Lord Chesterfield On Things Social Media Has Robbed Us of

“Great talents, such as honor, virtue, and learning are above the generality of the world, who neither possess them themselves, nor judge of them rightly in others; but all people are judges of the lesser talents, such as civility, affability, and an obliging, agreeable address and manner, because they feel the good effects of them.”

I eliminated a lot of social media because it lost almost all of it’s civility, affability and agreeable address and manner.

I’d post something or read a statement that someone said and by the 4th comment, people (likely unqualified) on the subject would try to tear down your position, call bullshit or start their own thread of whatever social position they supported.

It was tiresome, usually wrong and generally vengeful.

My life is much better without that cesspool. I also have a lot of time back to do more enjoyable things in my life.

As an introvert, it was like being at a party I wanted to leave as soon as I got there. I just don’t go to that party anymore.

Introverted Social Media

It doesn’t take many posts for you to see that I think Fake book and Twatter are the cesspools of the Internet. More hate is spilled there than Iran towards Israel and the USA.

I happily quit both. My life is better and while I didn’t waste a lot of time on them, it still was mostly useless.

I always hated those friend recommendations because I’m sure they were on the other side also. My rule was if you aren’t my friend then you aren’t worth being my fake book friend either. I happily forgot most of the people I grew up with and didn’t want to find them again, let alone reconnect.

It’s as bad as a phone call for an introvert without first warning that you are about to intrude on my life. There was an introvert on the team that invented texting to avoid that phone call.

When I saw this one, I realized that it was time to dump fake book. I also can’t stand that they are the arbiters of free speech and who is allowed on, so I made the decision for them. I don’t want to be in a place of hate or that has special rules for people who they don’t agree with personally, and went to other platforms that don’t suggest people I’d rather not see or hear from again in life.

Great Sayings – Judging a Person By Who They Are, Henry Ward Beecher

“A man’s ledger does not tell what he is, or what he is worth. Count what is in man, not what is on him, if you would know what he is worth — whether rich or poor.” –Henry Ward Beecher

Steve Jobs died with 9 billion dollars. It does him no good now.  He built a dynamic company that employees thousands and touches millions.  He also refused to acknowledge his daughter when she was growing up.  Which is more important?

Many of us want to show off what we have or what we look like on the outside.  Look no further than the cesspools that are Facebook and Instagram.  No matter how good the lives look there, what do they look like on the inside?  Actually, most people reveal how terrible they really are on Twitter, but that is not a dress up platform like the others.

What is in you?