisseria meningitidis. One death was caused by Ebola virus.

The vast majority of infections occurred as an outcome of “procedural errors,” breaches of biosafety or risk mitigation procedures, which included using the wrong personal protective equipment, having inadequate training or mishandling samples.

Needlestick injuries, spills, splashes, open vials, animal bites or “unknown reasons” caused the remainder of the infections.

Most illnesses occurred in North America, Europe and Asia with the U.S. accounting for more than three-quarters of the infections. The majority of pathogen escapes were “internal,” meaning they were confined to the lab, but a few escaped into the broader community.

Full Story

I’m not surprised that the CDC and the NIH are behind a lot of this. They were behind us having to bend over and taking it in the ass over Covid. They are taking away freedoms from us one at a time, like being pecked to death by a pack of ducks

Happy World Introvert Day

May we celebrate together, but alone and separately. Talk to you tomorrow because I’m not talking today.

It’s my favorite holiday after just suffering through Christmas and New Years. I can be alone today. Somewhere out there (although probably quiet) my fellow souls finally have some joy. It’s doubtful others will hear about it as we don’t boast, and other times you can’t get a word in edge wise for all the yapping.

I know and so do others.

PS, I’m not an INFJ.

This next one is me. I’m always in the back, next to the door so I can leave if I need to escape or panic

Happy World Introvert Day

Here’s a picture of the parade, if you look real carefully, you won’t see me.

Look at all of them.

Here is a good link to the 4 reasons the world needs an Introvert day. I just need the day off to recharge.

a meme that says "Quiet people have the loudest minds. Happy World Introvert Day."

It won’t get as much coverage as other Pride parades or whatever day’s. I’ll bet people don’t know how many introverts there really are in the world. They just don’t need to tell everyone about it, like the vegans.

a meme that says I may be quiet but I have worlds inside. I'm an introvert. Happy world introvert day.

A Life Lesson About Tomorrows. How Many Are Left?

What does tomorrow mean to us? I thought about that today. It occurred to me that I don’t have as many tomorrows left. As endless as they used to be, I’d grab at a new handful of them. For now, I’m glad to have the next one. They grow fewer every day (sorry, I had to put that in)


When I was young, I never thought about tomorrow. It always came. Some took forever like when I cared about my birthday, and others flew by.

When something has an endless supply, the value is less. It’s economics. I never considered that I’d be working, or retired, or would have kids, a mortgage or any responsibility. Live for today. It was all about today. I had no real yesterday’s to learn from yet.

If I did think about tomorrow, it was the kid dream about being an astronaut or pilot (what I thought about).

That was so long ago and the days between now and then are so numerous that it seems, like another life for me. I’ve lived many different lives within the one I chronologically am still in.


I recall sitting in the classroom watching the clock ticking away. Tick, tick, tick towards when I’d be able to go home. Time was endless on those days, and this was just between 2 and 2:15 in elementary school. The only good tomorrow started on Friday.

By the time I got to college, I was aware that life was right around the corner. Still, I enjoyed the day without a care. I ignored that inevitable tomorrow. When it came, it was in the form of an exam, or a girlfriend or another event in life. It was finite and had little consequence as to what my next day held. Still, I had no real cares and a lot of what tomorrow brought was a new experience.

Letdowns started to happen, but the ocean of tomorrows never crossed my mind as I did stupid stuff. I think I lost a few tomorrows by taking too many risks. Somehow I survived and was able to live to the next day, always another tomorrow. It was expected.

Responsibility Years

Life marched on and I grew up, bought a home and started a family. Tomorrows always came, but now they came with other’s problems also. It wasn’t the carefree days when your kid is sick or in trouble. I didn’t have time to think about tomorrow as today brought 10 tons of manure in a 5 ton truck.

So much is happening in your life you take tomorrow for granted or you are too busy to think about anything but today. If you do, those thoughts are invaded with things you have to get done or do for others.

I did notice one thing. I was starting to have a lot of yesterday’s. Some of them happy and some sad. There were lessons learned on both.

The ocean of tomorrows was still seemingly full as it (now) quickly drained away.


The first reminders of fewer tomorrows happened here. Those you used to know have run out of tomorrows.

When you are young, say at a grandparents funeral, you can’t comprehend time not being endless for you. By middle age, you know it is closer, but most choose to ignore the reality of time slipping away.

Growing Older

Rarely, do tomorrows bring something new to me. Occasionally, I get a different version of something I’ve been through. I have many more yesterdays now than the number of tomorrows remaining.

The kids are grown. The mortgage is paid off. I no longer work. I’m among the oldest of my relatives now. It brought me to how many tomorrows there will be. Among those, how many will be good or bad? Will there be tough times?

I try to enjoy the days, even if the tasks are mundane. I have less patience for things that don’t seem meaningful to me. My meaningful scale has changed dramatically over life.

From time to time (becoming far too common), people I know run out of their tomorrows. As I sit at the funerals, life comes into perspective for me, at least the part on Earth.

Tomorrows aren’t endless. You only come with so many. Some have more than others and some enjoy them more than others.

Most of life’s struggles are over, except what happens when the tomorrow’s are running out.

Here’s hoping for another tomorrow, and that it doesn’t suck for me.

A Truth About People At Christmas

This much attention is overwhelming for an introvert. i can’t wait for it to be over. I can’t hear another Christmas song on the speaker anywhere.

What I hate the most is how people change and act different when I know damn well what asswipes they are the rest of the year. I hate their fake attitude because it’s the Christmas spirit, or whatever lie they are telling.

I like the meaning of Christmas, but the crap that people do around it, compounded by the commercialization since September and I want to pull my hair out.

This is true every year. I can’t wait for it to be over so we can go back to being who we really are.

EV’s And Winter, Don’t Mix The Way We Were Told…A Recipe For Crisis

When the temperature drops below 40 degrees, which occurs over 200 days per year in Eau Claire, electric vehicles experience a reduction in range and efficiency, with losses of up to 40% when the heating system is in use.

While the truck was up on the lift, Liz Fox, a service adviser at the shop, told me that while not many electric vehicles come in for repairs, when they do, repairs typically take longer and are more expensive than repairing internal-combustion engine vehicles.

“Switching to EVs is really costly, and it’s going to be really time-consuming.” Fox told me. She cited a recent case where nearly two months were spent troubleshooting and sourcing components on a broken EV, despite having a certified electric vehicle technician.


EAU CLAIRE, Wis.—Here in Wisconsin, where fewer than one-tenth of 1% of vehicles are fully electric, it’s rare to see an EV outside the city.

That’s why the latest international climate conference, Conference of the Parties (COP28), which advocated widespread adoption of electric vehicles, should have Wisconsinites concerned.

When the temperature drops below 40 degrees, which occurs over 200 days per year in Eau Claire, electric vehicles experience a reduction in range and efficiency, with losses of up to 40% when the heating system is in use.

My visit to my local automotive shop to have the tires rotated on the family Ram truck was unaffected by the 13-degree Fahrenheit weather.

While the truck was up on the lift, Liz Fox, a service adviser at the shop, told me that while not many electric vehicles come in for repairs, when they do, repairs typically take longer and are more expensive than repairing internal-combustion engine vehicles.

“Switching to EVs is really costly, and it’s going to be really time-consuming.” Fox told me. She cited a recent case where nearly two months were spent troubleshooting and sourcing components on a broken EV, despite having a certified electric vehicle technician.

She’s not alone. A recent report shows that repair costs for EVs are 56% more expensive than traditional vehicles—and purchase costs are often 50% higher.

A new special report by The Heritage Foundation, “Powering Human Advancement,” shows how access to affordable, abundant energy is essential to living. (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation.)

“Depriving people in any society of reliable and affordable energy denies them access to clean water, adequate medical care, affordable transportation, and economic opportunities, which will limit any human advancement, especially in the most vulnerable of countries,” the report states.

Governments and international organizations cannot force renewable energy and electric vehicles before people are ready. That’s a recipe for crisis.

Construction sites in Eau Claire feature battered pickup trucks and SUVs driven by construction workers, who can’t afford EVs. There is no subway in Eau Claire, bus service is limited, and people can’t rely on bicycles due to snowy weather and long distances.

