We now know the exact ‘types’ who easily fall for ‘wokeism’…

Well, it looks like Jordan Peterson has finally cracked the code on “wokeness.” Based on his research, we now have insight into the type of person who easily succumbs to this twisted and warped way of thinking.

The truth is, leftist tactics are pretty slick—they love to play word games. They throw around phrases like “Across state lines,” “My Body, My Choice,” and “No Human is Illegal” that all sound really good but are just verbal tricks designed to pull the wool over your eyes. These clever catchphrases easily snag folks who don’t dig deeper into what they’re actually hearing. See, the richer and more vast your vocabulary, the better you can sort through smokescreens and propaganda and recognize when words are being twisted to fool you. For example, slogans like “silence is violence” and “words are violence” try to stretch the meaning of actual “violence” to include just about anything, including what you say or don’t say. But here’s the thing: folks who really get the true meaning of words won’t fall for this trick. They know violence involves physical force, not just speaking up or keeping quiet. So, these catchphrases, which try to make everyday actions seem dangerous, just don’t stick with people who understand how language is being manipulated. But many do fall for it, and that’s why this obsession with reshaping language to suit their agenda is a common strategy on the left.

Wokeness breaks everything down into simple terms of good or bad—blacks = good, whites = bad; men = bad, women = good; and anything like patriarchy or racism = super duper bad. This simplicity only works for people who lack verbal smarts. These low-IQ, often criminal-minded people can only understand simple slogans and mental models, and the communist left is all too happy to supply them.

This leads to two additional problems. First, there’s confirmation bias, which is living in your own personal echo chamber. It means you ignore any facts or opinions that challenge your beliefs and only pay attention to those that support what you already think. Second, there’s a kind of fear, or cowardice, involved. It’s the fear of facing anything that might truly challenge or threaten your views. So, instead of confronting or considering different perspectives, people shut down and stick to their comfort zones.

Another trick the left uses to control the story is by throwing together confusing word salads. Take the gender confusion debate—it’s just a tangled mess of words that skirts around actual science and refuses to take any real responsibility. A person of modest intelligence simply doesn’t have the brainpower to discern that these word salads have no real meaning; they are easily bamboozled. The left-wing thought leaders are word artists who spin their words in the worst possible way, which ultimately hampers the ability of many of the simpler leftists to think clearly and critically.


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