Why It’s Safe To Travel Through Airports Again

CNN announced that after 30 years of boring us to tears is pulling out of it’s contract with Airports around the world and will stop broadcasting what they determine to be the news. I actively avoid the noise anyway so I haven’t looked at the screens now other than departing flights for any of those 30 years.

Jeff Zucker has notified CNN staff that “the CNN Airport Network will end operations as of March 31.”

“The steep decline in airport traffic because of COVID-19, coupled with all the new ways that people are consuming content on their personal devices, has lessened the need…” pic.twitter.com/9se3oCw1gr

— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) January 12, 2021

As Covid-19 protected us from the constant noise from CNN, we won’t have to listen to this anymore. Maybe they can play sports, local news or perhaps nothing. We have earbuds in anyway so no one is listening anymore anyway.

Most stopped believing CNN after a year of Malaysia flight 370 that went nowhere. The election cycle seems to have turned everyone away from any of the news anyway. Regardless of the channel, it’s hard to find the truth on TV.

My advice is just like social media. Stay away from it and your life will be better with a lot more free time.

Work Phrases Explained

To make carbons and add more names to the email.

Advanced Design:
Beyond the comprehension of the ad agency’s copywriters.

All New:
Parts not interchangeable with existing models.

Needs revising

That which you cannot repair yourself.

The trails left by interoffice emails.

To fill in the background with so many details that the foreground goes underground.

A place where conversation is substituted for the loneliness of thought and the dreariness of labor.

Someone who borrows your watch to tell you what time it is and then walks away with the watch.

Forwarded For Your Consideration:
You hold the bag for a while.

Found yesterday, interested?

In Conference:
Nobody can find him/her.

Let’s Get Together On This:
I’m assuming you’re as confused as I.

Note & Initial:
I’m not taking the fall for this myself.

We can hide behind this.

Please See Me:
Come down to my office. I’m lonely.

Top Priority:
It may be stupid but the boss wants it.

We Are Taking A Survey:
We need more time to think of an answer or we can’t find anyone willing to be responsible for this.

Will Advise In Due Course:
If we figure it out, we’ll let you know.