Affordable transportation provides a means to a job, a ride to school, and to take weekend trips and vacations with the family.

In contrast, EVs are popular as second cars with upper-income individuals who have short commutes. Americans value the freedom to choose gasoline-only, hybrid, or electric vehicles, and for that freedom, it’s crucial to have alternative choices. But the organizers of COP28, supported by President Joe Biden, don’t want Americans or residents of other countries to choose which vehicles to buy.

This erosion of choice is not only detrimental to consumer freedom, but also to the livelihood of auto producers and car dealers. Look no further than last month’s letter to Biden signed by about 4,000 auto dealers, who were disturbed at the surging supply of unsold electric vehicles on their lots.

Even with subsidies to car manufacturers and tax credits for buyers, only 7% of new-vehicle sales are electric, well below Biden’s 2030 goal of 60%.

Codifying the recommendations of COP28 would require that America generate an additional costly 1.4 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity, or 30% of current output, to support the charging needs of a full fleet of electric vehicles.

Over the past two decades, nearly $7 trillion has been spent globally on subsidies for wind and solar energy. Despite this substantial investment, these sources contribute only 2.3% to the global supply of energy. Pairing fully electric vehicles with costly and unreliable electricity is a recipe for disaster.

Wisconsinites appreciate the benefits of affordable energy and the mobility of gasoline-powered cars. As a cold Christmas approaches, they know that COP28 recommendations won’t fly here in the Badger State.

Destruction Of The Family

Check out the marriage rate. It’s what the communists have wanted all along and is in the manifesto. Make the Government your family and your religion, then you are dependent on the state. 

We have been under attack for decades, but this sign of the war for our survival as a country is disheartening at best, dangerous at worst, deadly if it continues. Look up the great reset to see what else they are trying.

COVID-19 Lockdowns Linked To Memory, Cognitive Decline

Great, wearing a mask made us even more stupid. The social media Karen’s and Chad’s are struggling for a triple digit IQ as it is. The Covid particle is so small anyway that a mask preventing Covid is as effective as a chain link fence is stopping mosquitos.

It was about controlling the masses anyway


Findings from the study showed a substantial decline in executive function, which refers to higher-level cognitive skills governing control and coordination. Alongside this, the study’s cohort showed a marked decline in working memory, which is crucial for short-term memory storage and various cognitive processes.

“Significant worsening of executive function and working memory was observed in the first year of the pandemic across the whole cohort, in people with mild cognitive impairment, and in people with a history of COVID-19,” the authors wrote.

The negative impact on cognitive function persisted into the second year, notably concerning executive function across the entire cohort and working memory within specific subgroups.

Cognitive Decline

Key factors for this cognitive decline were identified via regression analyses. Those factors included the fact that, amid lockdowns, people were exercising less and consuming more alcohol across the entire cohort. These factors also contributed to more people experiencing loneliness and depression.

The authors noted that concerns were expressed about the neuropsychological effects of the pandemic social restrictions, with particular respect to the context of potentially increased dementia risk in older adults.

Story here

DEI Meaning

Putting someone else down to make you feel better isn’t going to help anything. Dividing people and putting them against each other has been the mantra of the donkey party for ages. What gets me as people still fall for it.

The truth about how it should be is meme #4

The Woke Left Are The Real Racists

Another post that will lose me more followers, unless they read it. Then, the clouds should part for the reality of what is going on.

Here goes.

The woke Left only incidentally wants to give minorities a hand up in exchange for votes. Their main goal is power. Outcome differences between minorities and others are not due to racism, but to bad decisions on the part of individuals.

As I just said, racism in America today is, to a very significant degree, a manufactured problem, crafted by woke leftists in order to overthrow the American way of life. They claim there exists an intolerable, all-pervasive system of white oppression. They call this “systemic racism,” by which they mean that racism is embedded into every nook and cranny of America life: its institutions, values, customs, and language. If you disagree, they cancel you. They may even inflict violence.

The woke tell us that racism has gotten worse, but this is drivel. As everyone can plainly see, the less actual racism there is in America, the more of it the woke Left insists it sees.

BLM was based on a lie and is just a money grifting bunch of scammers, based on race.

The rest of the article.

Racism in America Today

Thomas D. Klingenstein

Tyre Nichols protest in Oakland, California

The woke lie that racism has gotten worse needs to be called out.

Editors’ Note

This speech was delivered earlier this summer at the Women’s National Republican Club.

For many years, racism in America has been, to a very significant degree, a manufactured problem. When we speak about race, whether we admit it or not—and we usually don’t—we mean blacks. Black grievance, largely ginned up, provides the fuel for the woke regime.

The woke Leftists, who lead the Democrats around by a nose ring, want to destroy America. We love America; the woke hate America.

The woke accusation that “America is systemically racist” is manifest nonsense. Wokeism is anti-white.

We owe individual black citizens—as we owe all citizens—fellowship and help when deserving. But to blacks as a group we owe nothing, just as no group is owed anything, nor is any individual owed anything simply by being part of a group.   

The woke Left only incidentally wants to give blacks a hand up; their main goal is power. Outcome differences between blacks and others are not due to racism, but to bad decisions on the part of black individuals.

As I just said, racism in America today is, to a very significant degree, a manufactured problem, crafted by woke leftists in order to overthrow the American way of life. They claim there exists an intolerable, all-pervasive system of white oppression. They call this “systemic racism,” by which they mean that racism is embedded into every nook and cranny of America life: its institutions, values, customs, and language. If you disagree, they cancel you. They may even inflict violence.

The woke tell us that racism has gotten worse, but this is drivel. As everyone can plainly see, the less actual racism there is in America, the more of it the woke Left insists it sees.

The charge of systemic racism is a propaganda trick intended to: Exploit our white guilt, demoralize us, and give moral cover to an anti-American, immoral revolution. This is no longer the well-intended effort of old school liberals to improve America, but the evil scheme of woke revolutionaries to destroy it.

The woke Left accuse America of being “systemically racist” not because it’s true, nor even because they think it’s true, but because it is the most powerful weapon in their arsenal. After all, if they can convince us that the American way of life really is systemically racist—that is, evil—then we should throw it out.

Of course, America has sinned. Show me a country that hasn’t. The fact is, America is as good as it gets.

To the woke Left I say, “If you want to destroy America, then we will fight you and defeat you. America is not yours to destroy.”

The primary goal of the woke regime is group outcome equality. Most Americans, on the other hand, believe society’s goal should be merit. These two goals are utterly irreconcilable. You can’t offer admission to college, medical school, law school, flight training, or anything else according to race and other quotas and, at the same time, offer admission according to merit. It’s one or the other: merit or group quotas.

These irreconcilable goals make this struggle a war. It is, thankfully, a cold war, and we should hope it remains cold. But we should also not lose sight of the fact that the woke Left seeks total victory. Most Americans, and virtually all politicians, fail to notice. You cannot win a war if you don’t know you are in one.

Blacks commit more than 50 percent of the violent crime in America; yet are only about 13 percent of population. The woke tell us this is due to racism, but Americans know better. We know that racism does not cause more crime, or out-of-wedlock births, or lower academic achievement. We know that patriotism, hard work, personal responsibility, secure borders, and moral virtue are not, as the woke Left contends, racist ideals. Rather, they are the means to a happy, free, and prosperous nation.

We know that, by and large, it is not racism but culture that causes outcome differences. But the woke make it very difficult for the rest of us to say it, because if it’s culture that explains outcome differences then the blame rests not on whites but on blacks.

If differences in outcome persist, as they will if we remain on the present course, it is near certain the woke leftists will ban the measurement of the relevant statistics—crime rates for example. Naturally, these differences will not disappear just because we stop measuring them. It’s like a young child who puts her hands over eyes, believing the reality in front of her disappears.

The woke say they want to liberate black Americans; the truth is mostly they want to keep blacks on their knees. Why? To justify their ongoing revolution. If blacks are on their knees, then the need for radical reform never ends. The effect of this on actual black communities is disastrous. The woke Left wants to destroy the traditional mother-father family; yet such families are just what struggling black Americans need most. The woke openly discourage black Americans from joining the American way of life, teaching them that “white” values are all designed to oppress blacks.

