How do I waste the most time every day?

How do you waste the most time every day?

While I get a lot of stuff done both physically and mentally, if there’s Formula One on TV, or Tour de France, or something interesting on the Internet it’s over for me.

It’s just how you define if it’s wasting time or something meaningful to you.

Click on this list to help you decide.

One thought on “How do I waste the most time every day?

  1. Two things:

    Writing essays, critiques, stories, poems, and blog comments that no one will ever read.

    Watching box sets of TV series, usually one or two episodes per day, of such things as BONES or DOWNTON ABBEY.

    Nice thing about octogenarianism is that a few years after having watched a movie or made-for-TV drama, I KNOW I’ve seen it . . . but — while watching it again I feel as if I’m seeing it for the first time ‘cuz the details, the intricacies, the clever dialogue, and all the reasons it’s entertaining have blown away in my fragile memory like mist over a midwestern pond in August as the sun gets up over the trees.


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