America’s Dirtiest Beach Revealed – It’s A Shit Hole

America’s dirtiest beach revealed: Beautiful coast is making dozens sick due to river pumping in raw sewage in what’s been branded a ‘portable toilet’

California is home to three of the most polluted beaches in the country, according to a new report. 

The Surfrider Foundation tested thousands of water samples across the nation, with Imperial Beach in San Diego coming out as the worst. 

As part of the group’s survey, they also found that 64 percent of the 567 sites tested had at least one sample with unsafe bacteria levels. 

A quarter of the samples came from sites in California, with three beaches in The Golden State among the ten most polluted. 

Every sample recovered from Imperial Beach turned up bacteria counts that exceeded the state’s health standard for recreational waters. 

More than 100 billion gallons of untreated wastewater have flowed through Mexico ‘s Tijuana River and into the Pacific Ocean, eventually reaching the coastal town

The rest of the story is here if you want to read it

I’m not surprised the liberal hotbed of climate liberal everything has turned the stated into a dump.

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