The woke leftists call for more political programs, including reparations, to reduce outcome differences, even though we know after 60 years and trillions of dollars that such programs only make things worse.

When the woke are pressuring us to continue to adopt such programs we must say: “We will not surrender to your extortion.” Woke mayors in big cities rope off violent neighborhoods, make the police back off, and let criminal blacks shoot each other. Predictably, innocent blacks suffer most. This is callous indifference of a high order.

The woke leftists assault our history: they make it a story of nonstop, hateful racist oppression to fan the flames of resentment. At the same time, their revisionist so-called “history” overstates black accomplishments to give self-esteem to black students. But no one, least of all blacks, are fooled. We all know genuine self-esteem can only be earned.

When we teach about America to our children of any race, we must keep in mind that one day we may need them to cross a foreign beach while exposed to enemy bullets raining down on them from above. For that our children must learn to love and cherish their country.

The woke tell young black Americans they cannot succeed in America because there is so much racism. This is perhaps the cruelest part of the woke Left’s agenda: to actively discourage children from pursuing a life of moral, spiritual, and cultural excellence.

If we cannot say these things, then we’re abandoning the civilization which we have a duty to carry forward, a duty imposed by our glorious past, which includes the story of the many men who died under that hail of bullets from above while crossing exposed beaches at Normandy.

In order to stay in power, the woke leftists must continually remind white Americans how racist they are. So, every year or so there is a big racial incident—some invented, some not. The case of Jussie Smollett is an example of the invented kind. An actual incident was that of George Floyd. What supposedly justified the Floyd riots was based on three lies piled on top of each other: Floyd’s death was the work of a racist cop, white police look to kill blacks, and America is racist.

In this case, as with all others, most of us confessed our sins of racism and announced in the most earnest of tones that at long last we need an honest reckoning with our racist past. And this time we really mean it. Enough already.

To my fellow Americans, I say, “I cannot prove to you that America is not racist. But perhaps you can prove it me. Are you racist? Your friends, neighbors, churches, and police forces? Is the traditional mother/father family racist? A country with borders? How about patriotism, hard work, colorblindness, punctuality, and responsibility?” Are these racist? The answers to these questions, even by most Democrats, will almost always be “no.”

We must not buckle when they call us “racist.” If they call you “racist” tell them that is “horse manure.” Don’t debate them. They don’t want to debate; they want to criminalize debate.

Part of convincing us that we are racist requires that we swallow one of the Biden Administration’s biggest lies: America is about to be run over by white supremacists. Now, do you know a single white supremacist in a position of power in America? Indeed, do you know a single white supremacist anywhere? I don’t, and I bet neither do you. But beware: the woke Left will take every opportunity to bait Americans into acts the wokes can characterize as the work of white supremacists. And then crush them.

But the woke leftists are playing with fire. It’s clear to all who have eyes to see that wokeism is an attack on white males. But white males are sick and tired of the trillions being spent on civil rights to negative effect. Sick and tired as well of shakedown artists like Al Sharpton and Ibram Kendi. Of having their values mocked, and of being endlessly accused of “racism” and “white privilege,” as they see their children being taught that they are white oppressors and America is evil. This is an explosive combination.

Over our history we have vanquished many enemies, most notably the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century. But we are losing the peace. We have allowed totalitarianism to be imposed from within.

Our republic was formally birthed in 1776, but it was thousands of years in the making. Our founders stood on the shoulders of many who had preceded them. Colorblindness; freedom of speech, conscience and association; a government of laws, not of men; separation of church and state; a military subject to civil authority; the nation state to name just a handful—these are monuments to moral and political wisdom that took centuries to be achieved.

But they are being ripped apart by fanatics who believe that the mere accusation of “systemic racism” will bring us to our knees. If we don’t fight back, we will be brought to our knees. Thousands of years of building, possibly gone in a single generation.

Fortunately, there are many patriotic Americans, Democrats as well as Republicans, who know that America is a gift to the world. There are many who know that America was built not on racism, but in spite of it. There are many who cherish America’s traditions and are grateful to have inherited them.

There are many who understand that our challenge today was Lincoln’s challenge: increased devotion to the principles of the founding. They know that these principles are the best antidote to racism. And they know as well that America fights for these principles on behalf of people everywhere.

Who will support the many? I will. And I am confident you will. We rightly love America; the woke leftists hate it, but they have the upper hand. It’s that simple and that dangerous. Thank you very much.

Thomas D. Klingenstein is a principal in a New York investment firm, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Claremont Institute, and a playwright. @tomklingenstein

Another Reason Why You Shouldn’t Trust Google

Not everyone has had the opportunity to speak with their executives. I did while working in the tech industry and have known since before 2010 that they are evil and are both spying and censoring everything they touch.

It means if you use their search engine, you get their results, not correct results.

There are plenty of alternative search engines out there. If you are reading this, I recommend you switch to one. Your results will at least be less biased and you will be less tracked.

Here is more evidence with a link to go find out for yourself. Don’t let the headline about the election fool you. They did it on Covid, DEI, and just about every other morally significant topic where they could influence your thinking.

Google has announced that it will ban independent media outlets like National File from its search results in just the latest attack by Big Tech on the free flow and exchange of information online and just ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election in which 45th President Trump and the American People appear poised to once again go toe-to-toe with the globalist power structure.

Earlier this month, Google announced that it is partnering with fellow globalists at the World Health Organization and the United Nations to seize control of the online flow of information and push their hand-selected viewpoints to the very top of the Google search engine while suppressing independent voices.

Among other things, Google’s algorithm will work to “delete websites” that question or criticize the COVID-19 narrative, international banking, FBI crime statistics, and globalism.

Google’s censorship campaign will also look to protect massive global corporations from criticism and scrutiny. Reportedly, included in Google’s list of forbidden topics is the massive amount of waste produced by pro-trans beer brewer Anheuser-Busch.

As has become the trend in recent years, Google is presenting its massive censorship effort as a form of “fact-checking.” Google appears to have released a long list of media “partners” from all over the world who will be promoted in the search results, as they espouse Google, WHO, and UN-approved talking points.

Google’s push to squash independent media outlets plugs right into other efforts by the Big Tech corporation and its partners to stifle the free flow of information online and corral the world’s population, specifically Americans and other Westerners, into a globalist echo chamber.

As National File previously reported, the World Economic Forum and the United Nations have entered into a partnership with Google and other Big Tech firms to crush independent research and advance the climate change hoax, plus the agenda for complete and total control that goes along with it.

Melissa Fleming, the United Nation’s Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications and an advisor to the World Economic Forum, claimed in an interview that globalist organizations “own the science” on so-called climate change and have “partnered with Google” to crush independent research and dissenting viewpoints.

“For example, if you Google ‘climate change,’ you will, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of UN resources,” said Fleming last fall.

“We’re becoming much more proactive,” said Fleming. “You know, we own the science and we think that the world should know it.”

At least they are consistent, Why Is Google Protecting Harvard Defenders of Hamas Terrorism? Consistent at always being on the wrong side of the issues. It’s still censorship no matter how you spin it.

Columbus Discovered Nothing Really

An Italian girl I knew sarcastically told me that their country discovered America.

What really happened is that people have been living on most of the continents for ages, and it was a surprise to find them. Countries explored and conquered all the time until relatively recently given the history of the world.

That is why it’s bullshit that somehow America was discovered in 1492. America as the United States was created around 1776, but people had been moving around, establishing cultures that died out either naturally or by conquest. It happens. That’s why indigenous people day is also nonsense.

So biker girl, Columbus stumbled upon a place they didn’t know about, while sailing the wrong direction and looking for something else. Take credit for pizza instead.

It’s why July 4th is much more important.

