Homie Don’t Play Chips And Shit – DEI Ruins Construction Of EV Charging Stations

Liberals always eat their own.

What is the reason for the discrepancy between the ambitious goal and the disastrous reality? The Washington Free Beacon obtained internal memos from the Department of Transportation and interviewed those responsible for overseeing the project’s implementation to find out.

It turns out that the administration’s own “Diversity—Equity—Inclusion” initiatives are stalling EV Charging Station construction.

Shortly after taking office, the president signed an executive order mandating that the beneficiaries of 40 percent of all federal climate and environmental programs should come from “underserved communities.” The order also established the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council, which monitors agencies such as the Department of Transportation to ensure the “voices, perspectives, and lived realities of communities with environmental justice concerns are heard in the White House and reflected in federal policies, investments, and decisions.”

In order to qualify for a grant, applicants must “demonstrate how meaningful public involvement, inclusive of disadvantaged communities, will occur throughout a project’s life cycle.” What “public involvement” means is unclear. But the Department of Transportation notes it should involve “intentional outreach to underserved communities.”

That outreach, the Department of Transportation states, can take the form of “games and contests,” “visual preference surveys,” or “neighborhood block parties” so long as the grant recipient provides “multilingual staff or interpreters to interact with community members who use languages other than English.”

“This all just slows down construction,” says Jim Meigs, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute who focuses on federal regulation.

The DEI mandates are also hindering the implementation of the CHIPS and Science Act, a bipartisan measure designed to enhance U.S. semiconductor supply chains and support private-sector investment in domestic research and manufacturing.


“One Of The Most Disappointing ‘Star Wars’ Episodes Ever Made.” Or….. This Is Why You Fail: Makers of ‘The Acolyte’ Brag About Creating ‘The Gayest Star Wars Yet’

It’s overused, but so applicable that it matters. Here’s another get woke, go broke. Just look at who’s in charge below and you can see it isn’t the people who thought up A New Hope or The Empire Strikes Back.

Back when Star Wars was a franchise people cared about, one of the most beloved characters in the movies and shows was everyone’s favorite 900-year-old Jedi master, Yoda. That’s quite an accomplishment for a small green muppet, who somehow became an icon of the galaxy far, far away. 

Yoda is known for the nuggets of wisdom he would impart — in backward English — to his pupils. One of his most famous quotes is what he said to Luke Skywalker to warn him against the temptations of the dark side of the Force, of seeking quick power and strength, as opposed to learning the Jedi way of discipline, patience, and tradition: 

‘Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you, it will.’

After listening to the producer and one of the actors in Star Wars’ latest installment in a franchise that has turned itself into a joke and a dumpster fire, it’s clear that no one at Disney ever bothered to pay attention to Yoda. Watch:  

More here and here

We now know the exact ‘types’ who easily fall for ‘wokeism’…

Well, it looks like Jordan Peterson has finally cracked the code on “wokeness.” Based on his research, we now have insight into the type of person who easily succumbs to this twisted and warped way of thinking.

The truth is, leftist tactics are pretty slick—they love to play word games. They throw around phrases like “Across state lines,” “My Body, My Choice,” and “No Human is Illegal” that all sound really good but are just verbal tricks designed to pull the wool over your eyes. These clever catchphrases easily snag folks who don’t dig deeper into what they’re actually hearing. See, the richer and more vast your vocabulary, the better you can sort through smokescreens and propaganda and recognize when words are being twisted to fool you. For example, slogans like “silence is violence” and “words are violence” try to stretch the meaning of actual “violence” to include just about anything, including what you say or don’t say. But here’s the thing: folks who really get the true meaning of words won’t fall for this trick. They know violence involves physical force, not just speaking up or keeping quiet. So, these catchphrases, which try to make everyday actions seem dangerous, just don’t stick with people who understand how language is being manipulated. But many do fall for it, and that’s why this obsession with reshaping language to suit their agenda is a common strategy on the left.

Wokeness breaks everything down into simple terms of good or bad—blacks = good, whites = bad; men = bad, women = good; and anything like patriarchy or racism = super duper bad. This simplicity only works for people who lack verbal smarts. These low-IQ, often criminal-minded people can only understand simple slogans and mental models, and the communist left is all too happy to supply them.

This leads to two additional problems. First, there’s confirmation bias, which is living in your own personal echo chamber. It means you ignore any facts or opinions that challenge your beliefs and only pay attention to those that support what you already think. Second, there’s a kind of fear, or cowardice, involved. It’s the fear of facing anything that might truly challenge or threaten your views. So, instead of confronting or considering different perspectives, people shut down and stick to their comfort zones.

Another trick the left uses to control the story is by throwing together confusing word salads. Take the gender confusion debate—it’s just a tangled mess of words that skirts around actual science and refuses to take any real responsibility. A person of modest intelligence simply doesn’t have the brainpower to discern that these word salads have no real meaning; they are easily bamboozled. The left-wing thought leaders are word artists who spin their words in the worst possible way, which ultimately hampers the ability of many of the simpler leftists to think clearly and critically.


America’s Dirtiest Beach Revealed – It’s A Shit Hole

America’s dirtiest beach revealed: Beautiful coast is making dozens sick due to river pumping in raw sewage in what’s been branded a ‘portable toilet’

California is home to three of the most polluted beaches in the country, according to a new report. 

The Surfrider Foundation tested thousands of water samples across the nation, with Imperial Beach in San Diego coming out as the worst. 

As part of the group’s survey, they also found that 64 percent of the 567 sites tested had at least one sample with unsafe bacteria levels. 

A quarter of the samples came from sites in California, with three beaches in The Golden State among the ten most polluted. 

Every sample recovered from Imperial Beach turned up bacteria counts that exceeded the state’s health standard for recreational waters. 

More than 100 billion gallons of untreated wastewater have flowed through Mexico ‘s Tijuana River and into the Pacific Ocean, eventually reaching the coastal town

The rest of the story is here if you want to read it

I’m not surprised the liberal hotbed of climate liberal everything has turned the stated into a dump.