Japan accepted a record high of 303 asylum seekers in 2023 but REJECTED 98% of applicants

303? That’s next to nobody. That is how you protect you borders.

Japan granted asylum to 303 individuals in 2023 – a record high – but still small compared to the 98 percent whose applications were rejected.

The Japanese Ministry of Justice (MoJ) revealed this number in March, surpassing the 202 individuals granted asylum in 2022. Despite this increase, the approval rate for asylum seekers remained low at just 2.2 percent.

All in all, the total number of asylum seekers who lodged their applications in the Land of the Rising Sun reached 13,823 in 2023. According to Kyodo News, this is the second-highest number after the 19,629 people who sought asylum in 2017.

The increase comes amid changes to the stringent Japanese immigration laws, which created a quasi-refugee status for foreign nationals fleeing active conflict zones. Kyodo News also provided a breakdown of the 303 refugees whose asylum applications were approved.

Japan has seen a significant increase in refugee applications from countries such as Afghanistan, Myanmar and Ethiopia – representing more than a threefold increase from 2022 figures. A majority of the accepted refugees, 237 individuals, hailed from Afghanistan. Many of the refugees from Afghanistan were employees of the Japan International Cooperation Agency who fled the country after the fall of Kabul, officials said.

The Japanese Immigration Services Agency (ISA) meanwhile said 27 refugees from Myanmar were granted asylum. There were also six nationals from Ethiopia whose applications for asylum were accepted, the agency added.

Of the 13,823 applications for refugee status recorded by Japanese authorities, the highest number of applicants came from Sri Lanka at 3,778. Applications from Turkey and Pakistan ranked second and third highest.


No one gives Japan any shit about discrimination, racism or any of that other BS. That’s only reserved to hate America. No one is flying planes into buildings in Japan either. They don’t have Fentanyl problem coming from China through Mexico

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