Here’s a little history of people being on the North American continent:

Traditionally, researchers believed that humans arrived in North America around 16,000 to 13,000 years ago. Recently, however, evidence has accumulated supporting a much earlier date. In 2021, fossilized footprints from White Sands National Park in New Mexico were dated to between 20,000 and 23,000 years ago, providing key evidence for earlier occupation, although this finding was controversial. Pigati et al. returned to the White Sands footprints and obtained new dates from multiple, highly reliable sources (see the Perspective by Philippsen). They, too, resolved dates of 20,000 to 23,000 years ago, reconfirming that humans were present far south of the ice sheets during the Last Glacial Maximum. —Sacha Vignieri

Human footprints at White Sands National Park, New Mexico, USA, reportedly date to between ~23,000 and 21,000 years ago according to radiocarbon dating of seeds from the aquatic plant Ruppia cirrhosa. These ages remain controversial because of potential old carbon reservoir effects that could compromise their accuracy. We present new calibrated 14C ages of terrestrial pollen collected from the same stratigraphic horizons as those of the Ruppia seeds, along with optically stimulated luminescence ages of sediments from within the human footprint–bearing sequence, to evaluate the veracity of the seed ages. The results show that the chronologic framework originally established for the White Sands footprints is robust and reaffirm that humans were present in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum.

Of course the joke of my family, Marian,a niece by marriage in Denmark thinks Elizabeth Warren is the “bomb”. The retards are on my wife’s side of the family

Intelligence, IQ And Pattern Recognition

I found this definition of intelligence when I was reading an article on why smart people got the mRNA Covid-19 Jab. For me, I knew it was a lie almost from the beginning. FWIW, my whole family, friends and acquaintances all got jabbed.

I’ve always believed that patterns are there if you look for them. It’s putting pieces of information together to develop a vision or a solution. It is the key to opening doors in life, or it has been for me. I’ve known too many people with high IQ’s, but no common sense or good decision making who were only book smart. Being intelligent is more than scoring high on a test.

Here is what I found from John Carter.

Intelligence really just boils down to the ability to extract meaningful patterns from information. The more rapidly this can be done, the more complex the patterns that can be discerned, the higher the intelligence. As a rule this means that intelligent people are capable of learning more rapidly, since learning is itself essentially a pattern recognition process in which the meaningful is abstracted from the meaningless and therefore more easily stored away for future reference. Hence ‘crystallized intelligence’, the sum total of the information that someone has acquired over their life, is usually a reasonable guide to how intelligent someone is. Early IQ tests relied to a large degree on tests of knowledge for this reason, until researchers realized that this measure was useless for cross-cultural comparisons, including comparisons of subcultures that had differential access to educational materials, at which point they ultimately settled on pattern recognition tests as an objective measure.

Why I Never Go Back To My High School Or College

I was listening to Steely Dan play My Old School, one of my theme songs. Click on it, it’s a great song.

I realized I went to school to grow up in life, not really to learn. I went to classes and did did stuff, but it was just a step in life I had to take first. My real education was when I got out and started in life. School was just learning how to learn, mostly what not to do. Life is a big picture that I saw. I knew I had to get through this time and had a need to have my success being in life, not following the crowd in my teens. I watched the cliques and instinctively knew I didn’t want to be held hostage by them. Even then, I just knew I was going to be a bigger success and do much more than any of them. Other than a few sports stars and a doctor here and there, it came true. It’s not really important to me as I expected it. It’s because I didn’t pin my identity to that time of my life.

Most of all, I didn’t get stuck in my hometown and got away from those who stayed in the mud pit of mediocrity.

I know some people never leave college and re-live school every Friday night or Saturday during football season, but I am fortunate to have Mauerbauertraurigheit. I never wanted to be a part of what they were. Maybe it was just the introvert in me coming out, but I moved on and the memories weren’t strong enough to make me long for that, ever.

I went to school with some people from kindergarten through the end of college, yet I never think of them as friends. Just going to the same school isn’t the basis for a relationship. I never wanted to be in their clubs or fraternity’s, even when I had the chance. They weren’t the type of people I wanted to be a part of. At a college party one time I told Brad Hurd, who I knew since kindergarten that my best life decision until then was not pledging his fraternity. It was just the same elementary, middle school and high school people that I instinctively knew weren’t going to be significant, or my friends.

I also remember college graduation. I thought to myself, I may never step foot back on this campus and 43 years later, I never have. I’d had enough of college life and wanted to grow up and experience new and different things. People I knew still get together and pretend they are still there, but I can’t bring myself to do it. It was a chapter in my life that has closed. Life expanded so much for me after I got out that I feel no connection with the people anymore.

I still have friends from that time, but it had nothing to do with school. We are friends because of our relationship, mutual interests and experiences in life.

So, like the song, I’m never going back to my old school. I’ve passed up the 10th, 20th, 25th, 30th and 40th high school reunions so far, and have no plans to ever do it again.

I always thought that my life was going to happen after I left school, and it did. Those I went to school with act like they never left. Their pinnacle in life was either high school or college. They are like Al Bundy, high school football star, but loser in life. They relive the past at a time we were juveniles. I saw much more than that. Being a part of it wasn’t something I ever wanted to do.

On LinkedIn, I don’t even list my university. Instead I use Faber College, Knowledge is good.

Occasionally, I hear about someone from that time. Almost to a person, they didn’t amount to not much past that time of life. I hope they enjoyed their moment in the limelight, but it’s too bad that it came so early in life. When I see the pictures, they faded into old looking people who fell out of shape or didn’t realize their dreams. It’s sad. I wish they could have seen the big picture that what seems important to teenagers is not.

When I think about why, it was the people that I wanted away from, not the school. I continue to have highlights in life, rather than re-live an immature time of my life.

I’m never going back, to my old…..school, because I grew up to so much more.

Scientists Hacking Dreams, Like The Movie DreamScape

In 1984, Dreamscape was released. Dennis Quaid was at his height of entertainment as far as I was concerned.

The story was him getting into other peoples dreams. It was entertaining, especially when you found out that if you died in your dream, you died in real life. It was like dying in the Matrix in a later series.


Now, scientists are doing it for real. I have experienced lucid dreaming, knowing when you are in your dream, but I had to train myself to know when.


  • Scientists helped volunteers unlock their creative potential through “targeted dream incubation”
  • They created a device called Dormio that could help guide participants through targeted dream incubation
  • The study was built off of an earlier study by French sleep researchers

Short naps can help people’s brains come up with creative solutions to problems, especially when they are guided to dream about a particular topic, a newly published study has found.

Scientists from Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) published a paper Monday in the journal Scientific Reports that found that power naps can do wonders in unlocking people’s creative potential.

Researchers found that the creative mind is particularly fertile during the earliest stage of sleep, known as hypnagogia, in which a person is drifting between sleep and waking, according to MIT News.

The scientists said they determined that when people are prompted to dream about a particular topic during that sleep phase, they perform much more creatively when they are later asked to perform tasks surrounding that topic.

This “Inception”-like process of “hacking” dreams is called “targeted dream incubation.”

“When you are prompted to dream about a topic during sleep onset, you can have dream experiences that you can later use for these creative tasks,” Kathleen Esfahany, a neuroscientist at MIT and one of the lead authors of the study, said in a statement.

The new paper was built off of an earlier study from 2021 by French sleep researchers who found that participants who woke up from hypnagogic sleep were more likely to solve math problems. the Daily Beast reported.

In their study, Harvard and MIT researchers tried to determine whether the same transient sleep state could also work with more creative tasks such as storytelling.

The researchers created a device called Dormio that could be used for targeted dream incubation. It includes a glove connected to a smartphone or laptop app that measures three physiological markers of sleep — changes in muscle tone, heart rate and skin conductance.

As the participant enters hypnagogic sleep, the app prompts them with a specific dream topic. Just before they enter the next stage of sleep, the app will wake them up, ask them to report what they were dreaming about and record their response.

“One of the goals of our group is to give people more insights into how their brain works, and also what their cognitive state is and how they may be able to influence it,” said Pattie Maes, an MIT technology professor and co-author of the study.

During the experiment, the researchers split up 49 participants into four groups, with one group given a Dormio device and 45 minutes to nap and prompted to dream about a tree. Another group was also given Dormio and napped but was not prompted and only asked to observe their own thoughts. The other two groups remained awake.

