How Did I Want To Retire? Early

How do you want to retire?

I knew in my 30s that I wanted to retire early. I enjoyed my work, but it was getting in the way of my life. I had stuff to do I still do.

So I had to prepare and live my life accordingly by these principles. Now I’m the king of retirement. I love waking up, knowing I don’t have meetings, email, texts, presentations or travel for business. Everything is paid off, and I can enjoy life more.

My mom told me she taught each of her kids financial independence, saving and spending. The rest of them are broke or died broke.

I respect people who love to work. I had a lot of other things to do in life also. I’m taking care of that now.

One thought on “How Did I Want To Retire? Early

  1. Did 24 in the USN, retired from that, then taught at the university for 16 years and retired from that when I was vested at 65.

    Nice to have 2 retirements plus Social Security, MediCare, & TriCare.

    Biggest decision of the day now is what I’m gonna eat and what to wear.


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