After the two groups finished their naps, the scientists asked all 49 participants to write a creative story that included the word tree.

They found that the group with the most creative stories about trees was the one that was prompted by the app in their dream. Meanwhile, the group that took a nap but was not prompted had the second-best output.

The creativity of the stories was judged by people who read each one and were not told which group wrote the stories.

Little Boxes Made Of Ticky Tacky

Every house, same color, same height.


I’d nominate- Alys Beach. Nothing else looks like this.

Why? Because there are hard rules:

Big outdoor planters everywhere. Home either has a courtyard or is built around courtyards.

Window/shutter sizes, height, orientation all strictly aligned with each other

The Covid-19 GOATS, Bucket List – Achievement Level…..Awesome

Novak Djokovic was willing to sacrifice being the all time majors winning record holder for his health. I’ll pull for him at the US Open and other tournaments for sticking to his principles and not getting jabbed.

Aaron Rodgers wouldn’t get jabbed either, and proved it wouldn’t stop him by only missing one game when he got Covid.

Joe Rogan pissed off Big Pharma, Big Government and the other Covid commies by taking Ivermectin, HCQ, mono-clonal antibodies and beating it in 3 days.

Look at this Instagram post by Rodgers, pranking Moderna and praising another warrior.

Not a single person who didn’t get jabbed regrets it.

One Of My Worst Introvert Nightmares

I hate this.

I’m not able to process the attention that others force on you. To me, it’s just another day and I wish others would treat it that way. I want to crawl in a hole and not come out until it is over.

When I was a waiter, we’d sing the song to the birthday person. Almost always, a drunk table nearby would want it and would ask for us to sing it to them. One time, a party was so belligerent about it, instead of Happy Birthday dear (name), we sang eat a big one you asshole, HBTY.

Back to the point. I never understood why it was such a big deal. I didn’t know it was OK to hate your birthday until I talked to other introverts. It was painful for years. When I found out you didn’t have to suffer through this, I got my family to swear they’d never put me through the fake festivities again.

I think parents are so overboard on their children’s birthdays that they set this false expectation that it’s a real holiday. It was painful for me and I never knew how to act. The kids come to count on it like it is going to make them happier because they got stuff.

The extroverts in my family expect the attention, but it’s difficult for me to sit through that also. I want that to be over as much as when it happens to me.

In my life, charade has taken over any holiday. People get worked up and claim they are happy because of a day that is supposed to be celebrated. I’ve grown to loathe big family gatherings and the month long Christmas ordeal. I see how unhappy they can be. It’s because people set themselves up for false expectations that some holiday or gathering is supposed to make them feel better. Take away their alcohol and it’s a whole different thing.

I can’t buy that nonsense as there are other days in the year that make me happier, but it is organic rather than manufactured. I can even take (a small amount) some celebrations if spontaneous and real.

At this end of my life, I don’t like having another birthday so fast. It just reminds me that that I’ll be crossing the checkered flag in life soon.

More On Drivers And Driving

I’m still back and forth between states on the East Coast. I observe the driving habits and various machinery I encounter.

The quick one first. If you are going to drive a piece of crap, get it checked before a long drive. It’s always those cars on the side of the road. It’s like they are gambling to see if they can make it. Getting stuck on the side of the road with no town in sight makes for a terrible day and a very expensive fix. Please make your car road worthy. Show some sense of responsibility.

The thing I fear the most now is a car with a Florida license plate. As they escape the tourists and the heat, they bring their form of driving to torture those of us who know how to do it. It’s hot for the entire year except for 2 weeks in either December or January.

I first noticed it when I had to go there for family. The minute I crossed the Georgia / Florida border, traffic was a free for all.

Fortunately, I don’t go to that hell hole anymore (because of the heat and northerners who invaded and turned driving into a contact sport). The family that I visited are gone now. I have no desire to ever go back there.

They change lanes, the old people are what my friend Rick called them are nesters. They get into the fast lane and drive slow.

They are starting bad driving early now.

Whenever I see a Florida license plate now, I know to avoid it. I’m programmed to expect poor driving or road rage and am rarely disappointed.

It’s not limited to the highway where the behavior is exacerbated by speed. I’m in a mountain town that the reverse snow birds come to for getting out of the oven that is Florida weather.

At the only Publix in probably 75 miles, entire rows are cars with Florida plates. The locals dread this time of year and roll their eyes when someone says they live here part time. Almost to a person, they say are you from Florida.

Hell, people from Florida don’t like each other. When I lived on the coast, they called people from Orlando O-villes because they’d come to the coast and ruin the lives of sleepy beach towns.

I have to do the drive soon. I’m hoping to stay in my lane and hope for no Florida drivers.

High IQ Humor – Physics Style

Of course…

 Mass =  ρ × v


ρ = density and

v = the volume

The weight mass formula is given as

m = w / g


w= weight

m = mass

g = gravity

The mass formula is also given as

m = F / a

If acceleration itself is the gravity, then

M = F / g


F = force

G = gravity

According to Einstein’s mass-energy relation 

m = (E / c2)


m = mass

E = energy

c = speed of light (3×108 m/s)

The kinetic energy mass formula is given as

K.E = ½ mv2


m = mass,

v = velocity.

Example 1

Calculate the mass if the weight of a body is 80 N.



weight of the body = 80 N

The mass of the body is expressed by

m = w / g

m = 80 / 9.8

m = 8.163 kg

Example 2

Determine the mass of a body if the K.E is 70 J and velocity is 8m/s.



K.E = 70 J

v = 8 m/s

the mass is expressed by

m = 2 K.E / v2

m = (2 × 70)/ 82

m = 14o/64

m= 2.18 kg

Yeah, I’m Out On This One Also

When I was younger, I was out with some friends. We were eating oysters and drinking pitchers of beer (no Bud Light back then, I’m that old). I slurped down an oyster and my buddy’s girlfriend comes out with this beauty. Now you know what it is like to swallow.

Oysters were never the same for me again.

Lord Chesterfield On Things Social Media Has Robbed Us of

“Great talents, such as honor, virtue, and learning are above the generality of the world, who neither possess them themselves, nor judge of them rightly in others; but all people are judges of the lesser talents, such as civility, affability, and an obliging, agreeable address and manner, because they feel the good effects of them.”

I eliminated a lot of social media because it lost almost all of it’s civility, affability and agreeable address and manner.

I’d post something or read a statement that someone said and by the 4th comment, people (likely unqualified) on the subject would try to tear down your position, call bullshit or start their own thread of whatever social position they supported.

It was tiresome, usually wrong and generally vengeful.

My life is much better without that cesspool. I also have a lot of time back to do more enjoyable things in my life.

As an introvert, it was like being at a party I wanted to leave as soon as I got there. I just don’t go to that party anymore.

Why I Always Pick Carbonated Water – It Has C02 In it And Pisses Off The Greenies

I’ve known this for a long time. I actually like the taste of mineral water, but realized a while back that it has C02 in it when I bought a Soda Stream. It uses C02 tanks. It’s good for the plants so good for the environment.

Now it comes out that that the climatards just figured this out. Bear in mind that Perrier and San Pelagrino have been around well before these weenies were born and there wasn’t a climate problem.

It’s the little victories that count. I find it funny every time I can do something they get upset about, especially when they are wrong. They are in it to ruin our lives and pimp us for more money.

I’ll be toasting to Al Gore when I have a glass tonight.

From Vlad Tepes.

Now Mineral Water Has Also Become a “Climate Killer”

In the joint large-scale undertaking of an informal ideological Stasi made up of scientists, NGOs and state-related institutions to scour the entire everyday life of Germans for climate-damaging consumption habits and behavior in order to feed the results of the political decision-making process for the gradual implementation of a totalitarian climate dictatorship, no area of life and no detail is spared: The “non-profit” association “a tip:tap” recently commissioned a remarkable study on the climate damage caused by sparkling water. Somebody must have noticed that sparkling water equals carbon dioxide equals CO2 — which is essential for life (on Earth), but deemed a “climate killer” and thus as a trace gas, an alleged “environmental toxin”, for whose symbolic “reduction” Germany is wildly prepared to sacrifice its civilizational prosperity.

The result of the study followed as expected: it now also declares drinking mineral water to be a climate sin. Because: Its consumption in Germany consumes around 1.5 times as much CO2 as the entire domestic German air traffic, calculate the green flunky scientists. Even during its production, mineral water requires many more process steps than tap water because it has to be cleaned after treatment and bottled under higher standards. In addition, the production of the bottles, the transport to the supermarket and the way home from there drive emissions even further up. Overall, according to the study, mineral water produces 202.74 g of CO2 equivalents per liter — tap water, on the other hand, only 0.35 g. This means that still water performs around 586 times better than bottled mineral water.

Inquisition and abjuration mechanisms

Extrapolated to the annual consumption in Germany, which is currently 181.4 liters per capita, and a population of over 83 million, this would add up to three million tons of CO2. Of course: an intolerable situation! The green regulators and prohibition high priests are in demand! Therefore — and in order to promote a climate-friendly way of life — the association logically calls for a switch to consumption limited solely to tap water. Support for this next plan for paternalism and restricting freedom comes from the radical left-wing ZDF [public broadcaster] dirt-slinger Jan Böhmermann: He had already taken up the issue in a typical agitprop manner and also used the opportunity to launch one of his slanderous sweeping attacks — this time against the water provider and well builder “Viva con Agua”.

Among other things, Böhmermann complained that the company not only dared to produce mineral water, but also had no workers’ council and paid its employees too poorly. According to today’s inquisition and abjuration mechanisms, ”Viva con Agua” immediately rolled over and publicly announced that they would fully support drinking more tap water in Germany in the future. The company management also bowed and submissively justified itself that the employees in the filling plant had not previously asked for the formation of a workers’ council and were paid according to the applicable industry standards. This climate of high-handed public accusations and flaunted remorse, along with a bad conscience, does not bode well: It is not impossible that the Greens will start a campaign for a mineral water ban and order the future consumption of only tap water — or better yet, collected rainwater. [And I’m pretty sure that people will have to pay for that water according to the yearly rainfall, and I’m pretty sure that Coca-Cola will be exempt from this madness, too.]

There is more at the link above, but I think you get the drift

Advice From Lord Chesterfield

“Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in advanced age, and if we do not plant it while young, it will give us no shade when we grow old.”

And this

“Wear your learning, like your watch, in a private pocket. Do not pull it out merely to show that you have one. If asked what o’clock it is, tell it; but do not proclaim it hourly and unasked, like the watchman”

Yet Another New Vaccine I Won’t Be Taking

They are trying to get gene therapy into everything. I doesn’t take a genius (maybe it does) to see that mRNA isn’t advanced far enough along to function without doing harm. Of course, that could be the actual reason some are doing it.

Like AI, mRNA could be used for good, but it is a tool. People are good and evil. It is the evil that are winning on both topics so far. It’s being used for no good. Just look at the sudden deaths count, especially on young men who got the Covid jab.

Now, they want to continue the path of destruction with the flu shot.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced on Monday that enrollment for volunteers has begun for a Phase I clinical trial testing of universal flu vaccine based on mRNA technology.

Messenger RNA, or mRNA, is the same technology behind the widely used Covid shot from Moderna and Pfizer.

“A clinical trial of an experimental universal influenza vaccine developed by researchers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) Vaccine Research Center (VRC), part of the National Institutes of Health, has begun enrolling volunteers at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina,” according to the news release.

“This Phase 1 trial will test the experimental vaccine, known as H1ssF-3928 mRNA-LNP, for safety and its ability to induce an immune response.”

As Banks Fail and Americans Scramble to Protect Retirement Accounts With Physical Gold and Silver, A Faith-Based Company Shows Them How

Researchers are hoping that this vaccine would provide long-lasting protection against many flu strains, eliminating the need for annual vaccinations.

The clinical trial is open to 50 healthy participants ages 18 to 49.

“Three groups of study participants (10 participants each) will be vaccinated with 10, 25 and 50 micrograms of the experimental vaccine, respectively. After evaluation of the data to determine an optimum dosage, an additional 10 participants will be enrolled to receive the optimum dosage. The study also will include a group of participants who will receive a current quadrivalent seasonal influenza vaccine.”

According to CDC, a quadrivalent influenza (flu) vaccine is designed to protect against four different flu viruses, including two influenza A viruses and two influenza B viruses.

“A universal influenza vaccine would be a major public health achievement and could eliminate the need for both annual development of seasonal influenza vaccines, as well as the need for patients to get a flu shot each year,” said Acting NIAID Director Hugh Auchincloss, M.D. “Moreover, some strains of influenza virus have significant pandemic potential. A universal flu vaccine could serve as an important line of defense against the spread of a future flu pandemic.”

There is more at the link above, but they said the Covid-19 jab was safe and effective, while hiding the test results and getting legal immunity from the murder of more people than Covid itself.

So unless I can’t help it, no mRNA anything for me. Decide for yourself if you want to have something changing your DNA (what messenger RNA can do) and wondering if it is going to kill you.

No one regrets not taking the Covid jab

More Reason’s And Facts Why You Shouldn’t Trust Social Media, The Chinese Are Using It Against The West

It’s a time suck for some, it causes mental illness in teenage girls and is a propaganda tool now.

It’s being weaponized against the users and they don’t know it.

While I think that it has crossed the Maginot line of some not being able to shut it off, it is being used as a weapon against us now. It probably has for a long time. It was a political football that was kicked around when they started banning people for not thinking the same way the Silicon Valley tech moguls think.

Before the meat of this story, let’s not forget that Tik Tok is also a Chinese spy tool.

Now, Chinese Companies Help CCP Manipulate Global Opinion on Social Media.

The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) cyber-influence campaigns against Western democracies on social media have become more frequent, sophisticated, and effective in recent years, with more Chinese government agencies, such as Qi An Xin, becoming involved.

Named “Gaming Public Opinion,” the report by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) included data collection spanning Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Sina Weibo, and ByteDance products.

It reveals previously unreported CCP cyber-influence operations, such as one called the “Spamouflage network,” in which inauthentic accounts are used to spread claims that the United States is irresponsibly conducting cyber-espionage operations against China and other countries.

“The CCP has used these cyber-enabled influence operations to seek to interfere in U.S. politics, Australian politics, and national security decisions, undermine the Quad and Japanese defence policies, and impose costs on Australian and North American rare-earth mining companies,”  the report said.

A Spamouflage account called Erin Chew claimed to live in Sydney. (screenshot/ASPI report)

The most notable Chinese party-state agencies involved include the People’s Liberation Army’s Strategic Support Force, which conducts cyber operations as part of the army’s political warfare; the Ministry of State Security, which conducts covert operations for state security; the Central Propaganda Department, which oversees China’s domestic and foreign propaganda efforts; the Ministry of Public Security (MPS), which enforces China’s internet laws; and the Cyberspace Administration of China, which regulates China’s internet ecosystem.

Chinese state media outlets and Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials are also running clandestine operations that seek to amplify their own overt propaganda and influence activities.

The account of user 7763546981 has a headshot of a public security bureau. (screenshot/ASPI report)

Private Chinese Companies Assisting Government Agencies

In addition, the authors found that private Chinese companies collaborate with CCP agencies in their operations.

In a recent coordinated CCP propaganda campaign named “Operation Honey Badger” (蜜獾行动) by Chinese government-linked entities, for instance, Chinese cybersecurity company Qi An Xin (奇安信) supporting the influence operation.

“We uncover new evidence to suggest that the MPS, with the support of cybersecurity company Qi An Xin, may be involved in this campaign,” they wrote.

“The company has the capacity to seed disinformation about advanced persistent threats to its clients in Southeast Asia and other countries… It’s deeply connected with Chinese intelligence, military, and security services and plays an important role in China’s cybersecurity and state security strategies.”

As of April 2023, the “Operation Honey Badger” campaign continues to attribute cyber-espionage operations to the U.S. government.

Evidence that Chinese officials and state media retweeted tweets from Spamouflage accounts. (screenshot/ASPI report)

Clive Hamilton, the Australian academic who authored “Silent Invasion,” said he agrees with the arguments made in the ASPI report.

Hamilton said he believes the CCP’s goal of manipulating public opinion remains the same, but the way it actually does it is changing.

As countries such as Australia have strengthened legislation and law enforcement to counter foreign interference, it has become more difficult for Beijing to carry out on-the-ground missions in those countries. That’s why underground work through networks is all the more important, he told Radio Free Asia.

Clive Hamilton, author of “Silent Invasion,” speaks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in “A Conversation on Chinese Influence in Australia and Beyond” in Washington on Oct. 18, 2018. (Wu Wei/Epoch Times)

Solution: Strengthen legislation, intelligence sharing, and cooperate with social media

The authors suggest governments review foreign interference legislation and consider mandating that social media platforms disclose state-backed influence operations and other transparency reporting to increase the public’s threat awareness.

In addition, they appeal to partners and allies to share more intelligence with one another on such influence operations.

“Strong open-source intelligence skills and collection capabilities are a crucial part of investigating and attributing these operations, the low classification of which should making intelligence sharing easier,” they argued.

Whole Cows No Bugs

On the other hand, social media platforms are urged to remove access to those analytics for suspicious accounts breaching platform policies, making it difficult for identified malicious actors to measure the effectiveness of influence operations.

High IQ Humor – Chess Style

It’s like the movie War Games. The media is the enemy this time. The emerging pattern is that they’ve started (and lost) almost all of the wars recently. This war is against the middle class, the everyday Joe six-pack and flyover country.

The high IQ part of this is to ignore them and pay attention to the facts.

Lord Chesterfield On Genius

“The power of applying attention, steady and undissipated, to a single object, is the sure mark of a superior genius.”

Hey, I don’t know if it’s true because I’m not a superior genius, but I can concentrate on one thing because I am introverted. I can avoid caring what others think while I concentrate on the task at hand. I thought it might be an OCD trait. Maybe Chesterfield is proving me wrong.

The Real Difference Between Men And Women

My friend Joel Hagberg told me about this. With all the crap news going on, here’s a little (a lot of) humor.

In the current day when we have a Supreme Court Justice who can’t define what a woman is until there is a man involved, I have an easy test.

Here is the answer. Men think the 3 Stooges are funny. Yes, we can watch it and die laughing. Girls don’t get why we think it’s so funny.

Here’s a clip to make it easy. Separate 2 eggs is completely different for males and females, click to find out.

I for one find it hilarious.

Life As A Conspiracy Theorist In 2023

Gettin’ kind of tough for others when stuff starts coming true and the facts come out proving what you knew was right all along. Who’s going to call them out for lying to us, or is it going to be swept under the rug by Google, Facebook, the media and the deep state?

I could have always taken off my tin foil hat, but you can never get un-jabbed.

Now published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature: “The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous”

Here are some other direct quotes from the paper, there are 21 total so I spared the reader:

  1. COVID-19 vaccines cause more side effects than any other vaccine
  2. Not only does spike protein produce unwanted side effects, but mRNA and nanoparticles do as well.
  3. Never in vaccine history have we seen 1011 case studies showing side effects of a vaccine (https://www.saveusnow.org.uk/covid-vaccine-scientific-proof-lethal).

Remember it’s safe and effective (just like if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor)

Here’s the two sentences from the paper that everyone should read: 

1) A worldwide Bayesian causal Impact analysis suggests that COVID-19 gene therapy (mRNA vaccine) causes more COVID-19 cases per million and more non-Covid deaths per million than are associated with COVID-19 [43]. 

2) An abundance of studies has shown that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous.

COVID-19 Vaccines Remain Pregnancy Category X: Products Should Never Have Been Administered in Pregnant Women and Those of Childbearing Age

Not Covid, but related and I don’t have to take off my conspiracy hat for this one either. The government is our enemy right now.

Here is one of the liars.

Matt Hancock’s plan to ‘frighten the pants off everyone’ about Covid

Leaked WhatsApp messages reveal how health secretary hoped to shock public into complying with ever-changing lockdown rule

The U.S. Government Created the Vaccine, Did It Also Create the Virus?

Another FBI Whistleblower Says He Was Forced To Inflate Domestic Terrorism Numbers

Post Covid Jab Recovery Protocol If You Are Vax Damaged

It’s interesting to know that those who got jabbed can get relief. I’m not sure if I should be surprised or not that Ivermectin is in the protocol. It’s an anti-parasite drug and the spike protein that you get in the jab is also a parasite.

Here goes:

Post-vaccine syndrome is a complex disease. Treatment must be individualized according to each patient’s presenting symptoms and disease syndromes. Not all patients respond equally to the same intervention. Early treatment is essential; the response to treatment will likely be weaker when treatment is delayed.

This document is designed for healthcare providers caring for patients with symptoms following a COVID injection. While a handful of the therapies can be self-administered, we strongly recommend that patients consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any new treatment. (To find a provider, consult FLCCC’s provider directory.)

There are also some important cautions and contraindications that should be carefully reviewed within the more comprehensive and detailed document called “An Approach to Managing Post-Vaccine Syndrome” and which should be discussed with a qualified provider as well.

This information is not intended to serve as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or advice from a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information — not medical advice. Any treatment protocol should be discussed with a trusted, licensed medical professional. Never stop or change medications without consulting your healthcare provider.

Treatment approach

It is important to emphasize that, since there are no published reports detailing how to treat vaccine-injured patients, our treatment approach is based on the postulated pathogenetic mechanisms, principles of pharmacology, clinical observations, and feedback from vaccine-injured patients themselves. We are constantly updating the approach as new data emerges and based on consultation with trusted healthcare providers.

Patients with post-vaccine syndrome must not receive further COVID-19 vaccines of any type. Likewise, patients with long COVID should avoid all COVID vaccinations.

Patients with post-vaccine syndrome should do whatever they can to prevent themselves from getting COVID-19. This may include a preventative protocol (see I-PREVENT) or early treatment in the event you do contract the virus or suspect infection (see I-CARE). COVID-19 will likely exacerbate the symptoms of vaccine injury.

Once a patient has shown improvement, the various interventions should be reduced or stopped one at a time. A less intensive maintenance approach is then suggested.

The core problem in post-vaccine syndrome is long-lasting “immune dysregulation.” The most important treatment goal is to help the body restore a healthy immune system — in other words, to let the body heal itself. Our recommended treatment strategy involves two major approaches:

  • Promote autophagy to help rid the cells of the spike protein
  • Use interventions that limit the toxicity/pathogenicity of the spike protein

We recommend the use of immune-modulating agents and interventions to dampen and normalize the immune system rather than the use of immunosuppressant drugs, which may make the condition worse.

Although we have listed suggested therapies below, we strongly suggest that, before initiating any of the below therapeutics, all patients and providers closely review the more detailed and comprehensive document — “An Approach to Managing Post-Vaccine Syndrome” — for information regarding dosing, cautions, contraindications, and other important details.

First Line Therapies

(Not symptom specific; listed in order of importance)

  • Intermittent daily fasting or periodic daily fasts
  • Ivermectin
  • Moderating physical activity
  • Low-dose naltrexone
  • Nattokinase
  • Aspirin
  • Melatonin
  • Magnesium
  • Methylene blue
  • Sunlight and Photobiomodulation
  • Resveratrol
Probiotics/Prebiotics/Adjunctive/Second-Line Therapies

(Listed in order of importance)

  • Vitamin D (with Vitamin K2)
  • N-acetyl cysteine
  • Cardio Miracle™ and L-arginine/L-citrulline supplements
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Sildenafil (with or without L-arginine- L-citrulline)
  • Nigella sativa
  • Vitamin C
  • Spermidine
  • Non-invasive brain stimulation
  • Intravenous Vitamin C
  • Behavioral modification, relaxation therapy, mindfulness therapy, and psychological support
Third Line Therapies
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Low Magnitude Mechanical Stimulation 
  • “Mitochondrial energy optimizer” 
  • Hydroxychloroquine 
  • Low-dose corticosteroid 

A note about anesthesia and surgery:

Patients should notify their anesthesia team if using the following medications and/or nutraceuticals, as they can increase the risk of Serotonin syndrome (SS) with opioid administration: Methylene blue Curcumin Nigella Sativa Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

About Ivermectin

Ivermectin is a well-known, FDA-approved drug that has been used successfully around the world for more than four decades. One of the safest drugs known, it is on the WHO’s list of essential medicines, has been given over 3.7 billion times, and won the Nobel Prize for its global and historic impacts in eradicating endemic parasitic infections in many parts of the world.

Review the totality of supporting evidence for ivermectin in COVID-19.

It is likely that ivermectin and intermittent fasting act synergistically to rid the body of the spike protein.

It appears that vaccine-injured patients can be grouped into two categories: i) ivermectin responders and ii) ivermectin non-responders. This distinction is important, as the latter are more difficult to treat and require more aggressive therapy.

For ivermectin responders, prolonged and chronic daily treatment is often necessary to support their recovery. In many, if the daily ivermectin is discontinued worsening symptoms often recur within days.

Ivermectin is best taken with or just following a meal, for greater absorption.


This protocol is solely for educational purposes regarding potentially beneficial therapies for COVID-19. Never disregard professional medical advice because of something you have read on our website and releases. This protocol is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment with regard to any patient. Treatment for an individual patient should rely on the judgement of a physician or other qualified health provider. Always seek their advice with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition. Please note our full disclaimer at: www.flccc.net/disclaimer

Source and click on protocols, click through to I-Recover

Covid Timeline, Government Abuse, The Narrative Is Unraveling (And More Subjects I Know Will Get Me Censored)

The truth is filtering out now, not because of the media. They were in bed with the liars in Government, who got their paychecks from Big Pharma. Facts are tough things to overcome when they point into the same direction.

This one is not over by a long shot. It’s just running out of steam. A lot of it will be exposed, but many won’t bother. I’ve tried to put information here, meaning there will be a lot of clicks.

What I fear the most is that a lot of this was just setting the rules for the next crisis. Politics (not necessarily government although they are intertwined) need such events to spend our money the way they want. Scare the people, then they will obey. Worse, bore them with repetition and they won’t pay attention.

GAME OVER: Medicare data shows the COVID vaccines increase your chance of dying

Nota Bene

Excerpt, but read the whole thing at the link above.

This may well be the most important article I’ll write in 2023.

In this article, I publicly reveal record-level vax-death data from the “gold standard” Medicare database that proves that:

  1. The vaccines are making it more likely that the elderly will die prematurely, not less likely
  2. The risk of death remains elevated for an unknown period of time after you get the shot (we didn’t see it return to normal)
  3. The CDC lied to the American people about the safety of these vaccines. They had access to this data the entire time and kept it hidden and said nothing.

If there is one article for you to share with your social network, this is the one.

Executive summary

Isn’t it a shame that none of the world’s governments make the vaccination-death records publicly available? My claim is that if they did that, it would end the debate instantly and prove to the world that the vaccines are unsafe. So that’s why they keep it locked up.

But apparently there is one whistleblower who is interested in data transparency.

Last night, I got a USB drive in my mailbox with the Medicare data that links deaths and vaccination dates. Finally! This is the data that nobody wants to talk or even ask about.

Autopsies confirm that the Covid Vaccine is killing children

The truth was always there and was documented as to the farce, the money, the politics, Control, lying, fake science, poisoned jab…

Stuff we know now (that some of us knew then) that the vaccine didn’t have to happen and the cure was always there:

It did come from the Wuhan labs, was man made and had gain of function:

Part of that history was the Chinese government’s attempt to stifle discussion about the origin of the virus, declaring through its proxy the WHO, that even to mention “Wuhan” in connection with “virus” was racist. The term Wuhan Coronavirus, commonly used in the mainstream media, disappeared almost overnight in the media and elsewhere, including campuses. So thorough was the linguistic manipulation, even Grammerly got into the act.

Those in the media have been the ones calling it “the Wuhan virus/coronavirus” for weeks, so I guess they were being racist/bigoted this whole time. pic.twitter.com/ibogMw3rK0

— Julio Rosas (@Julio_Rosas11) March 9, 2020

Legal Insurrection

So if you claim that calling it Wuhan coronavirus is racist, you are part of the cover-up. Speaking the truth is not the problem, covering up the truth is the problem.

THE REAL COVID TIMELINE, STARTING IN 2004, Vaccines were kill shots, they never tried to cure Covid and other facts.


(Natural News) Dirty “vaccines” have never been dirtier than the ones created for Covid-19. SARS-CoV-2 was created in a laboratory and released to start a pandemic, and this is no conspiracy theory (anymore), and actually never was one. Take a look at the history of this plandemic, and you will see the forest for the trees. From lab to lungs, the scamdemic was planned so that big governments and big pharma could take control of the populace, kill off billions of them, control the rest, and convince everyone that the clot shot vaccines were the saving grace of it all, even though they are the weapons of mass destruction. Here’s where it all began, and how we got to where we are today. (see above link)

Bill Gates says the quiet part out loud about depopulating the planet by using abortions, pharmaceuticals and “new vaccines”

Google lied as did the MSM press.

So when a leading epidemiologist sums up a detailed review of a massive body of work and asserts mask mandates didn’t make a difference, the case is closed.

Not so fast. Not if you are Big Tech or Big Media, perhaps enjoying some connections to Big Pharma and/or Big Government.

Google was in bed with Governments

Government abuse:

“The Covid-19 vaccine mandates were a clear abuse of government authority, and we need to know who made the formal decision to implement these mandates. Additionally, I believe we need answers on the data from the Covid-19 clinical trials, given the significant disparity between the trials and real-world effects from these vaccines,” Lesko said. “I hope we can get to the bottom of these issues, and I am proud to work with my colleagues to get the long-overdue answers the American people deserve.”


They stopped testing because they knew it didn’t work. They knew it would affect pregnancies, fertility and kill children.

In fact, Pfizer covered up injuries and deaths of participants in their vaccine trials

(Natural News) During the rushed clinical trials for Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine, study participants were injured and killed. Instead of halting the experiment at once, Pfizer tried to cover up the adverse events by unblinding the study and removing the patients who were injured and killed. A German publication, Die Welt, has uncovered the stories of patients who were seriously injured and killed by Pfizer’s fraudulent clinical trials. Remember, Pfizer and the FDA wanted to cover up these stories for 75 years, but were forced to release clinical trial data via court order.

Pfizer forced study participants to sign liability waiver, pardoning Pfizer for fraud

Fauci should be shot for what he did to the dogs, bastard

The government used it for control of the people:

The CDC, Medicare, and Medicaid have introduced ICD (International Classification of Diseases) “diagnosis codes” for being unvaccinated or partially vaccinated for COVID-19, and also for “other under-immunization status.” These new codes, designated ICD-10, quietly went into effect on April 1, 2022, and were broadly adopted nationwide by January 2023, but we are just learning about them now.

“Diagnosis” is a word to designate disease. Is being unvaccinated now considered a disease?  

Will medical and health services provided by insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid be affected by the patient’s vaccination status? 

This new move cannot be entirely for health reasons. Recent science shows that natural immunity is more robust than that conferred by vaccines. The reality of “breakthrough infections” demonstrates that a person’s vaccination status is not predictive of whether they will contract or spread the disease. If the tracking were for health reasons alone, they would exclude those who are covid-recovered and have natural immunity. 

I could go on ad-infinitum.

Natural immunity was always better. Florida and Sweden proved it. Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine worked against Covid, and still does. They banned it because no money could be made.

As always, chose what you want to do, people do anyway. It’s as much documentation for me to make my future choices knowing who they are and what they did.


Winston Churchill On Free Speech And Social Media, Even He Saw It

I see it ruin people’s lives either through the waste of time that it is, or the poison that people are willing to put out online.

It reminds me of how much I loathe wokeness and the push to force people into sheep. Not me. It’s why my blog gets censored by TPTB.